Justice for Abou Bakari Tandia! Demo 11/02/12 in Paris

On 4th December 2004 a young Malian man, Abou Bakari Tandia, who had been in France for 13 years but was sans papiers, fell into a coma whilst in police custody. Six weeks later, on 24th January 2005, Abou died.

Since Abou’s death there has been a campaign for police to be brought to justice . This Saturday, 11th February, there will be a demo in Paris to maintain pressure on the authorities to take action. The demo is supported by Amnesty International.

Migrant camp destroyed by authorities in Norrent-Fontes, 30/01/12

For the last few days, as temperatures have stayed below freezing for the entire day, the authorities in Pas-de-Calais have activated “grand plan froid”, offering night shelter to all those (including sans papiers) on the streets

In Norrent-Fontes, the authorities used the temporary absence of the migrants yesterday morning to destroy the migrants camp.

“Urgence Pour Sophie” demonstrating for the right of auxillary nurse to stay in France

Sophie Dianoko, 30 years old, has worked as an auxillary nurse for the last three years at CHU university hospital in Toulouse.  She has lived in France since 2000 and has not been in Mali, her country of birth,  since the age of 13, when she left for Russia with her father who was an ambassador there. She has been given an order to leave France (OQFT) on 19/12/11 because her French husband, who has been both violent and unfaithful in their marriage, has refused to meet with the prefecture to prove that they live together. They need to be married for four years before Sophie can claim French nationality, but they have been married less than two.

In mid October, friends and colleagues of Sophie formed a collective called “Urgence Pour Sophie” to support her fight to stay in France.

Office des Etrangers attacked in Brussels, 18/12/11

During  the afternoon of Sunday 18th December,  the Belgian government’s main immigration office, the “Office des Etrangers” near Brussels’ Gare du Nord station, was targeted by masked protestors. Some windows were smashed, walls were spraypainted, and fireworks and items of street furniture were thrown inside.

Earlier that day a massive police presence had stopped people from demonstating outside the the site of a new detention centre near Brussels airport.


Volunteer held in custody for 33 hours for “helping a person in danger”.

On Tuesday 22nd November, Annick, a volunteer with Fraternité  Migrants in the bassin mineur 62 in the north of France, was arrested at home at 6am in front of her two children. Her “crime” was to “help a person in danger”, and for this she was held in custody at the commissariat de Lille. Last week a support committee was established for her, backed by Amnesty International and the Ligue des droits des hommes.

Formation of Ostende No Border group

In the Belgian port town of Ostende, there is increasing repression against the scores of migrants (including minors) that stay in the nearby jungle. Up to 20 people per day are locked up for 12 hours for “disturbance of the public order” when walking around the harbour; sixty new cells are being built. IDs are being checked at food and clothing distribution centres; a homeless centre has been forced to close down.

In response to this repression, a group of individuals have come together to form Ostende No Border. They are asking for help and donations, please contact onbegrensdoostende[at]yahoo.com