Author Archives: kuscandal

KU sends S.O.S. (Sad Old Spier) message

Diddums. We are reliably informed by sources close to the top that the Golden One is not happy. It was to be the highlight of the University’s academic year, and Kingston’s Vice-Commander and very part-time Admiral, Steven ‘Polyversity’ Spier, had … Continue reading

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A message from your Gold Commander

Subject: Open forum invitation, additional leave and meat-free weeks Sent to: All staff Dear peasants colleagues, As we approach the end of the academic year, it is timely to reflect and recognise all I have achieved for you during a … Continue reading

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The art of dumping on your staff

So now you know. On the morning of Thursday 1st July a special email was sent to all KU staff announcing more change and a major restructure of Faculties. Back in March, when Dissenter revealed that the FBSS and KSA … Continue reading

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More Consulmania

The KU consultation farce continues. Vice-Commander Steven ‘Polyversity’ Spier has become obsessed in recent times with forcing big changes on the University by using the ‘consultation’ as a tool of top-down management. As we have said before, the tin-plated Admiral … Continue reading

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Keeping the ‘Con’ in Consultation

Here we go again. Vice-Admiral Steven ‘Polyversity’ Spier’s bonfire of courses and services at Kingston University rolls on with yet more ‘consultations’, the latest one being an IT Service Delivery consultation. It is all part of what the VC has … Continue reading

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Kingston ‘leading the way’ in BS

Looking like he had just wandered in from a Bram Stoker novel, Kingston’s Vice-Admiral and self-proclaimed ‘Gold Commander’, Steven ‘Poly-Uni’ Spier – ever desperate to spin some good news – announced on 9 June that the University was spearheading what … Continue reading

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