Tonight’s post comes courtesy of a guest writer, A.I. Thanks for the insight!!
Internal Affairs Spotlight: Policing Ourselves in a Police State – A Look at the Numbers
ASU Police Department boasts regularly that they are proud of the fact that the majority of internal affairs (IAs) are generated internally and do not come from outside sources. This is typical, backwards, ASU PD logic. How is having more internal complaints better than having more external complaints?
If you look at the 3rd training bulletin on Blackboard for 2013 , there is a significant difference in the number of sustained complaints in the external complaints (hardly any) versus the number of sustained complaints in the internal complaints category (significantly higher).
This internal complaint system is perpetrated by a very select number of employees, referred to across the department as “the click”. How are 4 employees responsible for more than 25% of internal complaints out of more than 130 employees? The main five members of “the click” represent roughly 5% of the department staffing yet are responsible for the 25% of our internal IAs. That is a huge red flag regarding these employees’ characters. The Chief has acknowledged that there is a click and yet has done nothing to deal with it. This unchecked power base stemming from line level supervisors to Commander shows how corrupt police management can lead to internal issues.
Here are some of the highlights of “The Click” and ACTUAL internal affairs investigations!!
Commander William Orr
- ACTUAL IA: Illegally seized an employee’s personally owned firearm. Tsk. Billy. Didn’t your mother teach you that you can’t take things that aren’t yours?
- ACTUAL IA: Busy chasing employees out of the department with bogus firearms issues. Well, I guess if Pam, Aston, and Louis couldn’t get you I will!!
Commander Louis Scichilone
- ACTUAL IA: Busy wasting time targeting an employee and trying to catch them sleeping on duty, numerous times. Great job Lou!! The knees on your paints are looking warn from kneeling down to kiss so much of the Chief’s ass!
- ACTUAL IA: Investigated an employee for driving 5 miles off of campus. Yes, 5 whole miles! Running code at 60 mph it would take exactly 1 minute to get to an emergency call.
- Ran to Command Staff when an employee who was in the police association left a copy of an email talking about a staffing survey was found by Lou. Again, get a life. Oh wait, you make life size Star Wars characters. Enough said!
- ACTUAL IA: Writing up employees who were late to work. Great use of the IA system Lou! It is clearly proves that you have nothing better to do then to mess with employees.
Sergeant Pam Osborne
- Ran the FTO unit into the ground. Proud of her FTO “failure rate”. Too incompetent to understand that isn’t something to be proud of.
- ACTUAL IA: Investigated employees for not using in-car video (which don’t work half of the time) on a traffic stop. Really? Maybe Pam should have spent time investigating why our equipment regularly doesn’t work instead!!
- Talks down to employees she doesn’t like. Pretends to know more about police work but is a coward and afraid to leave the station. Want an IA ASUPD? Go investigate how many times Pam actually leaves the station.
- Ran a female police officer out of the department because she didn’t like her. Refused to let the employee see her training records or DORS. It’s because she had to go back and change things in order to get rid of this employee. Corrupt!
Sergeant Mark Aston
- ACTUAL IA: Busy writing up Police Aides for not wearing a bicycle helmet. Great supervision there Sarge!
- ACTUAL IA: Investigated a Police Aide for damaging a wall at a cop shop with a Segway. Words escape me on this one!
- ACTUAL IA: Was accused of racial bias from a citizen. Although, he was cleared this time look at the majority of people he has targeted with IAs or bullshit write ups: Ray Kizee, Damion White, Matt Parker, Tony Momon, Luke Khalid, Rudy Freese (anyone noticing a “racial” pattern here).
Also, notable is that every IA the Chief himself has initiated has been sustained findings. If he is the accuser and the finder of facts doesn’t that amount to an obvious conflict of interest? If the Chief initiates an IA shouldn’t an outside agency investigate the findings if it involves an employee’s termination? Like a former female officer who was railroaded out of the department? One would think but not with “Slim” Pickens at the wheel.
Even better is the continuous violating of officers rights under Arizona law. The department engages in a process called an “administrative review” instead of conducting an IA. They do this so the rights for police officers under Arizona law do not apply. Again, here is another example of police mismanagement and abusing employees.
Here is my message to the Chief: Take a hard look at the state of the department. People are leaving in droves because they refuse to put up with the bullshit. You have done this to the department and the morale because these people go unchecked. You have created a “police state” inside of a “police department” instead of honorable and trustworthy employees. Stop the nepotism, favoritism, and politicalism and get rid of the poisonous leeches that are ruining the department.