ASU’s General Council botches FOIA request, releases social security numbers of several officers!

Earlier this year, we submitted a MASSIVE FOIA request to the Office of General Council for the FY13 budget documents, as well as departmental requisitions for training and equipment. We are acutely familiar with the way the State of Arizona’s FOIA laws work; under Arizona’s Public Records exemption, information which would be considered an invasion of personal privacy and would outweigh the public’s right to know and can be redacted. This can include addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, and social security numbers.

Therefore, after we received and preliminarily reviewed our FOIA request, we were acting upon the good faith that ASU’s General Council did their jobs and redacted the personal information contained in the files we requested (we looked at all 300+ pages of the file to the best of our ability). However, this morning we received several emails from concerned readers of The Integrity Report who let us know that several of the requisitions submitted for training between 2012-2013 contained FULL social security numbers that were NOT redacted! We have subsequently removed the entire FY 13 budget until we can redact the personal information of officers/police employees.

Coming from a university that claimed showing a picture of an officer’s vehicle was a security threat…releasing the social security numbers of police employees on public documents is a MUCH larger security threat!! With a SSN number, an officer’s identity, credit, and bank account could be completely compromised! This situation also begs the question: what other personal information has ASU released to the public via a FOIA request? The possibilities are endless.

We will be contacting all the officers personally whose information was released by ASU via a public records request, so they are aware of the situation.

Clearly, the safety and security of ASUPD’s employees isn’t too concerning to university administration. It’s not enough to allow staffing to reach alarming levels which can compromise the lives of sworn and civilian employees alike; ASU must ALSO compromise their employees financial livelihoods as well!

We’re expecting some sort of “damage control” email on behalf of ASU’s General Council shortly.



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26 thoughts on “ASU’s General Council botches FOIA request, releases social security numbers of several officers!

  1. Quick call Tempe! says:

    Well that’s just great. I’m waiting to get a call about a Nigerian Prince who overdrafted my bank account by 30,000 and has a 2nd loan on my house.

    • WheresMy907 says:

      That’s funny, but not funny. It’s no laughing matter when your credit gets damaged through no fault of your own.

  2. DL500unit says:

    Ok…The University representative Kevin Salcido, head of human resources for the Arizona State University, was calling for your heads because you released photos of Pam breaking the law.

    ASU Police command attempted to drag AZDPS into this and failed to do so. Now the university released our social security numbers to the public in one FOIA request we know of. How many others were there?!?

    Did they trust a student worker paid minimum wage to do this? This is probably the admin work they trusted Pam with. No wonder it has been done incorrectly and contrary to law. I’m sure Salcido is just fine with this omg super breach.

    • yolo says:

      I haven’t seen an email from dear Kevin about this egregious violation that compromised our safety and the safety of life on earth. Is he biting his nails at the danger? It must be overwhelming.

  3. WheresMy907 says:

    The odds of this getting into the hands of someone who would abuse it is most likely slim, but that’s not the point and I get that. How long will we have to wait for a reply from Chief Salcido via vise versa Pickens? I doubt we will see one because it doesn’t fit the program.

    So if any of us are victims of identity theft are we going to get covered? Maybe the university should pay for identity theft protection, Life Lock? It’s only fair.

    • Justanotherdispensible50 says:

      The best case scenario is that the information gets to a very few people. Until I see differently I’m going to hope that’s the case and nothing happens.

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      Think they would pay? I don’t think so. Command is first class for their picks, as you could see by the budget when it was up. They send their friends on expensive training junkets, while turning down everyone else for training they would use. Handouts are for them, not us.

    • DoneSon says:

      I’m sure they will jump on protecting employees right away. I doubt it. You have their voice box, good old Mr. Kevin Salcido comparing the 3/4 of disgruntled employees to Nazi loving psychopaths who went out killing cops in Vegas. Like everything else I would be surprised if they did anything even though they should.

  4. WheresMy907 says:

    If the error is on their end there’s no accountability. Everyone looks the other way.

    If the error is on your end there’s a big problem and they’re outraged. They start taking action, getting involved, sending emails, trying to file charges.

    If all that fails they start fucking with people they don’t like by doing internal affairs for nothing, telling your supervisor to lower your evaluation score, unethical games that define their careers here.

  5. RUkiddingMe says:

    Well redact that info and get the budget back up here. I want to see where Pickens and his insane clown posse have been spending everyone’s never to be seen raises. I want to see all the requisitions that Hardina “lost”, “forgot” or whatever and which ones shot fast to the top without issue. I was looking through it before you took it down.

    Did Parker Dunwoody get one or two $2000.00 “maintenance” checks for his dog? Unless there were some serious trips to the vet $2000.00 is high and $4000.00 is a fraudulent scheme.

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      No shit, fraudulent scheme. There’s no way the dog cost him that much. I thought there was all this money from grants for this? What’s up with that?

    • DoneSon says:

      Didn’t the feds say the homeland security money was misappropriated to buy Dunwoody’s Tahoe? I agree $4,000 is too high unless there was a heart transplant for the dog. $2,000 would even be questionable if you add up the monthly expenses. Where are the itemized receipts for these blanket even numbers of requisition money?

  6. Embudo says:

    Not being a subject matter expert (SME) on the topic, would ASU PD bear any responsibility for the snafu? Or does the snafu rest entirely with the ASU Office of General Counsel?

    Input please, SMEs.

    • theintegrityreport says:

      That’s a good question. It depends on which one of those entities had the responsibility of reviewing information that needed to be redacted. Perhaps both.

  7. yolo says:

    Fix what they screwed up and get the budget back, it’s an entertaining topic of conversation. Is there a budget summary showing a breakdown or does the command think a stack of purchase orders equates a budget?

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      I miss seeing the budget too. Integrity Report, can you send it to my email or is it too large? I really want to finish looking through it.

  8. yurhuckleberry says:

    I’m not surprised our information is out there. The university looks at us as expendable employees, put one hook in the water and get three fish. I guess they are finding out that’s just not the case for police officers. The spokesman of the university, Kevin If I only Had A Brain Salcido, compared us to criminals who murdered cops and hate authority simply because we don’t agree with him or our toxic puppeteer command. Are you thinking, “Who the fuck does this guy think he is?” I’ll tell you. He thinks he’s better than us because he can say what he wants to all of us, and when one man states a difference of opinion he uses his flunkies, the toxic puppeteer command at ASUPD, to harass him.

    Sure it bothers me that my personal information is out there, my social security number may have been leaked. I have enough to worry about day to day without thinking about all the issues that could come from this. I’m sure the chief isn’t worried, probably charged identity theft protection for himself to the state credit card. He gave himself free secured parking in the police compound his whole career of 14 years. For 14 years his employees had to run the public gauntlet alone without their gear in what would make for a perfect ambush scenario. As counter culture becomes more and more main stream this possibility draws nearer.

    What bothers me more than my social security number being out there is the complete lack of accountability for the command of the Arizona State University Police Department. Our beloved leaders, with few exceptions, spent their career turning our department into a personal playground where their whims grossly affected the lives of others. Their incompetence made it to where my brother officers have little to no backup on calls and staffing is only getting worse.

    The writing is on the wall for every new employee clear as day and for those on the outside looking in this is what it say, “Get the fuck out of here before your career gets hobbled by the band of misfit toys that operate here.”

    When the new chief comes they will ingratiate themselves with him or her and continue to undermine the chief, this organization, and the community we serve. Nobody can blame the people who leave, we all say, “Good for them”. Some people waste their time talking about morale, but it’s a dead issue, we haven’t had it for years.

    Kevin Salcido was right about a few employees when he said, “…are invited to take their careers elsewhere. They will most assuredly be happier and we will not feel their loss.” I’m assuming he was talking about himself and Chief Pickens who “left” shortly after this message.

    • DoneSon says:

      You are exactly right. The longer someone is there the less likely they are going to be taken serious by surrounding police departments. You might as well be wearing clown makeup at the oral board. Ask Dan Gaughan about that.

      What’s worse is the amount of absurd IA’s they can come up with increases only to decrease your chances of leaving. Ask Stuart Ferrin about that.

  9. following leads says:

    Has the university made an official statement on this or have they contacted you regarding the release of this information?

    • theintegrityreport says:

      The university made no official statement on this and they have never contacted the Integrity Report on the ASU Police Department. They have made references to “the blog” through other channels.

    • RUkiddingMe says:

      Please look into the department. After AZ CPS and AZ Veteran Affairs, this is another example of institutional failure at “work” sucking down state and federal dollars while producing zip nada.

  10. DoneSon says:

    How many times have they released the personal information of police officers and other employees? I know for a fact this isn’t the first FOIA the ASUPD has experienced and with what’s been going on there it certainly won’t be the last.

  11. ASUPDsmokeNmirrors says:

    Why am I not surprised? So which one of our wholly unqualified commanders was put in charge of this? The circus has 3 rings and our department has 3 floors. Other than that it’s the same thing.

    It’s like the schedule. How many schedules was Hardina given before he started messing around with it and screwed it up? Is it really that hard to figure out or did someone smoke a bowl?

  12. Seguridad perdido says:

    Wow Kevin Salcido finally shut the hell up, thank god. It looks as if the people’s advocate must not have received news of this release of officer’s personal information through ASU Police foia’s. His previous reactions to information he thought fit statute were loud and proud like a cock outside a hen house. Back to the farm then.

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