Sunday 27th February: solidarity with the migrants of Steenvoorde in the face of a new far-right offensive

In Steenvoorde (Nord Pas-de-Calais),  the association Terre d’Errance  runs a camp for 25 Eritreans, offering them material aid, food and healthcare.The Flemish far-right organisaton “Maison flamande” has called for a demo in Steenvoorde to demand the closure of the camp. In response, Turbulences Sociales have called for a demo tomorrow at 2pm in front of Steenvoorde town hall in support of the camp and to reject xenophobia and racism.

Stop repression of refugees! Demo in Brussels on Monday

CRER (Coordination contre les Rafles, les Expulsions et pour la Regularisation; Coordination against Raids and Deportations and Regularisation) is calling for a demo this Monday in protest at the violence at Steenokkerzeel 127bis detention centre, the arrest of 150 Pakistanis who were occuping a building near the Gare du Midi and police raid on a house occupied by families at Place Lietz. Meet 10am, 28/02/11, at the Porte de Namur Metro Station, Brussels.