Kingston has made the papers. Voting intentions of a few everyday university persons are sought — the VCs, a school head, a student, a few other staff. Labour and Green is the choice for most, although one lecturer lamely announced that he had forgiven the Lib Dems. One or two keep mum, including Ratty himself. If you read the paper at breakfast you may have choked over your cornflakes at his declaration that he is “an old-school liberal”. Would that be old as in 19th century when the upper classes ruled and the poor knew their place? We think he missed out the “neo”.
To give our unfriendly rodent his dues, he does declare to be in favour of higher education funded directly from taxation; he wishes “there was (sic) a party that fundamentally spoke to the values of public service” he believes in. That might surprise many of us; if only his support for the values of public service included support for his staff. Maybe he will vote for the Nasty Party, or perhaps the Monster Raving Loony Party without the jokes.