“Tramway of shame” in Paris

France Info reports that on 31/08/11 police used a Parisien RATP tram in a special operation to  move around 100  Roma from a camp in Saint-Denis where they had just been evicted to the RER station Noisy-le-Sec. RATP first denied that this happened but later admitted it. According to Medicins du monde children and their parents were separated on the journey. A delegate from the SUD-RATP union denounced the operation and noted that la gare de Bobigny had been used for deportations during the Second World War.


15 years after Saint-Bernard – demo in Paris 27/08/11

In summer 1996, 300 sans-papiers occupied l’église Saint-Bernard, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, demanding regularisation. On 23rd August police battered down the door and evicted the occupants. This Saturday, people will march through Paris under the banner: ‘Only one solution: global regularisation of sans-papiers!”. The march starts at 1pm at the Metro Republique.

Immigration judge frees Roma family from detention, 21/08/11

A Roma family from Kosovo were freed from Lesquin detention centre in Lille on Sunday 21st August, reports Liberation, after a JLD (judge of liberty and detetion)  ruled that their treatment had been “inhumane and degrading”. The family –  mother, four-month pregnant mother, and three children aged 4, 7 and 10 – were arrested on 17th August in Clermont-Ferrand. The JLD underlined the risk of health to the mother and unborn child of detention and questioned why the family had been brought to detention in Lille, a 10 hour journey from Clemont-Ferrand, rather than to Lyon.

Fires in detention centre in Lyon, 28/07/11

On 28th July, there were several fires inside the detention centre of Lyon. The detainees have been transferred to other detention centres and the centre will be closed for several weeks whilst repairs are carried out. Eight detainees accused of arson have been put into custody, half of them in Lyon-Corbas prison.
The fires come 10 days after the maximum duration of detention was extended to 45 days.

400 march in Paris for regularisation

On Saturday 6th August, on the first anniversary of the eviction of an ex-Sécurité sociale office housing sans papiers, 400 people, including former residents of the squat, marched through Paris demanding regularisation. Maman Cissoko, one of the demonstrators who has worked in France for the last decade without papers, told Liberation: “The fight continues, we remain mobilised until all the sans-papiers are regularised”.

Opening of France’s largest detention centre, 01/08/11

On Monday 1st August France’s largest “administrative retention centre” (CRA) opened at Mesnil-Amelot near Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport in Paris. It can hold up to 240 detainees including children and has been build on a modern prison model, with buildings in a star facing towards the centre, surveillance cameras, movement detectors. There is a tribunal next to the CRA and the whole site is encirled with barbed wire. The centre’s opening has been denounced by many French associations including Cimade. (See their press release in French here).

Evicted Afghans demonstrate in Brussels

On 16th June, 85 Afghans who had been on hunger strike in an occupied building were evcited by police. (See video in French here). The following day the Afghans demonstrated outside the immigration minister’s office. He told them that they (under police escort) could go back to the squat to collect their belongings but then they must “disappear”. (see video in French here).