Author Archives: kuscandal

An Easter Message from your favourite VC

Dear peasants staff types, As I once again take a well-earned break at this very special time of the year I thought I would write to you all personally in the knowledge that you would all appreciate an update from … Continue reading

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Your Pay vs Their Pay: the reality

This image has been a big hit on social media, so Dissenter felt duty-bound to share it. While KU staff made huge sacrifices during the pandemic and kept the place going, the Silver failures on the SLT (Senile Leadership Team) … Continue reading

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Why the long face? KU’s VC is not happy

Vice-Admiral Steven ‘Two Jobs’ Spier is not a happy man. But then, was he ever a happy man? According to reliable sources, Spiersy has been getting the hump over the actions of the local UCU branch at Kingston, and regards … Continue reading

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Floody Hell: KU has that sinking feeling again

What is cold, wet and very unwelcome? Your first answer will no doubt be the VC and self-annointed Gold Commander Steven ‘two jobs’ Spier. But it might also be the news that there has been another flood in the EM … Continue reading

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Reflecting on 2021: A message from your Gold Commander

Dear Peasants Colleagues, As we come to the end of the year I wanted to write directly to you and note your hard work and determination throughout 2021, despite all the terrible doubts you have had about my leadership and … Continue reading

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More Spin from Spier

How did KU’s so-called Gold Commander Steven ‘Two Jobs’ Spier view the recent strike action by UCU members? With contempt, of course. On the very first day of UCU’s action, Spier gloated to a local Kingston Councillor that Kingston University … Continue reading

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