Breaking down ASUPD’s morale problem, piece by piece!

Shifting gears a bit, we are going to do a series of posts breaking down ASUPD’s morale problems piece by piece. If any of you have any suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover, feel free to drop a line to

First up in this segment, we’ll be discussing one major contributor to ASUPD’s low morale, and that is the lack of uniformity/transparency in the discipline or internal affairs (IA) process.

According to ASUPD’s Policy Manual PSM 261-01: : “It is the policy of the ASU Police Department to foster a program of discipline which
defines the word ‘discipline’ as ‘training or development through instruction’. This will enable the department to retain its discretionary authority for the ‘individualized’ imposition of disciplinary action while ensuring a systematic and consistent administration of discipline to all personnel.”

Essentially, the department has stated that it will determine what, if any, discipline is appropriate in any situation. It is possible to have two officers disciplined differently for the same offense. Also, who is ensuring that discipline is systematic and consistent? The department itself? This gives the appearance of an extreme conflict of interest; one sole entity (the Command staff) cannot be the judge, jury, and executioner for an officer’s discipline process.

Now let’s address some real situations where ASUPD has failed to uniformly discipline or investigate its employees.

  • Several employees have been investigated for allegedly “scuffing” a patrol car, this becomes especially important if one of those employees is trying to lateral out of the department, despite already notifying a supervisor and writing a memo for the entire incident.
  • Some employees get investigated for minor damage vehicle accidents, others do not.
  • An employee has been investigated for allegedly denting a patrol car weeks after the incident took place, after several officers had used that vehicle in the meantime and routinely haven’t signed it out for overtime events.
  • Several employees have been investigated and received some form of punishment for failing to submit their times sheets on time.
  • Several employees were the subjects of investigation, discipline, to include time off from work, for photoshopping pictures making fun of the workplace.
  • One employee trying to leave to another agency, with no discipline in his file for 7 years, was immediately notified of two outstanding internal affairs. Another employee trying to leave to another agency was notified of four outstanding internal affairs against him by the agency he applied to prior to ASUPD notifying him of the internal affairs!

Contrast this with issues including CRIMES of ASUPD supervisors that don’t get investigated:

  • A supervisor who has been investigated several times for using racial slurs (including to a black officer in training) and has received no punishment, his friends cover for him every time.
  • A supervisoe tases a handcuffed prisoner in custody four times with another officer present. No internal affair is done, instead a informal inquiry is done months later with no time off, administrative leave, for the employee. The “investigator” didn’t even bother to interview the officer who was there because he was told what conclusion he needed to have by the chief. (Sounds like aggravated assault, four counts.)
  • A supervisor who has allegedly falsified documents with no investigation or punishment into the situation despite this being common department knowledge.
  • A supervisor has allegedly falsified time sheets with no known investigation.
  • A supervisor who has taken home public documents and files (a recent Tempe PD employee was fired for this same situation).
  • A supervisor who has taken department-issued equipment home for personal use for months.
  • A former Assistant Chief who received no punishment and was allowed to retire from his position, despite the fact that the Chief had knowledge the employee had sexually harassed female employees and was being investigated by DPS. This investigation was delivered to the chief and sat on his desk for over a year allowing this employee to be eligible for rehiring by the university. When this employee “left” Chief Pickens was free to make the investigation disappear.
  • Another friend of the chief, a civilian employee entrusted with money, decides to give herself a pay raise. ASU human resources catches the crime, notifies Chief Pickens and the employee was allowed to retire once the money was paid back.

See a discrepancy here? We do!

One very incident in which a supervisor (Sgt. Pam Osborne) disobeyed a direct order from a supervisor is a prime example of the arbitrary nature of ASU’s discipline process (and one major contributor to low morale, which eventually leads to a higher employee turnover). Sgt. Osborne was issued a direct order from her supervisor advising her NOT to park in from of the Tempe Station (which she routinely did and continues to do).


After this email was sent out, Sgt. Osborne continued to park in front of the Tempe station, after explicitly being instructed NOT to. Another employee also continued to park in the PD compound ALSO after being told explicitly not to. Neither employee has received any discipline nor been involved in an investigation, despite disobeying orders from a supervisor. However, an employee WILL be investigated for submitting a time sheet late, even if the mistake was not intentional.

Lack of uniformity and transparency in discipline at ASUPD only serves to harm morale. and subsequently officer staffing! If employees don’t feel they are being treated fairly (while others act with impunity), they have ZERO motivation to promote or stay invested in ASUPD. Furthermore, circumstances such as the above mentioned just further prove that Command staff has no ability to impartially investigate its own problems. (The public visible license plate identification is blocked to protect the subject in question. Police employees do not have safe parking, but must park their vehicles in Parking Structure One or any other lot with the rest of the public. We were notified that Commander William Orr and Assistant Chief Mike Thompson both claim to CARPOOL to work and have preferential CARPOOL parking spots on the south side of Parking Structure One. They both ride to work alone and do not see or care about the integrity issue of lying to state government, ASU Parking, about carpooling, what’s next? Handicapped parking?)  The ASUPD command routinely does employee retention internal affairs for little or nothing on baseline employees, we expect them to do what they’ve done so far with these lying employees who pick and choose what rules to follow, nothing.)

Thank you for the photo submissions, this was by far the best one received. We would also like to thank the Arizona Department of Public Safety, Highway Patrol, for educating ASUPD’s undereducated command staff on the difference between a crime and what is at best a policy violation. This is a whistleblower on a supervisor of police officers breaking the law, Tempe municipal code. Read the sign again and obey the oath of ethics you swore to uphold. Don’t dishonor the uniform any more than you already have.

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46 thoughts on “Breaking down ASUPD’s morale problem, piece by piece!

  1. Justanotherdispensible50 says:

    The email was clear, the sign doesn’t lie, and this obviously is not a marked police unit, so what’s the problem here? Looks like insubordination, but I’m sure the spin doctors will come up with some excuse for one of their privileged own, like claiming she’s on light duty and not telling anyone it’s her hand. None of the other injured light duty people were allowed to park there.

  2. popo39machine says:

    Everyone has known about this, talked about it, and nothing gets done about it. It was only a matter of time before it became a topic here.

    This is a good example of special treatment and wildly eradic standards of discipline within the agency. And they wonder why people are scrambling to get the fuck out? Well here you go.

  3. DontLOLmeJP says:

    She used the injury excuse to park there. I’m no doctor, but I don’t understand how a gimpy hand affects your ability to walk.

    We had a guy who was out of work for months, then on light duty for months with a ankle injury requiring surgery and he can’t park there but she can, that’s wrong.

  4. OneFlewOverTheCuckoo'sPD says:

    Sgt. Pam Osborne has been one of the privileged that can do whatever she wants, with the explicit approval of Chief Pickens and the infamous command staff.

    You are now being exposed publicly, Sgt. Pam Osborne.

    Heard you are angling for a medical retirement? The only thing you should be retiring to is a 10’ by 12’ jail cell for the illegal stuff you have done over the years.

  5. Supervisor Facepalm says:

    This is the same Sgt who took elective surgery for her hand, but when that wasn’t enough for medical retirement she attends a DT training injured, doing impact strikes with a baton, impact pushes, and whatever else to claim injury in DT and tie that injury to the workplace.

    Someone should look at who, if anyone, was giving her permission to be there and why. I have never heard of anyone getting a public safety medical retirement for being at a computer too much. How can this be proven to be a work injury? I’m calling foul on this whole charade.

  6. ScoobyDoo PeaceSignTattoo says:

    How do you even acquire acquire carpal syndrome (CTS) while assigned to be a supervisor on patrol?! Sitting on your ass in front of a computer. Sorry, but CTS can’t be linked to your duties as a police officer, and thus qualify you for a medical retirement.

    According to wikipedia…”Some common conditions that can lead to CTS include obesity, oral contraceptives, hypothyroidism, arthritis, diabetes, prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance), and trauma”.

    I must have missed the part that included actually doing POLICE WORK as a cause of CTS.

    Furthermore, the relationship between CTS and work is controversial. “A review of available scientific data by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) indicated that job tasks that involve highly repetitive manual acts or specific wrist postures were associated with incidents of CTS, but causation was not established, and the distinction from work-related arm pains that are not carpal tunnel syndrome was not clear”.

    Good luck trying to prove your case for medical retirement to the PSRS board.

    • WheresMy907 says:

      In summary, being a lazy slug sitting at a computer, not answering or assisting on patrol, and paper screwing the revolving door of officers coming and going. Sounds like the ideal police officer, leading by example, protecting and serving…herself.

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      The retirement board needs to look this over very carefully and don’t give a termite more wood.

  7. DL500unit says:

    Hopefully the retirement board looks into that. There are deserving officers out there who need this benefit as a result of being injured in the line of duty. As a result of getting out on the road and doing their job with honor, integrity, and good will in their hearts.

    The subject here spent a scant year on university patrol, she couldn’t solve any cases in detectives, and smoozed to get behind a desk. She stayed there her entire career attacking officers with paper dodging ever single patrol call she could, most notably calls she was dispatched to.

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      The retirement board needs to wake up and examine this closely. If her blatant disregard for orders, law, and integrity cause her to do this what’s to stop her from falsifying what is needed for a medical retirement?

  8. ThySummons says:

    Thanks for continuing to expose this individual publicly. The public exposure has been long overdue and is very apropos for someone that has operated for years with impunity.

    Keep up the good work! Maybe in the end, justice will prevail despite the resistance from both the department and university’s leadership.

    • WheresMy907 says:

      For justice you need integrity. The leadership of this department laughs in the face of integrity. Look at all the ASUPD recruits in the academy who have background issues going in and integrity issues coming out.

      The chief signs off on them all without a care because it’s nothing compared to what him and his bunk command have been doing for years. To anyone that thinks they will be inclined to exercise integrity, don’t hold your breathe.

    • ThySummons says:

      WheresMy907, you are absolutely right, for justice you need integrity.

      Unfortunately, members in the command staff do not even know how to spell the word integrity or a few other key words in the department’s so-called value statement, like ethics and compassion.

      The only words they seem to be able to relate to are words outside the value statement like, corruption, greed, self-serving, vindictive, spiteful, incompetence, etc., etc., etc…

  9. guerriero says:

    Just another clique member of the department completely insensitive to the welfare of others. They are look out for themselves with no care of how it affects other people, the department, and the public we serve. Don’t stick around waiting for it to change.

    • DL500unit says:

      One word sums up that type of person. Sociopath. That’s the earned reputation, no matter how many times her same few friends nominate her for the doing nothing please boost my self esteem awards. Does the chief still blow 1000’s on those dumb banquets or has he finally realized what we have known for years?

  10. FlamingPileMallcoppery says:

    What a complete asshole. She rides an officer in training for a sewer backing up into his apartment but can’t follow the law when it is clearly spelled out on a bold sign next to her vehicle.

    It says MARKED POLICE VEHICLES, ONE HOUR PARKING. You mean to tell me the bitch can’t read?!? In addition to breaking the law she does it while working as a supervisor at a police department in front of everyone.

    How many days and months did she do this?!? Was it a whole year? She should be ashamed of this unethical bullshit as well as any superior above her who condoned it.

  11. popo39machine says:

    Call Tempe to have it towed. Let her explain to Tempe why her silver personal SUV is a marked police patrol unit, why it was parked there all day instead of one hour.

    When they tell her to pound sand she can pay the tow, pay the impound fees and make an informed decision whether or not to do it again.

    She’s illegally parked and her willingness to disobey direct standing orders within our police department shows her character. The fact our command let her do it and did nothing about it shows their character. She deserves to have her face plastered up here for disgracing the uniform.

    • yurhuckleberry says:

      Yeah, call Tempe and let them give her the direction she needs. That and a ticket, impound, and reading comprehension lesson. Maybe Pamster needs some college level reading to get over this handicap.

  12. Justanotherdispensible50 says:

    Quite easily one of the more two faced employees I have encountered at the department and hostile to people she simply doesn’t like. For whatever reason she arbitrarily picks and chooses her targets and starts a campaign of career or character assassination. Every shift change comes and nobody wants to end up working for her and becoming the excuse for her to justify her existence. Someone should ask her, “What is it that ya do here, explain a typical day.” She would be dumbfounded and silence would be interrupted with an occasional “Uh” or “um” and that’s about it.

  13. yurhuckleberry says:

    First thing. Whoever got the photos deserves a Sun Award for it, a lunch, and a gift card for capturing this garbage. This is a perfect example of the untouchable attitude the clique of Orr’s boys have.

    Quite easily one of the more two faced employees I have encountered at the department and hostile to people she simply doesn’t like. For whatever reason she arbitrarily picks and chooses her targets and starts a campaign of career or character assassination.

    Every shift change comes and nobody wants to end up working for her and becoming the excuse for her to justify her existence. Someone should ask her, “What is it that ya do here, explain a typical day.” She would be dumbfounded and silence would be interrupted with an occasional “Uh” or “um” and that’s about it.

  14. Captain Obvious says:

    Three dirty birds with one stone on this one. I love it!!! Pam and these two…

    “We were notified that Commander William Orr and Assistant Chief Mike Thompson both claim to CARPOOL to work and have preferential CARPOOL parking spots on the south side of Parking Structure One. They both ride to work alone and do not see or care about the integrity issue of lying to state government, ASU Parking, about carpooling, what’s next? Handicapped parking?”

    Job well done. Ethics are for the little people right? Wrong again

  15. Quick call Tempe! says:

    This shows the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ethical issues in the department. You have a Sergeant, Commander, and Assistant Chief making unethical parking decisions. Two lied about their status to the state agency charged with managing it and the third disobeys standing orders from a superior breaking Tempe city civil parking ordinances.

    The meat of the article is some employees get hung up on perception and made up IA’s when they are leaving, while others commit actual crimes and walk free, maintaining their AZPOST certifications without a right to do so. Simply put when you have unethical and criminal minded people controlling a agency they will target people that don’t fit in with them, the good guys.

    The good guys don’t commit the acts you outlined as supervisory misdeeds and crimes that would result in termination at any respectable police department.

    You mentioned the “CRIMES of ASUPD supervisors that don’t get investigated while they hold people up for petty nonsense that would get laughed at by any real agency.

    Hopefully they will get investigated. The statute of limitations remains open.

    Let’s state them again for the record.

    •A supervisor who has been investigated several times for using racial slurs (including to a black officer in training) and has received no punishment, his friends cover for him every time. (Sounds like someone who should be policing the diverse population of young men and women at ASU right?)
    •A supervisor, being groomed by the chief, tases a handcuffed prisoner in custody four times with another officer present. No internal affair is done, instead a informal inquiry is done months later with no time off, administrative leave, for the employee. The “investigator” didn’t even bother to interview the officer who was there because he was told what conclusion he needed to have by the chief. (Sounds like aggravated assault, four counts.)
    •A supervisor who has allegedly falsified documents with no investigation or punishment into the situation despite this being common department knowledge. (Sounds like forgery.)
    •A supervisor has allegedly falsified time sheets with no known investigation. (Sounds like theft.)
    •A supervisor who has taken home public documents and files (a recent Tempe PD employee was fired for this same situation). (Tempe PD fired them, we would have promoted them)
    •A supervisor who has taken department-issued equipment home for personal use for months. (Sound like theft.)
    •A former Assistant Chief who received no punishment and was allowed to retire from his position, despite the fact that the Chief had knowledge the employee had sexually harassed female employees and was being investigated by DPS. This investigation was delivered to the chief and sat on his desk for over a year allowing this employee to be eligible for rehiring by the university. When this employee “left” Chief Pickens was free to make the investigation disappear. (Sounds like nonfeasance that should result in losing a azpost cert.)
    •Another friend of the chief, a civilian employee entrusted with money, decides to give herself a pay raise. ASU human resources catches the crime, notifies Chief Pickens and the employee was allowed to retire once the money was paid back. (Sounds like embezzlement and another nonfeasance that should result in losing a azpost cert.)

    You guys should have done a whole article on this.

  16. Embudo says:

    What is even more baffling is that Morgan Olsen and Kevin Salcido are acutely aware of alleged crimes, horrific maltreatment of employees, and a plethora of other misdeeds, yet they have elected not to investigate or hold anyone accountable.

    The university should be investigated for why it has chosen to continue to allow Chief John Pickens and his command staff to continue to operate with impunity.

    Please continue to amass your documentation as our collective efforts to rid the department of some of the most despicable human beings is afoot on all fronts.

    • Justanotherdispensible50 says:

      People with low morals have natural enemies, good people. New ASUPD employees expect professionalism, soon see otherwise, and exit as soon as reasonably possible.

      How many people have come and gone in short order over the last 5, 10 years? Command wants everyone to believe it’s all about money. Really? All about money?

  17. Justanotherdispensible50 says:

    Three ASU PD supervisors who can’t even be ethical and play by the rules when it comes to parking, my god. This is why you dummies have a blog calling you out.

  18. Saint Jude says:

    Beyond the policy and law violations discussed here, I wanted to mention something very disturbing I have observed with Assistant Chief Thompson, Commander Orr, and Sergeant Osborne.

    All three of these individuals, to my knowledge, are somewhat religious; Thompson and Orr identify themselves as LDS, and Osborne identifies as Catholic/Christian. Tell me…where in the Bible or the Book of Mormon does it instruct a person to treat others with malice, ill will, or to stand by and allow others to engage in hurtful behavior towards others?

    Quite the opposite. In Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

    Or Romans 12:9-13: Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.

    Or Ephesians 4:32: Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    In the Book of Mormon: to keep the commandments of God, that they might rejoice and be filled with love towards God and all men” (Mosiah 2:4; emphasis added)

    Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie:Lev. 19:11.

    Being a shitty person Monday through Saturday and then going to church on Sunday doesn’t make you a good person. It makes you a hypocrite. Do the people in your ward know how you lie and poorly treat others in the department, Thompson and Orr? Does going to Sunday Mass give you an excuse to hurt others and lie, Osborne?

    Even if you don’t give a shit about policy or even the law…lying to the big man upstairs will eventually catch up to you, in this life or the other one.

    And by the way…the user name Saint Jude refers to the Catholic patron saint of lost causes…something you should be familiar with, Pam.

    • ComeOnNow says:

      Looks like you forgot about Matthew 7:1 which reads, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”

    • VoteWyourFEET says:

      The guilty party doesn’t want to be judged, I’ve heard that from my fair share of shitheads in cuffs.

    • ASUPDsmokeNmirrors says:

      That line of thinking works for the innocent, but nobody here is talking about them. Unless you mean the victims who can’t be helped by a mismanaged police department it’s corrupt command? We are talking about people who are too unethical to be wearing a badge.

    • Saint Jude says:

      ComeOnNow: you’re assuming I am a religious person; I am not. I was merely citing evidence to make my point. You read between the lines and assumed I was also religious.

      Also, my comments fall less into the “judgement” category and more into the “observation” category.

    • LDS says:

      Assistant Chief Michael Thompson, Commander William Orr, and Sgt Pam Osborne are ethically and morally bankrupt.

      More than failing yourselves, you have failed those that you were supposed to be protecting and nurturing.

      May God have mercy on your souls for all the not so nice things you have done to good and decent people over the years.

  19. Uncle Terry says:

    Pam certainly doesn’t work all day. What could cause one to acquire carpal
    tunnel syndrome? Maybe being on Pinterest all day? How else does explain several thousand “likes” on other peoples pages?

    • DontLOLmeJP says:

      So how many of those posts were made during work hours or time claimed on time cards as working from home? I would wager her internet time far exceeds other Sergeants and with her (I’m better than you, I answer to nobody.) attitude much of it is not work related. How many people have been given the priveledge of working at home?

    • DontLOLmeJP says:

      That’s a lot of inspirational spiritual brew ha ha for someone who doesn’t seem to bring any of that to the “worker bees” at work. Playing nice with smiles are for commanders and above.

  20. This goes back a few years that involved Sgt.Pam Osborne.
    You want to mention Morale and Integrity? How about talk about equal disciplinary actions against other Police Aides that are reprimanded for policy violation while warnings are given. There was a PA that was hired to do the normal routines but had a law enforcement expierence. You would think that with this prior expierence that the Department would expect or use the training given to an advantage, not punish the PA with letters in his file. While Sgt. Osborne would talk about the expectations of a PA every briefing, some PA’s where not directly under her assignment(meaning if other PA’s sergeants were not working, but Sgt.Osborne was in charge, she would not discipline the PA’s accordingly) while through out the time of this PA’s time with ASU-Police, Sgt.Osborne would make it a point to document every little piece of information against the PA on a weekly conversation. Prior to the PA moving from Downtown to Tempe, this PA was informed that going to Tempe would be more involvement with the Dept and his prior training would be useful.

    While various programs were implemented thru out his career to build the morale of the PA’s that are not sworn in, but have some responsibilities equal to sworn officers and are held equally to disciplinary actions. But not all are disciplined equally. While this PA had been given O.T. To watch the Bubble practice field and walked from the station to the facility as he was directed not to park in the parking lot of the facility and asked sworn officers for a ride over to his OT assignment but was told they were too busy.. He walked to his assignment. Upon arriving was told he was 5 mins late but after the PA said he walked the perimeter of the bunkle checking all doors were secured and locked, he was reprimanded for the assignment while another PA over slept by 2 hours, and the OT assignment was vacant for the day, yet that PA was verbally spoken to when he arrived to his shift, yet the PA that fulfilled his line and was not late to his shift was written up about it and was removed from working overtime for 2 weeks, while the other PA that did a no call no show worked OT the following week..

    There was an award given to the PA’s that fulfilled certain requirements through out his/her shift that if completed was given a stone that was to be recognized as a good letter in your file to reflect your hardwork. This stone was painted the words A.S.S on it referring to Acheivement Success Stone.. It was given to the PA’s that made a difference throughout his/her shift. This PA did everything on the list weekly to hold the ASS for more than 6 weeks straight and the program was dissolved due to loss of morale to accomplish required duties, but not one letter of this was sent in the PA’s file. Yet other PA’s received good merits for not completing the ASS duties.

    I know this for a fact as I watched it personally.. The PA was written up for being in the area of a “High Risk Situation”. So it was pouring rain. This PA and another PA were sitting in a patrol car during a bad rain storm. While sitting and talking, the PA’s noticed an individual exciting a building and getting in his car to leave the area. Typical daily thing, the two PA’s talked about it and neither PA called it out over the radio as weird or not look right.. The individual got in his car and drove up to the car the PA’s were in and rolled down his window. The one PA got out and approached the car to help out and gave direction to acess the street. Later that night the PA was disciplined for confronting the individual in the car, was disciplined for not notifying dispatch, disciplined for using lights and sirens on the police car( to which they were never used ), disciplined violating department policy for not writing a memo about the situation… All given by Sgt.Pam Osborne, while the other PA was given no such Written Violation. Just a verbal talk). I can say that Sgt.Osborne had it out for this PA. While other PA’s were involved with student/civilian confrontations or Detaining( only sworn can do) such as telling skaters to leave an area, or chasing bicyclist out of structures on Police mountain bikes, or holding down a student thought to be part of a crime but later determined had no part in the crim.. Yet all these are a big no no to the Dept and these PA’s were not disciplined in any fashion while Sgt.Osborne was on duty.. The PA that followed these guidelines was remanded for being in the area of another high risk call( the call was on the. 4th floor of student dorms) as this PA was cutting across campus, Sgt.Osborne noticed this PA and gave him a Disciplinary letter for his file.. While other PA’s would be standing right next to her in an area known for wild parties, fights, and burglaries are called out and no discipline was given.
    Sgt. Osborne finally made it a point to recommend to the Asst. Chief that this PA is not suitable for the Posiotion of being a PA, made it clear that he doesn’t follow the guidelines of the department and even though other Sergants came forward to have the PA work under their direction on another campus to see if what Sgt.Osborne was finding out to be correct. She still felt the need to have this PA take a few days off and return to work to a meeting with the Asst.Chief Hardina. 6 months after being hired with the goal to become a police officer with ASU.. Where his integrity was challenged on a daily basis, as other Ranked Officers told this PA to notify HR of the unfair Treatment as it has happened prior to another PA saved her job/career.. The PA was told he would no longer be employed as a PA and was terminated.

    The final letter stated that he was terminated due to interactions with students that were against department policy, that he was around other sworn officers that were trained and protected by firearms and tactics, yet the PA’s look and dress just like sworn officers( minus the weapons and lighter shirts), was told he was too active, and that PA’s are not to be looked at as police officers but more of a security detail( again yet te PA wear Police Hats, Duty belts, Radios, Asp’s, vests, ASU police Shirts, and ride with officers and asked to assist)..
    Today.. Well actually 4 months after the PA was let go, and after Sgt.Osborne deemed that the PA was not fit for ASUPolice Dept. A new policy was created that all PA’s can stop students for questioning, report to all calls(minus life threatening), take calls to assist officers, are used in the same capacity that the PA was doing 10 months prior is now the duties of a PA.

    To my knowledge Sgt.Osborne has destroyed a handfull of Careers, rewrote the FTO policy to her standards, ( which is now a complete mess) and as far as new recruits who were once PA’s that are now sworn officers she has had them terminated and not able to complete the FTO process.. Or Officers after completing have left the Dept for other agencies with the comments they can not work around Sgt.Pam Osborne.

    This was written for the PA that did everything right all while Sgt.Osborne turned her head for her favorite PA’s that were never written up for similar dept violations, while one PA came to work everyday to serve as a Peace Aide and do what he thought and believed was right/wrong.

    *** only one Violation not noted was held to the dept violation of not being in full attention to a duty or job that holds truth, was an OT assignment that had the PA secure a hallway and not allow access to the charity event.. The PA did sit down in a chair to rest only to find a sworn officer standing down the hall and report that he was not at his assignment given and appeard to be sleeping. To which the sleeping was not true, but police officers don’t lie.

  21. DefendingPoliceAides says:

    ASU goes through more Police Aides from termination for morale issues, becoming sworn officers and leaving the department, or quitting for other careers.. All due to unfair or unequal discipline of other PA’s that are under the Direction of Sgt.Pam Osborne (see comments under her story of parking in a no parking zone)

  22. RUkiddingMe says:

    Pam and the cliquesters use field training and the probationary period to pick and choose who fits into their poo flinging monkey colony. The school yard bullying begins for some and the fast tracking begins for others regardless of ability. This officer with scant “on the road” experience at asu went straight into a supervisor position where she was a evaluator of new hires.

    She has frequently jammed up veteran officers with years of experience in city agencies simply because they didn’t fit in. I caution any officer considering ASUPD as a career, it may be the end of it if you come here. A lot of work needs to be done to fix the problems and nobody is willing to do it.

  23. ThySummons says:

    The removal of the entire command staff will begin the process of fixing the countless problems in the ASU PD.

    Chief John Pickens, Assistant Chiefs, Michael Thompson and James Hardina, and Commanders, William Orr, Chris Speranza, Lou Scichilone, and Michele Rourke have failed the university and the men and women of the ASU PD.

    They do not epitomize the very best in today’s law enforcement community. Their integrity and ethics is questionable and some of their interactions with subordinates over the years has been atrocious.

    They can’t even speak on behalf of the university on police-related matters. It’s always representatives from other police agencies taking the lead. We see it on television and on the internet; it’s embarrassing.

    What have those individuals actually accomplished for the university and the ASU PD to warrant their continued retention?

    Kevin Salcido contends that the university just can’t fire the entire command staff. What would the university do without their stellar stewardship?

    They aren’t contract employees anymore so their removal would be quite simple.

    We have had, and continue to have, sworn officers leaving in droves. And it’s not always about the money. Do you think is might be the working environment and how leadership interacts with its subordinates?

    We would suggest that the university’s leadership, sans Salcido, start planning for the eventual removal of the entire command staff if the university is serious about moving the ASU PD in a new direction and bringing our nightmarish era to an end.

  24. […] citing violations of a few broad ARS statutes, DPS has been tasked to investigate the blog’s release of a picture of Sgt. Pam Osborne and her personally owned vehicle.  After months of emails, meetings, and phone calls to Command Staff/ASU HR about problems in the […]

  25. Doneson says:

    Ha! It’s back! You guys put her on blast. She needs to go over to Tempe and pay a year’s worth of fines for parking there, whatever the time has been. That’s fair and ethical right?

  26. WheresMy907 says:

    Thanks for giving the middle finger on their bogus threats. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m glad to see her back in the public court of opinion.

  27. […] times. In the first instance, Salcido incorrectly cited ARS and claimed we violated the law by posting a picture of Sgt. Pam Osborne failing to follow orders of a Commander by parking illegally. DPS refused to investigate the alleged “criminal violations” and determined that ASUPD […]

  28. Embudo says:

    It was reported that on 08/19/14, Sgt. Pam Osborne was once again illegally parking her privately owned vehicle (POV) in a Tempe city street parking slot in front of the ASU PD building. Adjacent to her POV, is signage that clearly reads: 1 HR PARKING; MARKED POLICE VEHICLES ONLY. The sign also clearly depicts, at the bottom, a tow truck’s lifter attached to a POV.

    Apparently, acting Chief Mike Thompson, like his predecessor, ex-Chief John Pickens, feels that it is OK to allow Sgt. Osborne to continue to illegally park her POV in a Tempe city street parking slot, designated for marked police vehicles only, by providing Sgt. Osborne with an ASU PD issued parking permit. Since when does an ASU PD parking permit trump Tempe city code, Chief Thompson?

    Why would Chief Thompson continue to allow Sgt. Osborne, and a few others, to operate under a different set of rules and standards? Could it be that Chief Thompson’s methods of operation are very similar to the ex-chief‘s methods of operation?

    Chief Thompson, why is it so difficult to stop the double standards that continue under your watch?

    • ThySummons says:

      If there is a parking violation currently in progress, please call the non-emergency Tempe Police Dispatch number at 480-350-8311 to place a call for service.

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