Category Archives: General

Silence is not Golden

As the University wound up its operation for the first teaching block, there was still a deathly silence on the revised dates that were going to be given for new briefings on KU22, after the original KU22 Strategic Plan briefing … Continue reading

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Funny Business at Kingston Hill

What is going on up the Hill? There’s not much Christmas cheer going around at Kingston Business School (KBS) at the moment, but plenty of ‘funny’ business afoot. You would have thought KBS had everything going for it. After all, … Continue reading

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Where are they now – part 94

Kingston has had a few management figures pass through its doors these past few years who earned themselves a level of notoriety while they were here. Indeed this blog has published a few paeans to our well paid and equally … Continue reading

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KU’s Gold Commander keeps it Bronze

All staff and students will be overjoyed to hear that Professor Fixit is on the case. Kingston’s self-described ‘Gold Commander’, AKA the VC, has been busily meeting his crack Leadership Team to try to fix the Covid emergency and ensure … Continue reading

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Kingston fiddles while reputation burns

As the old saying goes in SEC, there are lies, damn lies, and KU statistics. As far as the V.C. is concerned, one of the big issues KU faces at the beginning of each new academic year is how to … Continue reading

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All is not going to (strategic) plan

‘Our success is dependent on our dedication and commitment to our priorities and our enthusiasm in delivery for our students’. There has been a ‘rapid transformation’ of our academic and financial performance to date, which ‘paves our way to being … Continue reading

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