Remember remember

Remember remember the 5th of November
Incompetent management-think
Plan2020 is running on empty
KU has started to sink

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3 Responses to Remember remember

  1. Stop Rhodes joining Spier's gang says:

    Please raise this to an article if you can. It’s about new dean for Knights Park, as corrupt as most characters featured here, but dealt with more effectively. Now we’ve got him, hired under considerable secrecy:
    ‘Three weeks after students locked the dean of the Sydney College of the Arts, Colin Rhodes, out of his office and made it impossible for him and other staff to return, he has un­expectedly stepped down after a decade heading the school.’

    • Dissenter says:

      Unfortunately the link appears to be for subscribers only.
      This works.

    • Muck Raker says:

      Canteen gossip at Knight’s Park is that, when he was was Dean of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Spier told some staff he admired ‘new art’ and innovative thinking in other countries. When Rhodes became inaugural chair of the Division of Architecture and Creative Arts at Sydney College of the Arts, he proclaimed to everyone that he wanted new art to ‘shake up’ painting and architecture. Ten years on, when Dean, Rhodes was forced out by the Sydney art students after he proposed huge cuts. There was wide coverage of this in Australia and also in arts magazines. He was just 4 months away from retirement. Spiers has obviously decided to scoop him up and give him a career reprieve. And what’s the betting he’ll soon start slimming down the rebranded School of Art?

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