Category Archives: Belgium

March in support of the VUB hunger strikers, Brussels, 11/04/12

On Wednesday 11th April at 4pm there will be a march to the office of Prime Minister Di Rupo’s Socialist Party in  Brussels  in solidarity with 23 sans-papiers from Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Burkina Faso and Côte-d’Ivoire who have been on hunger strike for 85 days. 

The hunger strikers, who are staying at VUB (Vrije Universiteit van Brussel), are in very poor health, very weak and unable to fight off infection, but they are determined to continue their action until they get papers to live and work in Belgium.

The demonstrators are calling on Di Rupo to discuss the situation urgently in government and give the hunger strikers at work and residence papers for a minimum 12 months. They are also calling for people to write and e-mail the Prime Minister and deputy ministers to demand that they take action.

Hunger strikes in Merkplas and Vottem migrant prisons

Getting the Voice Out reports that on 4th April a hunger strike begun in a wing of Merkplas migrant prison. Within hours the poiice had transferred the hunger strikers to other migrant prisons or had put them in segregation,

Meanwhile a Kurdish male had been on hunger strike for the past week in Vottem migrant prison. CRACPE (Collectif de Résistance Aux Centres Pour Etrangers) and a Kurdish community group have called for a demo outside the centre at 4pm tomorrow, 07/04/12, to show solidarity.

Demo against Vottem migrant prison, Liege, 18/03/12

Tomorrow, Sunday 18th March, there will be a march from the centre of Liege to the closed detention centre at Vottem to denounce closed centres and demand an asylum policy which truly respects human rights.  The march is taking place on the 13th anniversary of the opening of Vottem and has been organised by CRACPE, Collectif de Résistance Aux Centres Pour Etrangers. 

Office des Etrangers attacked in Brussels, 18/12/11

During  the afternoon of Sunday 18th December,  the Belgian government’s main immigration office, the “Office des Etrangers” near Brussels’ Gare du Nord station, was targeted by masked protestors. Some windows were smashed, walls were spraypainted, and fireworks and items of street furniture were thrown inside.

Earlier that day a massive police presence had stopped people from demonstating outside the the site of a new detention centre near Brussels airport.


Formation of Ostende No Border group

In the Belgian port town of Ostende, there is increasing repression against the scores of migrants (including minors) that stay in the nearby jungle. Up to 20 people per day are locked up for 12 hours for “disturbance of the public order” when walking around the harbour; sixty new cells are being built. IDs are being checked at food and clothing distribution centres; a homeless centre has been forced to close down.

In response to this repression, a group of individuals have come together to form Ostende No Border. They are asking for help and donations, please contact onbegrensdoostende[at]