Category: Turkish politics

Like a Tree, Like a Forest in Taksim Square – Kıvanç Eliaçık

Testimony by Kıvanç Eliaçık, International Relations Office Director in DİSK (Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey) [also published here] My trade union is part of a platform together with professional associations and neighborhood organizations. This platform protests the construction work in Taksim that will demolish the park there. Therefore, I was following the related …

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Turkey’s 9/11 : Reyhanlı

Editor’s note: This is a compilation of news items and articles originally published in Turkish. With the exception of the introduction, we do not claim any intellectual nor political credit for the text. All the analyses belong to the authors of the texts referred to at the end of each paragraph. Yet, the mistakes and …

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4 + 4 + 4 Why “Religionization” of Public Education is Harmful – Özgür Düşünce Hareketi

  Editorial note: This article, “4+4+4 Dinselleşen Eğitim Sisteminin Zararları” (Part 1 and Part 2) was written collectively by Özgür Düşünce Hareketi (Free Thought Movement) in Turkey. It makes a thorough analysis of the recent transformations in the Turkish education system. We, Out for Beyond, decided to take this opportunity to provide an account of …

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The Imperialist Intervention in Syria to Launch Officially: Turkey Authorizes Military Action in Syria

This short news item is a collection of breaking news from Turkey, reporting the recent developments about the Syrian conflict. Please check the Syria label for further analyses. Turkish references are given by an asterisk whereas English or nonverbal references are embedded in the text. What’s happening in Turkey?   Months-lasting efforts of imperialism bore …

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Labor rights in Turkey: Trade Union Act, The Anatomy of a Lie – Kıvanç Eliaçık

  This article is a free translation of the Turkish original (“Sendikalar Yasası: Bir Yalanın Anatomisi”) published in Bianeton July 18th, 2012. The author of the article, Kıvanç Eliaçık, is the director of the international relations office in DİSK, the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey.   If a trade union that collaborates with …

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Very close to Syria – Ragıp Duran

  This article is a shortened translation of the Turkish original “Suriye’ye çok yakın…” by Ragıp Duran, published in on 11 July 2012. We mean this translation to be a continuation of an article series about Syria, which you can follow using the Syria label.     In Antioch, Iskenderun or Samandağ, the people are …

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Syria issue. Samandağ reflections: Zero neighbors, zero ministers, lots of problems – Ragıp Duran

  This article is translated from the Turkish original “Samandağ izlenimleri: Sıfır komşu, sıfır bakan, çok sorun” by Ragıp Duran, published in Birdirbir.orgon 18 July 2012. We mean this translation to be a continuation of an article series about Syria, the first of which can be found here.   We went to Samandağ1for the “Evvel …

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Turkey: From Iraq to Syria – Bülent Kale

This article is translated from the Turkish original “Türkiye: Irak’tan Suriye’ye” by Bülent Kale, published in Bianet‘s Turkish website on 5 July 2012.     Nine years ago in 2003, when Turkey applied to NATO in accordance with Article 4 before the Iraq Occupation; NATO sent five Patriot air defense systems and three AWACS aircrafts …

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Feodalism is not anti-capitalism.

This short text is a commentary on the discussions on the pseudo-convergence between the islamist movement and the left. It was originally written in Turkish, elaborating on a very specific occasion that triggered the discussions in Turkey. Therefore, the text is Turkish in nature. Yet, we believed that this discussion is worth translating for the …

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Health Care Reforms in Turkey – 5: “The Final Declaration of the Grand Right-to-Health Assembly of Turkey”

  As part of our responsibility of providing English information on Turkey with a political perspective that is compatible with our stance, we started a series of translations of news items and articles on the transformations in the health care system in Turkey. You can reach the previous items by following the Health Care Reforms …

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