Monthly Archives: September 2012

”Camp against the cold” moves to north-west Amsterdam

Migrants from a number of countries have relocated the protest camp, “Camp against the cold”, from the centre of Amsterdam to a park in the north-west of the city.

According to today’s edtion of Het Parool (28/09/12) there are currently 20 migrants at the camp, including a woman who is 4 montbs pregnant. More people are expected tomorrow.

The camp is organised by “Refugees on the Street” (Vluchtelingen op Straat). You can see pictures of the camp, and read backround information, here (website in English and Dutch).

Migrant protest camp in The Hague, 19/09/12

Since 19/09/12 a group of migrants have been camping in the centre of The Hague, demanding that the government gives them the right to stay in the Netherlands. The camp has coincided with the opening of the parliament for 2012-13.

Tomorrow 22/09/12 there will be a march in the city under the slogan “Geen mens is illegaal” “(“No one is illegal”).

Fire at Canet CRA, Marsailles, 01/09/12

On 1st September there was a fire at Canet CRA (detention centre) in Marsailles.Tension had been high for a few days with detainees complaining about the food and several detainees resisting deportation. Around 9pm, mattresses were set on fire on the first floor and the CCTV cameras blew up. Detainees from other floors started to join in but the protest was quickly quashed by the police.

On 4th September. one of the detainees who was identified as being involved in the distrubance was sentenced to 8 months imprisonment and given a €1600 fine. Another detainee who was put in segregation after the fire and who has since been released has signs of being beaten on his body.

There will be a solidarity demonstration outside the CRA today (8th September) at 6pm.

‘Failed’ asylum seekers march to IND in Ter Apel, 06/09/12

Today Thursday 6th September about 40 ‘failed’ asylum seekers from Iraq and Iran marched from an authorised protest camp in Sellingen, in the east of the Netherlands, to the offices of the IND (Immigration and Nationality Directorate) in Ter Apel. The protesters say that they cannot be returned to their countries of origin and they are demanding that the government help them.

Meanwhile another protest camp of ‘failed’ asylum seekers has been set up in the grounds of a church in central Amsterdam.