Category Archives: Belgium

05-12: Resistance aboard Air Algérie plane prevents deportation from Brussels

Yesterday, Friday 5th December, Belgian police removed an Algerian man from an Air Algérie flight after he protested and other passengers protested in solidarity, reports TSA.

The man told fellow passengers that he was ill and did not want to return to Algeria. He added that he had been hit by the police. Some of the passengers shouted their support and demanded that he be taken off the flight. After some time the Belgian police decided to take the man off the plane.

Shortly afterwards the police returned to arrest a female passenger who they claimed was behind the protest.

The flight took off two hours later than scheduled.

Beninese man commits suicide after fearing deportation from Belgium, 17-06-13

Samiyou Djimadou, a 29 year old asylum seeker who arrived in Belgium in September 2012, committed suicide on Monday after fearing deportation to his country of origin, and possible torture and death, reports

Asyluim claims in Belgium are supposed to be looked at within 6 months but after 10 months Samiyou’s claim had still not been examined.

A friend of Samiyou’s  told that Samiyou had been suffering from insomnia though fear of being detained and deported.

On Monday afternoon in Nerder-over-Heembeek in the north of Brussels, Samiyou decided to end his life. He firstly tried to throw himself under a lorry but the driver managed to avoid him, so he jumped into a canal next to the road.

Court demo for two No Border activists, Brussels, 20/03/13

On Wednesday 20th March people will gather at in front of the Palais de Justice in Brussels in solidarity with two No Border activists who are appealing agaionst convictions given to them last April.

The activists were arrested during the Brussels No Border camp (September-October 2010) and were charged with rebellion. In April 2012, in what the activists say was a politically-motivated trial, they were convicted to a one year and a six month suspended sentence respectively. They have therefore decided to appeal the verdict. The solidarity demonstration begins at 8.30am in front of the Paleis de Justice on Place Poelaert.

Justice for Noureddin! Demo at French Embassy in Brussels, 01/08/12

Activists demanding that the French authorities open an enquiry into the suspicious death of a migrant in Calais occupied the scaffolding of the French Embassy in Brussels this morning (01/08/12). They held banners proclaiming ‘Justice for Noureddin’ and ‘Calais everywhere, justice nowhere’. There were 8 arrests but all were later released without charge. Watch a short video of the action here.

Flemish far-right party calls for people to report ‘illegal immigrants’

Le Monde reports that yesterday, 10th April 2012, the Flemish seperatist far-right party Vlaams Belang published a website calling on people to inform the authorities about the ‘tens of thousands’ of undocumented people who they say are working on the black market, are involved in criminality and who fradulently claim state benefits.

The Director of the Centre pour l’égalité des chances et de lutte contre le racisme, Jozef De Witte, reacted strongly to this move on Radio 1, saying that this campaign is similar to those led by the Nazis and the Stasi. The European Commission also condemned the website, saying that such initiatives do not correspond to the values which we defend.