Category Archives: General

A Lecturer’s Lament

              First the SLT came for the Political Scientists, and I did not speak out – Because I was not a Political Scientist. Then they came for International Relations, and I did not speak … Continue reading

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KU22 Plus gets a massive Minus

The University, fearful of bad publicity over its latest course cuts, is currently bombarding staff with updates and reassuring messages saying how nice KU really is towards its employees, and how fortunate you all are to be working for such … Continue reading

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The Axeman Cometh: KU staff outrage at yet more cuts

How does Kingston’s Gold Commander want to repay all the hard work, loyalty and professionalism shown by teaching staff across the University during a time of national emergency? The brutal answer is: through yet more cuts, closures and job losses. … Continue reading

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Thanks heavens for Private Eye, the magazine for the oppressed everywhere. This Ken Pyne cartoon in the current issue captures the age of bullshit in universities, of which the VC and cronies are keen followers. Though it’s questionable whether Spier … Continue reading

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KU22 Clerihew

KU22 Up yours staff. Fuck you. Commander Gold Bollocks stuffed you all with Plan2020 And like that plan you’ll be forever running on empty.

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New Year Message from Your Golden Commander

The Dissenter blog has been given a copy of the first draft of the VC’s New Year message. We thought you would like to see the original before it was edited and redrafted. Greetings My Workforce! If you don’t follow … Continue reading

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