Critical Mass London March 2017

23rd anniversary

A sunny day brought out a large crowd, 500 or more. We started by keeping south of the river along York Road westbound to Westminster Bridge. There were lots of police around dealing with their own nonsense. We didn’t stop in Westminster square, or circle it, but head straight up east along Whitehall. Two groups of protestors were drowned out by the sound system. The police seemed relieved. EDL offshoot against Antifa, kettled apart, shouting scum at each other in tired repetition. Continue reading

Action this coming Saturday 1st October

Inviting all of the Critical Massive to the airport critical mass on Saturday October 1st! Yes that’s right, the day after critical mass London around lunchtime, 470 people have already signed up to cause a spot of trouble to the environmental menace that is the aviation industry! Sign up at for updates of precise time and location to meet.

We will protest the governments plans for major airport expansion at City and Heathrow, demanding that frequent flyers be taxed instead of rewarded, to radically reduce the aviation industry’s emissions to levels compatible with a sustainable future.
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Critical Mass London 27 August 2016

Sunny and dry, a 1000 or more attended.

Started on schedule. A conventional loop around the roundabout. North, through the tunnel, up kingsway. Keeping together, outraging the walkers wishing to cross on green, heading north, Russell Square, etc, turning left onto Euston road. Proceeding to Marylebone Road, second tunnel – keeping on Marylebone to turn off towards Edgware Road, but cutting over to Sussex Gardens, then pissing through the back streets to emerge on Bayswater Road to proceed to Kensington Palace Gardens.
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