Arizona State University Police Officers are so fed up with CORRUPTION they sue their own police department. 13 News Outlets and Counting.

ASU Police Officers are so fed up with corruption

We are not surprised one bit. We have been acutely aware of many issues of public concern within the Arizona State University Police Department. When the details of this lawsuit are fully known we will find ways to supply any information we are aware of to assist them in their case against these defendants and others not listed. This initial lawsuit appears to be a beginning.

I suspect more will come forward and break the code of silence, despite all the threats against them doing so. Nobody should be afraid of these liars, cowards, bullies, and immoral people.

I would recommend that anyone who has been a employee/victim of the Arizona State University Police Department management to come forward now and here’s how:

In the Courthouse News article, ,  it mentions the law office managing this case, Dow Law Office, founder David Dow. I looked up the firm: and here is the contact information:

13 Links to articles on this latest Arizona State University Police Scandal:

1. Ex-ASU officers sue, say they were forced to make school appear safer

2. ASU Police Accused of Faking Crime Stats

3. Six Cops File Suit Against Thier Own Department, Alleging Corruption

Six Cops File Suit Against Thier Own Department, Alleging Corruption

4. Former ASU cops sue, claim school forced them to make campus appear safer


6. Lawsuit claims discrimination, harassment within ASU PD

7. ASU police accused of faking crime stats

8. Former ASU Police Say School Directed Them to Change Crime Stats


10. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered

11. Former ASU cops sue, claim school forced them to make campus appear safer

12. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered

13. Ex-ASU officers’ lawsuit alleges crime stats were altered

Perhaps this former lawsuit can shed more light on what’s happening here in this latest lawsuit. Here’s a related article:

Public Disservice: Discrimination, harassment settlements add up for ASU here:

One of the Defendents in this new Lawsuit, Officer Mark Janda, was named before in a lawsuit involving shoddy report writing, doing absolutely no investigation in a brutal rape case: FYI: He should have been held respinsible in this case: Misfeasance is the inadequate or improper performance of a lawful act. Nonfeasance is the neglect of a duty or the failure to perform a required task. What ASUPD Internal Affair was done on this known “clique” member.

Are there any issues within the official filing that could concern the ACLU?

Here is the link for the Arizona chapter:

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Austed Chief John Pickens is still employed in a bogus job to pay for his silence. 150,ooo a year for being silent, reports to Morgan Olsen.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Officer Mark Janda has a history of liability with the department, a clique member willing to injure employees targeted by ASUPD command.


Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Sergeant Epps was hurting employees trying to leave, playing into the lack of integrity that has become the bedrock of management within ASUPD.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Human Resources Head Kevin Salcido was part of the silence dissent within policy, was aware of many issues, but did nothing about them.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University falls under ABOR and has allowed illegal and toxic situations to remain at ASUPD for decades.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Sergeant Pamela Osborne, clique member, was known for damaging employees in the Police Officer Field Training Program.  Her lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.


Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University VP Morgan Olsen was aware of issues within ASUPD and ignored them.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Commander Orr was a clique founder and defender and hurt other employees. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department Commander Louis Scichilone has been caught in so many lies it isn’t even funny. He’s a protected clique member. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department current Chief Michael Thompson is every bit as corrupt as former Chief John Pickens and is an embarrassment to the profession. He continued to protect the clique as it hurt other employees. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.

Arizona State University Police Department

Arizona State University Police Department former Assistant Chief James Hardina, clique member, quickly rose through the ranks on his willingness to act out against the employees who were targeted by ASUPD command. His lack of integrity has no business in law enforcement.


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34 thoughts on “Arizona State University Police Officers are so fed up with CORRUPTION they sue their own police department. 13 News Outlets and Counting.

  1. ASUPDsmokeNmirrors says:

    So let me understand this, the story currently has 13 news outlets reporting and it hasn’t even gone to trial. Wow! It’s going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.

    There’s more than enough evidence for many claims against the police administration and their hatchet men in the department. There are many current and former employees who can come forward to either sue or provid addition supporting evidence, testimony. I’m going to eat so much popcorn watching this one, can’t wait!

    • DontLOLmeJP says:

      It’s remarkable when 13 news outlets break this out and do it this early. Police mismanagement and corruption are popular topics right now. I hope AZPOST is paying attention to what takes place.

    • BurningheapofFail says:

      13 news stories without a shred of evidence presented is a good indicator of where the publicity will be once the case gets underway.

    • ThySummons says:

      DontLOLmeJP, I hope the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System of the State of Arizona is also paying attention to what takes place.

  2. Farewell says:

    I found the Courthouse News article insightful and quite interesting. This is a must-read article, folks!

    Thank you Integrity Report blog for your accurate and truthful reporting over the years regarding ASU’s corrupt police command and its nefarious inbred clique.

  3. anon says:

    Keep us informed of the suit’s progress.

  4. twocents says:

    This will be tough for ASU to cover up, there’s not one person, except new employees, in ASUPD who can’t validate many issues with the department.

    There needs to be an overhaul to make the dysfunctional ASU police department function as a team for once, retain talent, and have responsible ethical leadership.

    • DontLOLmeJP says:

      After the Integrity Report started exposing issues within the department Pickens started running the paper shredders nonstop. I have no doubt they will start the shredders again. They are predictable.

  5. Semper Fidelis says:

    Finally some brave souls had the inner fortitude to stand up and say enough is enough to the corruption, favoritism, falsifying crime statistics, bullying, etc.

    We look forward to seeing how the civil suit plays out as our intel suggests there might be some in command and below in deep kimchi!

    • DontLOLmeJP says:

      Anyone still working there in this lawsuit will be singled out and targeted for termination, I guarantee it.

  6. DontLOLmeJP says:

    Our command staff is long overdue for their own IA. It looks like it’s time to reap what they sow. I don’t feel sorry for anyone named in this except Epps.

    They probably coerced him to do whatever he is charged with by preying on the personal tragedy his family experienced. One way or another the truth will come out.

    • BurningheapofFail says:

      This lawsuit or Command’s IA is finally the real deal. It has serious issues unlike all the silly nonsense they have done IA’s over at the “crack house”.

      It’s good to see people standing up for what’s right. Hopefully these people will experience what they’re responsible for putting others through.

    • QuickCallTempe! says:

      Epps messed up, badly. Anything he has coming is on his head.

      Family tragedy isn’t an excuse for his conduct, pressure from above isn’t either.

  7. BurningheapofFail says:

    It’s unthinkable that sworn police officers would be this dishonorable, but it’s a culture we are all too familiar with within ASUPD.

    • JustTheFacts says:

      When insecure, impressionable, and prideful men get leadership positions they act out of weakness and the power corrupts. This happens quickly under corrupt management that alienates people who won’t play along.

  8. OneFlewOverTheCuckoo'sPD says:

    I wonder why Michele Rourke is not listed as a defendant? Not long ago she was in charge of reporting the Clery/crime stats.

    Maybe as this starts to progress within the legal system, she’ll be implicated at some level for her roll during the Pickens/Thompson era.

  9. OneFlewOverTheCuckoo'sPD says:

    her [Rourke] “role” during the Pickens/Thompson era.

  10. LDS says:

    One word: Karma.

  11. Journalist says:

    Hi Integrity Report and any of the bloggers on the site,

    I’m a journalist with ASU’s campus publication, The State Press. I’m doing a story on the pending lawsuit with ASU PD. The bloggers on your site have been experts on this matter and fostering a conversation for years. I would love to get your side of the story on this, in whatever capacity that may be – on the record or off. My email is and my phone number is 602-334-9360. We want to tell an accurate, multi-perspective story about what is going on in this lawsuit. If anyone is at all inclined to share their stories or talk to me, it would be much appreciated.

    • JustTheFacts says:

      I would look through this blog because it has many topics concerning ASUPD. Do a freedom of information act request for whatever issues interest you the most.

      Take a look at how many officers work at the department and how many were hired in the last 5 years that aren’t there anymore.

      Try to answer the question of why this high turnover exists comparing it to the average turnover of other area police departments. Most employees in the department believe the problem is due to poor management, too many chiefs, and not enough indians.

    • fixmycorruptpd says:

      Nobody in a lawsuit is going to be able to talk about details of a case until it’s tried and over. Even then ASU typically has hush orders with settlements. Wondering why you never heard anything from Stuart Ferrin after termination? There you go. Just the facts has some good ideas about where to do research.

  12. JustTheFacts says:

    The ASUPD command continues to tell its bosses at Fulton Center HQ that they are unaware of other issues that will come out in the future, that they have things under control, but they are the biggest brass-plated liars in uniforms who will eat their words in due time.

    They know there are more issues because along with former Chief John Pickens and now Chief Michael Thompson created them for the department, for the university, and for the state of Arizona. The issues and the exposure of them aren’t going away.

    The command of ASUPD waged a war on it’s own employees trying to discover who made this blog or who may have contributed to it. It used AZDPS to do many interrogations of employees with no evidence they did anything wrong.

    In a nation that prides itself on civil liberties, the freedom of expression, this should be embarrassing for the nation’s largest university branding itself as “The New American University”.

    With their handling of issues and disrespect for the civil liberties guaranteed to Americans the command of ASUPD have more in common with America’s enemies than the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. They are cowards who talk out both ends of their mouth. It looks like their bosses are going to learn just how much as these employees sue them.

    The Arizona State University Police Department hired people of high and low moral character who are at odds with one another over fundamental differences of morality and the idea that one day we will all have to answer for what we have done.

    The university administration that protected those who did wrong will have some questions to answer because without truth on their side they are not holding a winning hand.

    • twocents says:

      Well said, but the university doesn’t care about anything but publicity. They won’t change a thing, will make an offer for everyone to go away, and it will be business as usual afterwards.

    • fixmycorruptpd says:

      Everyone knows they’re dirty, they know they’re dirty, but they’re too stupid to understand consequences and liability. They are arrogant. They have always been arrogant because they got away with what they’ve done for a long time.

  13. fixmycorruptpd says:

    The command staff of our police department are the most immoral people I have had the displeasure of dealing with, more so than anyone I have arrested.

    Not only do they make everything personal, but they attempt to hurt people based on even less. For arrestees they had to be insane or on drugs to be in that state of mind. These assholes do it sober.

  14. OldSundevilCop says:

    There are three camps at the ASU Police Department. One camp consists of the short timers who have no opinion because the department is always full of new people on the verge of eventually leaving in cyclical annual turnover.

    The other half are the long term employees divided into two camps. One is relatively small clique who ruined the department, the other consists of employees who can’t stand the clique.

    It’s hard to hold the thin blue line with all the clique ran politics. It’s supposed to be a team and no person who’s retired there can say it resembles anything close.

    I hope for the sake of the community the clique elements can be removed and the department cleaned up to be something that employees can be proud of. It’s shameful how some people operate and I’m surprised some of them managed to hold on to their certifications.

  15. Embudo says:

    It amazes me that problems identified years ago to both the university and ASU PD leadership regarding serious police staffing shortfalls (boots on the ground), maltreatment of non-clique employees, illegal altering and falsifying of employees’ training records and countless other possible criminal acts committed by command staff members fell on deaf ears.

    I always said if the leadership within the university and ASU PD refused to recognize and address the serious problems and then chart a course to fix the deep-rooted problems plaguing the ASU PD, then an outside entitie(s) would have to intervene, on behalf of the men and women of the ASU PD and ASU community, to fix the serious problems within ASU PD.

    • theintegrityreport says:

      There is an impossible conflict of interest between the university administration and the police department. Perhaps the Arizona Department of Public Safety needs to remove everyone above Sergeant (some Sergeants need to go) and run it effectively without interference, incompetence, and restore some integrity to the cause of public safety at the university.

  16. Tweedy Browne says:

    Thought your readers might find Anna Burleson’s article below interesting regarding Morgan Olsen’s withdrawal as a contender for president at the University of North Dakota (UND).

    I read elsewhere that Olsen said the lawsuit against him, and other ASU employees and ABOR, had nothing to do with his decision to take himself out of the running for president at UND.

    By Anna Burleson on Mar 11, 2016 at 10:42 a.m.

    Morgan Olsen has withdrawn from the UND presidential search.

    Olsen is the executive vice president, treasurer and chief financial officer of Arizona State University.

    UND Presidential Search Committee Co-chairman Grant Shaft announced Olsen’s withdrawal during the committee’s meeting Friday morning.
    Shaft did not elaborate as to why Olsen withdrew.

    “We don’t ask for any other information at this time,” he said.

    The committee will continue deliberating over the remaining five candidates for the UND presidency. They plan to forward at least three to the State Board of Higher Education for consideration at a Tuesday meeting.

    The State Press and Phoenix New Times publications reported in late February that several ASU officials have been accused in a lawsuit filed by former police officers of skewing crime statistics to make them appear more positive.

    Search committee member and UND professor Leon Osborne brought this up during the committee meeting, causing the group to take a break to discuss the legality of further discussion.

    It was after that discussion Shaft announced Olsen had withdrawn.

  17. Mr. J says:

    How can I join in on the law suit? I am a former ASU Police Officer that basically lost his career to this shit department.

    • theintegrityreport says:

      Hello Mr. J,

      I would urge you to contact the group’s lawyers. We were able to find out about the case through it’s publication online and will be putting up a post with the details you requested. We know there have been many employee victims of ASUPD and many more who were witnesses to what occurred there.

      For expediency, here is the information and a link to the official complaint which can be downloaded and printed as a PDF.

      David W. Dow (SBA #007377)
      The Law Offices of David W. Dow
      3104 E. Camelback #281
      Phoenix, Arizona 85016
      Attorney for Plaintiffs

  18. I don’t know who did this video but I’m SO HAPPY THEY DID!!! I laughed for about 20 minutes straight! Best video about ASU I’ve ever seen!! Watch it here:

  19. OneFlewOverTheCuckoo'sPD says:

    They (command staff and some mid-level employees) have been operating with impunity and unaccountability for years.

    It will be satisfying to finally see some semblance of justice when the defendants are sitting in a court of law and the irrefutable evidence of illegal activity is presented to the jury.

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