Resisting Immigration Raids – Brainstorm of Ideas

Up to 65 people attended our public meeting on Thursday. Great to meet people already working on the same stuff and newer people alike. After a brief overview of raids and our rights, we broke up into groups and shared ideas of how we can fight them collectively. Here’s a snapshot of people’s thoughts:

Protest in the streets

Tower block alerts when raids happen, whistles blown – like in Glasgow where there were lots of raids in single blocks.

School protest when students are taken – e.g. Glasgow Girls, Save Yashika, Leonarda Dibrani case in France

Union support for workers

Twitter alerts for raids

Phone alert system for raids

Phone alert systems for local areas – markets etc. – need resistance to be local to be sustainable.

Working with more community groups, places of worship – getting messages out in different languages.

Someone to hack Home Office sites…

Posters at bus stops

‘Know your rights’ stickers

Map immigration raids

Shopkeepers – put up withdrawal of consent forms in in windows

Spread success stories

Be one step ahead of home office – where they go & try and snatch people, we need to already have been there – talked to people

Help people develop CONFIDENCE in the face of raids – as/more important than legal knowledge (law frequently abused by Immigration Enforcement anyway)

Posters saying Immigration Enforcement not welcome