First off, we’d like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving Day! We published this story based on a tip from someone who knew this inside story. THANK YOU for the information.
That’s right folks, more scandal and cover-up coming out of the Arizona State University Police Department. Surprise, surprise. Like the current department leadership, the previous leadership is know for it’s sexual scandals with lower ranked female employees they targeted for sex. Some of these female employees screw everyone they can before marrying the last poor sap and making an incestuous mess of the relatively small department that can never, year after year for decades, retain employees and provide safe staffing levels for the university public.
It’s not all one-sided, favors go both ways in these quid pro quoencounters. Some use sex for promotions, for special treatment, for insurance against losing their job, they have sex with superiors for selective discipline/policy enforcement, unearned time off, and to have their benefactors target the employees they don’t like. It’s all about power and the abuse of power by people with the lowest levels of decency, integrity. Pickens is reputed to have had sex with numerous subordinates, a few even married connected department men after Pickens’s abrupt departure. We are looking for more information on this topic, so please advise.
Now for the feature story. Jay Spradling was a former Arizona State University Police Assistant Chief under former Chief John Pickens. Spradling came to ASUPD after being forced out of the Tempe Police Department for a sexual scandal with a secretary he was having a long term affair on his wife with. Jay Spradling was hired by ASUPD, hot off this latest scandal, and began teaching ASU police department staff a mandatory ethics class that was a sick mockery to actual police officers who live by and follow a good code of ethics in their professional and private lives.
Jay’s new target for sex was the all too willing former ASUPD dispatch supervisor Michelle Potts. Potts was well known for her negative treatment of employees she supervised and was quick to use her sexual contacts in command to further discipline subordinates without any accountability for herself. Prior to their simultaneous resignations, both Jay Spradling and Michelle Potts were found in a University parking structure having sex in a vehicle. This time it was a blow job. How was this discovered? Current ASUPD evidence custodian Kevin Georgitso, a retired Arizona State Highway Patrol Officer, was working as an ASUPD police aide and discovered ASUPD Assistant Chief Jay Spradling receiving a blow job from ASUPD Dispatch Supervisor Michelle Potts.
If you look at the historical record for the department it kinda all makes sense. Both employees abruptly left the department under suspicious circumstances around the same time and had no proceedings administratively or criminally launched against either of them. How come? No internal investigation? Was ASU Human resources notified? No? Why? Because the Arizona State University Police Department leadership and middle management is void of self-control and any vestige of the professional integrity expected by the public of their police officers.
It may come as a surprise, but Jay Spradling is now in charge of security for a nuclear power plant in the great state of……….Arizona! One of the key characteristics for someone to have U.S. federal security clearances has to do whether or not they can be compromised by a record of past behavior. Compromising a state’s human assets is the bread and butter of foreign intelligence agencies. By burying these prior acts of Jay Spradling being compromised by sexual issues the agencies responsible unwittingly exposed a nuclear asset of this country. Way to go!
We hope you enjoyed the article, please continue to send us more information for future publication.
Story made possible by the contributions of an anonymous source through the comments section who gave us permission to use the information, but not to publish the comment.
The command at the Arizona State University Police Department take nothing more seriously than acquiring more additional money for themselves and what the troops have come to call their minions, the cadre of supplicants, “the clique”. The quickest way to get more money at the Arizona State University Police Department is to ingratiate yourself with those in charge. It doesn’t require experience or competency in the job you’re sworn to do, everywhere else it usually does, but not in the ASUPD. There are Sergeants running around clueless with only one year of university only patrol experience managing officers with 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 years of patrol experience. Some of these officers even tested against these Sergeants, beat them until it came to the “oral boards” where all other testing scores and resume experience no longer mattered and they lost out on the position. Some of these applicants were highly decorated officers from city departments who put their lives on the line for many years before coming to a whore house masquerading as a state police department.
We are not critics of state support for law enforcement. We are critics of those who undermine the efforts and image of the noble uniformed police officer for their own enrichment at the cost of safety for the communities they are sworn to serve. The Arizona State University Police Department has a sizable budget in the double digits for millions of dollars. It’s further acerbated by the fact the police department’s command seems unable to stop officers (the ones who really work as actual cops) from wanting to leave the department, but receive funding to hire as many officers as possible and convert the line money they receive for the officers they don’t have to what they term as “salary savings”.
We received some information in the comments section from a anonymous source who did not wish to be published, but said we could use the information provided. We learned that ASU Police Commander Louis Scichilone managed ASU Police overtime for the DUI Taskforce for many years that other police departments co-participate in. While managing the overtime Commander Louis Scichilone would hand pick who worked that overtime detail. In doing so he selected his friends like ASU Police Sergeant Mark Aston, ASU Police Sergeant Pamela Osborne, ASU Sergeant/Commander Christopher Speranza, and others to receive the additional money for these events.
After selecting trusted friends for the DUI Taskforce events, ASU Police Commander Louis Scichilone and these other three officers would ride 4 to a patrol vehicle, make some token stops for stats, but lacked in custody DUI arrests before collecting time and a half overtime pay at the Sergeant rank. Sometimes other officers were included in this scheme, but no other names were given to us. What we don’t know is how many times this scheme was carried out or the dollar amount essentially stolen from government grants and payments from families who lost relatives to drunk drivers. M.A.D.D. We were also told that the Arizona State Police Department was uninvited to participate in D.U.I. Enforcement overtime due to a lack of performance. This grant make sense as a way for the state of Arizona to bolster the tarnished image of the Arizona State University Police Department, but it’s more good money after bad results for the tax payer and the public who could be better served if the troops had adequate leadership with a resemblance of integrity, at least average intelligence, and a modicum of people skills.
The partnership of the ASU Police Department patrolling with the Tempe Police Department in the Safe and Sober program, an effort designed to decrease rowdy off-campus behavior, often saw ASUPD Officers being diverted to assist or take primary on regular ASU Police calls, due to the shortages in staffing that have plagued the department for many years. The off-campus Safe and Sober program succeeded in cleaning up Tempe, but drove the crime back on to the Arizona State University Campus where the lack of patrol units is an open invitation for criminals to shop-without-a-cop in the Arizona State University Crime Spree Zone.
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety granted the ASU Police Department more than $68,000 for DUI, youth alcohol and selective traffic enforcement.
The grant is split into two parts: $60,000 for DUI and youth alcohol enforcement, which primarily covers overtime pay for officers a part of the task force, and $5,000 to be spent on Portable Breath Test Instruments.
The department was also awarded $3,080 for Selective Traffic Enforcement, a program focused on adding police to monitor pedestrians and cyclists in the area, according to a press release issued by ASU police on Feb. 10. (AKA Extra money for doing what a police department is supposed to do.)
Commander John Thompson, who oversees Tempe campus patrol operations for the ASU police, said the GOHS has given out grants to local police departments for as long as he’s been an officer.
“This year – in 2016 – we applied for another grant and we were awarded monies that we will use,” Thompson said. “We began utilizing that money over the Christmas holiday season so during pretty much the entire month of December … every weekend and the week leading up to Christmas and the week after Christmas there are ongoing task force efforts almost on a nightly basis.”
Thompson said the department does not ask for a specific amount of money, but simply applies for a grant and the GOHS determines the amount.
The money allows the department to put more officers on duty during bigger campus events, such as football games.
“This money allows us to bring in officers on overtime and go out and specifically spend their efforts looking for DUIs, people violating DUI laws, and then as well as any other traffic related issues that we might encounter,” Thompson said. “When we have … Devilpalooza in a couple of weekends here we’ll have a couple of officers in.”
Thompson said the grant will help pay for around 11 PBT breathalyzers the department bought recently. (So the money can be spent on lunches for command meetings and special trips for command and their friends in “training”.)
“We already have multiple of those machines that most of our officers do carry, this is just more that we can put in the hands of even more of our officers,” Thompson said.
This year’s grant was approximately $15,000-20,000 more than last year, Thompson said, mainly because the University and department have both grown.
GOHS Director Alberto Gutier said the office is glad to grant this money to several departments and organizations across Arizona.
Gutier said overall the ASU police does a good job utilizing their grants, which is why they are happy to provide them with money yearly. (So how was this “good job” verified? The state says the state is doing a fine job, not surprising.)
“PBTs are about $500 apiece and that includes mouth pieces that PBTs use,” Gutier said. “We probably provided a thousand plus PBTs the last couple years for agencies around the state. You can buy a very good PBT for $350-400, you add to that shipping and mouthpieces – it’s about $500 so if we give $5,000 it means they can order 10 PBTS.”
The Selective Traffic Enforcement is an effort to educate and inform students on campus the laws of being a pedestrian or a bicyclist, Gutier said. He said new students often don’t know the laws, which can lead to traffic accidents, so the education and warning is better than just giving a ticket.
Gutier said the department gladly provides funding for programs protecting pedestrians and bicyclists because of the rate of pedestrian fatalities in Arizona.
Daniel Roman, a civil engineering junior, said he has had every experience as a pedestrian that one can imagine.
“I’ve been hit by a long boarder, and I’ve been hit by a car while long boarding,” Roman said. “I was going across the cross walk and the car just didn’t see me.” (You were riding through a crosswalk on a long board instead of dismounting.)
Roman said he thinks education for pedestrians would be good, since many students on campus don’t have any knowledge of the laws of being a pedestrian. (Stop, Caution, Go, Walk, Don’t Walk, Right of Way, simple.)
“I always just figure pedestrians have right of way,” Roman said. “I think it could be valuable to educate students on what they can and can’t do.” (Cars can kill people when they crash into pedestrians.)
Reach the reporter at or follow @mitchellatencio on Twitter.
Keep the information coming, it’s only going to improve things at ASUPD by making
Ladies and gents, are you tired of working for ASUPD for years without a pay raise? Of course you are, it sucks! Are you tired of hearing your former academy classmates handling real police work, while you take a break from being a mall cop to dirty dick a college student with a felony for 0.5 grams of medical marijuana pot? Of course you are!
If you’re too new for ASUPD admin and their pets to single you out and mercilessly attack your law enforcement career OR you sold your soul to the dark side of cronyism, threw fellow officers under the bus in department politics, and are part of the team of one, me, me, me mentality, then listen up!
Join a high profile, much advertised, ASUPD specialty detail, all you do is pretend to test for it and if you are liked the oral board counts for 100% of your grade. And once you’re in………………threaten to leave, meet ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson and get your special secret raise! ASU Police Sergeant Nate Deveny did it first and then coached his new bike squad to do the same.
If you’ve been a part of the Arizona State University Police Department longer than 5 minutes, are a person of average intelligence, then you’ll see what type of den of moral inequity, brothel, and disorganized clown show you signed up for. Seriously, some of these people would sell their mom to human traffickers to get ahead.
Be sure to ask Deveney, Casanno, Wang, & Zorich about their special raises and maybe you too can get tips on living a little larger than a check to check pauper with empty upturned pockets as command gives themselves another pay raise, yet another do nothing useless command position. Nothing quite says, “FUCK YOU” to other ASU Police Officers like a secret pay raise to a band of rookies for riding a bicycle.
Good Job Chief Thompson and the other dildos who had a hand in this gaff!
For the love of god, save your dignity, save your career, and go work for a real police department with a record of adhering to some sort of integrity code and get the respect you deserve. At the time of this article, half a dozen officers are in processes with other departments.
Q: What kind of expertise and professionalism can victims within the Arizona State University community expect from their police department detectives?
A: Rookie expertise & less professionalism than a fraternity during pledge week.
That’s right folks, virtual world training for detectives on computers at ASU Police Department is a reality VERSUS real world training as a police detective through handling criminal cases, interviewing actual victims, suspects, and mentoring with experienced detectives.
If you are investigative reporters and looking for a story, look no further than one of the most important aspects of a police department besides patrol, detectives, the branch that is supposed to follow up on unsolved crimes and close cases.
What is the case closure rate of ASUPD Detectives? How is that statistic generated?
What kinds of cases are ASUPD Detectives closing?
What is the ASUPD Detective record on closing drug trafficking cases?
What is the ASUPD Detective record on closing sexual assault cases?
What is the ASUPD Detective record on closing property crime cases?
Do ASUPD Detectives focus on property crimes over crimes against people?
Of the types of cases sent to ASUPD Detectives, how many are left pending indefinitely?
Of the types of cases sent to ASUPD Detectives, how many have been “SAT ON” and the officers handling them, at the supervisor level, made the decision whether or not to forward them to prosecution based on their belief in the likeliness of a conviction?
Of the types of cases sent to ASUPD Detectives, how many actually get sent to the Maricopa County Attorney for prosecution?
Are ASUPD Detectives being directed to do immoral practices and procedures in order to influence crime statistics that portray the Arizona State University in an unrealistically favorable manner?
Since this article came out, nearly everyone in the ASUPD Detectives scattered to the wind and have been replaced? Why?
Why have ASUPD Detectives had 4 Supervisor changes in less than four years?
What kind of training have ASUPD Detectives received to handle the 1000’s of cases sent to them over the last 10 years? If ASUPD doesn’t pay for detectives to be properly trained, mentored, before being on the job, then where is the money going? More importantly, what type of job are they doing for the Arizona State University community?
How come the ASUPD Special Victims Unit was formed to combat the sexual assault crisis at America’s largest college, but former police detectives who came to ASUPD with a wealth of experience were shunned in favor of the same political cronyism appointees we were so used to under the years of John Pickens as chief?
One of these political cronies, Jennifer Bryner, had 1 year on patrol, couldn’t qualify with her pistol, was moved into detectives immediately afterwards, and then was promoted to Sergeant, again over officers with 10-20 years experience after camping out in detectives for a short period.
Under the new management of Chief Michael Thompson, the ASU Police Department has seen many recent changes including the creation of two new roles within the force for Special Victims detectives.
Sgt. James Short, overseer of the Special Victims Unit, wrote in an email that detectives assigned to the Special Victims Unit will investigate cases involving physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence and crimes against children.
ASU defines sexual violence under the ABOR Student Code of Conduct as sexual misconduct, which includes any kind of non-consensual sexual contact attempted or executed without consent or under circumstances in which consent cannot be given, such as when one is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, disabled or a minor.
Sexual misconduct also includes sexual harassment, which is constituted by sexual behavior that creates an environment of intimidation, hostility or offense.
Short said the detectives will be working closely with other agencies such as the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, the ASU Office of Equity and Inclusion, the ASU Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Family Advocacy Center Services and the university’s Title IX Coordinator.
Short said Special Victims detectives will investigate all cases in their jurisdiction, which includes the four ASU campuses, regardless of whether students are involved.
Crimes involving sexual and domestic abuse are of an inherently sensitive nature. While ASU seeks to educate its students about these crimes and encourages all victims to report acts of sexual violence, that is not always what happens, Short said.
“It is the responsibility of anyone having knowledge of sexual misconduct to report the information, but ultimately it is the victim’s choice to pursue one or more of these reporting options,” he said. “It is…the victim’s choice as to how the case will be conducted. If the victim chooses not to take police action, the university has other resources…who can assist in an administrative investigation based on the circumstances and the victim’s discretion.”
Short said ASUPD will also direct victims to support services and on-campus clubs if they wish to utilize them, and a complete list of support services and education programs are available online.
Director of ASU Wellness Karen Moses wrote in an email, “The increase in awareness seems to have had a positive impact, as the percentage of female students who reported having experienced attempted and/or completed sexual assault decreased from 4.7 percent to 3.1 percent from 2014 to 2015.”
Moses said she is hopeful that a specialized unit for Special Victims will encourage more victims to report crimes.
Although sexual assault cases are frequent on college campuses, spokesperson Nicole Franks wrote in an email that there has been a general decrease in sexual assault cases across ASU campuses and that crime statistics can be located in the Annual Clery Report.
Statistics aside, Franks said “focusing two of our detectives on these types of crimes is an effective use of personnel and expertise.”
Adding the Special Victims Unit was just one of the many changes that have happened at ASUPD.
Since Chief Michael Thompson took over, ASUPD has hired more personnel, including two new officers this summer and 15 in the past year. The department began training the force in diversity and cultural awareness, as well as implemented the LiveSafe app.
Franks said the app and its various features have proven successful so far, although there are only 3,336 LifeSafe users, with 1,091 using the SafeWalk feature and 10 using the SafeRide feature, which was launched on July 11 to allow students to request Safety Escort services.
There was also a LiveSafe scavenger hunt from August 11 to August 23 designed to raise awareness for the app.
“We are always looking for smarter policing approaches,” Franks said.
Curious about how your daughter’s potential future sexual assault will be handled? Look at this.
Look at the record from actual Arizona State University students victimized 1st by a criminal, 2nd by how the ASUPD mishandled their cases, and 3rd by how they were victimized again by the ASU Administration. The Arizona State University, like too many colleges in the US, has a disgusting RAPE CULTURE. The university response has been to run a useless publicity campaign.
The watchdogs in the media are on the trail of the curious case of Mr. John Pickens, the defrocked Chief of the Arizona State University Police Department. They are on to the fact the Arizona State University administration is paying him a 155,000 a year, for two years now, to sit on his fat ass and literally do nothing. It is typical of the systemic waste and corruption waiting to be uncovered at the university. How many other witness protection programs like this are being ran out of the Fulton Center?
We would like to congratulate Ray Stern from the New Times for staying on the case of this institutional state corruption and be aware, and believe us, there’s more where this is!
Maybe Arizona governor Doug Ducey should be looking into this avenue of state corruption. Governor Ducey, why are Michael Crow and Morgan Olsen wasting 155,000 a year, for two years ongoing, to keep dismissed ASU Police Chief, John L. Pickens in the silent witness protection program? What corrupt information are they hoping to keep secret?
Many current and former ASUPD alumni know the history of John L. Pickens at ASUPD and the secrets he’s keeping quiet must be significant to employ him at $155,000 to do nothing while students get tuition/fee/inflation increases, while useful staff are reduced, and the Arizona State University Police Department continues to daily struggle to patch holes in shift schedules by routinely offering paid overtime. How many years can the department continue to operate like this?
More than two years after Arizona State University’s former police chief took the helm of a new program that promised to increase the use of video cameras on campus, it’s unclear how much expansion has occurred — if any.
The lack of video security around ASU’s Tempe campus was exposed on Wednesday, December 7, when a knife-wielding man held a faculty member in her third-floor office in the Language and Literature building before releasing her unharmed. The suspect remains at large. ASU police spokeswoman Katy Harris confirmed on Monday that no video evidence of the man was captured, either inside or outside of the building.
In the summer 2014, John Pickens stepped down unexpectedly from his post as ASU police chief a few weeks after the violent arrest of ASU English professor Ersula Ore by an ASU officer. But Pickens didn’t move far: ASU installed him in a new office, gave him the title of director of University Security Initiatives, and continued paying him his $155,000 annual salary. School records showed that his duties were supposed to include planning for the expansion of ASU’s video-camera system, assisting “appropriate staff” to ensure ASU is prepared for emergencies, and collaborating with staff to review design plans for surveillance cameras in the renovated Sun Devil Stadium.
But with a full year under Pickens’ belt, ASU can offer no list of his accomplishments, nor any timetable for achieving any of University Security Initiatives’ goals. What’s more, the program doesn’t seem to exist on paper aside from documents showing that Pickens was selected to lead it, and ASU has no record of any budget for the “initiatives.”
On Monday, in response to New Times‘ request for information about the status of the video-camera expansion, Pickens’ job, and University Security Initiatives, ASU released a statement indicating that there’s room for improvement:
“The safety of the Arizona State University community is something we take very seriously and we continually look for and employ new methods to improve,” reads the statement, provided to New Times by ASU spokesman Gerald Gonzalez. “Because we have 5 open campuses with 25 million square feet of space, we ask all members of the ASU community to immediately notify campus police if they witness suspicious activity or individuals.”
Gonzalez wants students to be aware of the university’s blue-light stations, which allow students who feel threatened to push a button and receive a police response 24 hours a day.
As last Wednesday’s incident demonstrated, the police response can be less than perfect.
A person matching the description of the knife-carrying man was seen an hour before the faculty member’s brief kidnapping, trying faculty office doors on the building’s fourth floor. A professor called police, who responded six minutes later but couldn’t find the man. It isn’t known whether he remained in the building or departed and then returned an hour later, just before 1:30 p.m.
The suspect is believed to be Hispanic or Native American, in his 20s, about 5-foot-9 with a medium build. He was wearing a black-and-white bandanna, a dark sweatshirt, and blue jeans. He had acne on his forehead and bloodshot eyes, ASU police said.
Until the promised camera expansion occurs, ASU encourages students and faculty to download the LiveSafe app that allows users to send ASU police real-time anonymous tips, including video.
Some faculty members and students criticized the decision by authorities not to broadcast a mobile-phone alert about the suspect. Students for Self-Defense at ASU, a group that seeks the repeal of the campus weapons ban, wrote on Facebook over the weekend that the incident “highlights the fact that ASU’s weapons prohibition policies don’t actually work the way they’re meant to.”
ASU policy bans guns and knives with blades longer than five inches but allows consumer-type self-defense sprays.
A we previously reported, Commander Chris Speranza was actually assigned by ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson to investigate himself in a complaint against himself. Why isn’t he on administrative leave with the other two unethical reprobates in uniform, Latella and Deveney?
Can no rank ASU Police Officers investigate their own complaints against them? Hell No.Continue reading →
It appears that the refiling date for the lawsuit against the corrupt management of the Arizona State University Police Department has come and gone without news of a refiling. This is truly a dark day for the Arizona State University community and the people who depend on it to fulfill the public safety needs of the community. This is a critique of ASUPD command, and by no means is this a critique of the patrol officers of ASUPD, who are doing all they can do despite being critically understaffed for years. Once again the Arizona State University administration allows corruption, cronyism, discrimination, bullying, and violations of law to run unchecked at the den of ill repute, known as the Arizona State University Police Department.
Arizona State University Police Chief Michael Thompson is running the ASUPD just as his predecessor had run the department, straight into the ground. Chief Thompson retained the same miscreants in his command that worked for Pickens. They couldn’t do right by people if they tried because they lack even the most basic respect for integrity in this profession.
We call on all the plaintiffs in the lawsuit and anyone with knowledge of wrongdoing at ASUPD to join with us and release all the information they are holding becausethe public has a right to know what’s going on when their Public Safety is at stake, when those trusted with managing it are failing.
Look into the eyes of the victims of crime throughout all the news articles about students from the Arizona State University, look into their eyes, think of their families, and tell yourself that you don’t want to make your information public!
For any future employee victims of ASUPD, let this be a lesson to you to be sure to do your own research about the attorneys who are going to represent you. The judge’s response to the lawsuit was more of a rebuke of how the attorneys failed their clients and not what the people they represented had put forth. Every employee with more than a few years on at ASUPD knows damn well that there are many issues with the department that could lead it straight into a courtroom.
ASU Police just completed ETHICS TRAINING in time for TWO of it’s supervisors to find themselves out on ADMIN LEAVE. Never in the history of the Arizona State University Police Department have 2 supervisors been placed on leave at the same time! Even crazy ASU Sgt Michael Roper only received 8 days off for threatening to shoot ASU Detective Dustin Melton. It’s only a shell game, not professional accountability. Both of these supervisors will be set free of responsibility, especially Latella.
Are we surprised?
No, not at all.
Are Chief Thompson and his command trying to do the right thing?
No, not a chance, it’s just a feint.
Should thorough investigations be done on both of these known liar ASU Police supervisor Brady listers? ABSOLUTELY.
Chief Michael Thompson’s bosses are on notice and the flunkies of ASU Police command are finally under a token modicum of professional scrutiny. Without ethics or competent police department management skills, their typical unprofessional clusterfuck management style always rises to the top.
Chief Michael Thompson, his Assistant Chiefs, and Commanders are looking for lower level scapegoats for what they thought would be another routine career assassination move on a ASU Police Officer they targeted.
We have received word that the 3rd floor of 325 E Apache Blvd Tempe AZ is in a 4 Alarm Fire over attempting to orchestrate the termination of ASU Police Officer Mathew Mansfield.
Good luck to you Officer Mansfield, they are doing all they can, and we have seen this routine from them for years. Be very careful in dealing with them because they are willing to say/do anything they think they can get away with. Hold them accountable with everything possible by making sure everyone above them and every outside entity available is aware of what is going on.
The command of ASU Police routinely target employees, but when they terminate officers they attempt to concoct a way for them to have their AZPOST peace officer certification revoked.
How many times were the ASU Police Command successful? ZERO
How much INTEGRITY does the ASU Police Command have? ZERO
A Police Department managed without INTEGRITY is an absolute 100% LIABILITY to the community they are expected to serve.
If ASU Police Command did a complete and proper investigation into the conduct of themselves, then you would start seeing employees from the ASU Police Department losing their AZPOST certifications.
(Commander Chris Speranza was actually assigned by ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson to investigate himself in a complaint against himself. Can no rank ASU Police Officers investigate their own complaints against them? No, so either ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson is a complete idiot OR he is a corrupt piece of shit. Which one is it Chief Michael Thompson?) We think it’s both!