What we’re doing

Here’s what’s happening:

The UK Government is hosting the G8 2013 summit in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, in the north of Ireland, on 17-18 June. 8 world bosses, and their entourages, will be meeting in a remote golf resort far from any urban centres.

We are holding a week of action before their meeting, in London. The dates (provisionally) are 10-18 June. This is what we’re looking at:

  • at least one major day of action in London organised by Stop G8 Network
  • there may be other action days organised by other groups (one proposed so far: a “No Borders No Prisons” day)
  • autonomous actions and events are encouraged
  • meeting and convergence spaces, including accommodation for people coming from afar
  • other logistical support including legal, medical, kitchens, …
  • an anti-capitalist cultural and “educational” programme of discussions, workshops, films, games, and more

We are not currently planning to organise a mobilisation at the summit in Lough Erne. This is because none of us in the network so far are based in this area, and we believe that any mobilisation there should be started locally. However, we will remain flexible: if people in Fermanagh start to organise something and want our support, and we can get along in terms of our principles, we will be delighted to work together.

So let’s get moving. If you want to get involved, please contact your local group, or come along to the next network meeting in London on 26-27 January (full details coming soon). Also, we’d love to hear from people who want to organise internationally to come to our week of action, or to work in solidarity from where you are.


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