Category Archives: General

Your Pay vs Their Pay: the reality

This image has been a big hit on social media, so Dissenter felt duty-bound to share it. While KU staff made huge sacrifices during the pandemic and kept the place going, the Silver failures on the SLT (Senile Leadership Team) … Continue reading

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Why the long face? KU’s VC is not happy

Vice-Admiral Steven ‘Two Jobs’ Spier is not a happy man. But then, was he ever a happy man? According to reliable sources, Spiersy has been getting the hump over the actions of the local UCU branch at Kingston, and regards … Continue reading

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Stevie ‘Bobby’ Spiersy sings

Splish splash I was takin’ a bath When I shoulda been runnin’ the show, yeah A rub a dub, feet wet in the flood Hoping everything was all right Well I opened the door, the water poured out Eadweard wasn’t … Continue reading

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Floody Hell: KU has that sinking feeling again

What is cold, wet and very unwelcome? Your first answer will no doubt be the VC and self-annointed Gold Commander Steven ‘two jobs’ Spier. But it might also be the news that there has been another flood in the EM … Continue reading

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Reflecting on 2021: A message from your Gold Commander

Dear Peasants Colleagues, As we come to the end of the year I wanted to write directly to you and note your hard work and determination throughout 2021, despite all the terrible doubts you have had about my leadership and … Continue reading

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The Kingston Carol

To be sung to a Medieval management tune Bullshit, bullshite, thou little tiny mind Bye bye, bullshit, bullshite This Christmas tide you may well find Bye bye bullshit, bullshite. Spiersy the king, in his ageing Waffled he hath this day … Continue reading

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