Peckham bustcard distribution – a report

raidThis morning  six supporters of the Anti Raids Network met at Peckham Rye train station to distribute ‘know your rights’ bust cards in the local shops and markets.

Talking to shop keepers and market stall holders we were horrified but not surprised to hear how often they get harassed by immigration enforcement officers. Many people said that about a year ago it was so bad that they were coming to Peckham Rye up to three times a week. Almost every person we spoke to had experienced or witnessed a raid.

People told us how officers regularly come to the shops, refused to let anyone leave, force the owner to close the shutters (trapping people inside), and question everyone in the shop. Often they do not show any paperwork and they intimidate the owners into letting them in.

Our aim is to give people the information needed to avoid and resist immigration controls. Come and join us for our next distribution 29th May Green Street Market, meet at Upton Park Station 11am.

Resist the racist system!