Category Archives: France

Volunteer held in custody for 33 hours for “helping a person in danger”.

On Tuesday 22nd November, Annick, a volunteer with Fraternité  Migrants in the bassin mineur 62 in the north of France, was arrested at home at 6am in front of her two children. Her “crime” was to “help a person in danger”, and for this she was held in custody at the commissariat de Lille. Last week a support committee was established for her, backed by Amnesty International and the Ligue des droits des hommes.

Two Egyptians sans papiers killed in road accident, Dunkirk, 17/11/11

Two undocumented Egyptians were killed around 1am on Thursday 17th November on the A16 near Dunkerque when a Dutch HGV drove into the back of the car they were traveling in. The driver and the front seat passenger of the car, assumed to people traffickers, fled the scene, while the three other passengers, also undocumented Egyptians, were picked up on the roadside by the authorities. Breath tests on the HGV driver were negative.

Maison des roms in Paris firebombed, 24/10/11

Yesterday evening the Maison des Roms in the 20th arrondissement of Paris – a warehouse owned by the Mairie de Paris which has been squatted for almost a year by around 100 Roma including children and elderly people – was burned down after a firebomb attack. Fortunately there were no fatalities; one passer-by was taken to hospital.

The attack came two days after a demonstration in the neighbourhood where some demonstrators proclaimed “we are going to burn everything!”. Le Collectif contre la xénophobie has denounced the attack and demanded that the authorities make every effort to find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

Dozens of unaccompanied minors homeless in Seine-Saint-Denis

A month after the decision of the conseil general of Seine-Saint-Denis (north-east of Paris) to stop housing unaccompanied minors, citing lack of funds, dozens of teenagers are sleeping rough, reports The president of the tribunal pour enfants de Bobigny has made an appeal to the department’s residents to house the youngsters; meanwhile employers of the tribunal have been collecting funds to pay for breakfast for them.


Six North African migrants die after fire in Parisian squat, 28/09/11

This morning, Wednesday 28th September, six “Arab spring” migrants,four Tunisians and two Egyptians, died in a fire at the squat in the Parisian suburb of Pantin where they had lived for several months.
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant, who visited the scene of the fire, blamed the deaths on “networks of illegal immigration”. SOS SOUTIEN Ô SANS PAPIERS said that Gueant and Christian Lambeth, préfet of Seine-Saint-Denis, had “blood on their hands”.

Escapes and disorder at Vincennes CRAs

On Monday 19th September 8 detainees escaped from bâtiment 3 of Vincennes detention centre (CRA) near Paris. On Thursday 23rd September detainees from the adjacent detention centre, CRA 2, refused to return to their cells, moved their mattresses outside and begun a hunger strike. Several of the detainees had recently been transferred from Bobigny CRA  where disorder had taken place following several suicide attempts by fellow detainees.

“Tramway of shame” in Paris

France Info reports that on 31/08/11 police used a Parisien RATP tram in a special operation to  move around 100  Roma from a camp in Saint-Denis where they had just been evicted to the RER station Noisy-le-Sec. RATP first denied that this happened but later admitted it. According to Medicins du monde children and their parents were separated on the journey. A delegate from the SUD-RATP union denounced the operation and noted that la gare de Bobigny had been used for deportations during the Second World War.