Demotion looms large

Demotion is looming once more for grade 10 staff who submitted themselves to the latest round of humiliation called the AP transition process. This blog understands that 18 poor souls put themselves through this wretched exercise, from which 3 were “approved”, the rest left to face demotion and a grave injury to their livelihoods when their pay is cut substantially.

Reports suggest that the iniquity of the last round has not gone away. On the contrary, applicants were judged far more harshly and once again the list of waffle referred to as “the criteria” was pretty much ignored in what is absurdly called feedback; it also seems that spurious issues like NSS feedback were cited as reasons to fail applicants. The only thing fed back was the inherent prejudice of the panel, which is perhaps no surprise when DadooRon Tuninga, Dean of B&L Nuthouse, and Lesley-Jane-Hyphen-Hyphen-Eales-Reynold, failed research academic and Lesley-come-lately educationalist, were the main decision makers on the panel. Hence if applicants did not have 30 points and were not a T&L mate of L-J’s, they were unlikely to make the grade — their own grade that is.

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