Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network National Convergence

Saturday 16th August 12-6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power

Sunday 17th August 12- 6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power 

Stop NATO Cymru is a group initiated by local activists to mobilise against the NATO summit. Stop NATO Cymru joined with the Anarchist Action Network as a group with the same fundamental principles and as a group with the experience and skills gained from the anti-G8 mobilisation in 2013. These principles are based on the PGA Hallmarks, we are overtly anarchist and support a diversity of tactics.

The Anarchist Action Network is working with Stop NATO Cymru to mobilise against the forthcoming NATO summit. This is the last National Convergence before the summit – come and join the mobilisation!

Please email us in advance to discuss any queries at: stopnatocymru at riseup dot net. This is our number, for further information you can also ring/text: 07440 192330

All welcome except cops & journos.

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