Yearly Archives: 2022

*** Where next for the AAN?? *** 

In March this year the AAN twitter account reached 3000 followers.

The following was tweeted out to mark it:

“Thanks to our 3000 followers! While we haven’t called a meeting since 17th March 2019, we supported the G7 resistance in Cornwall last year, and multiple other events and mobilisations. We started as StopG8 in 2012 and merged with Stop NATO Cymru in 2014 to become the AAN.”

“While the present status of the AAN is unclear until we meet again, we encourage anyone interested in being involved to see if there is already a group near to them: (some have become dormant, but it’s very possible that it’s still worth offering support.)”

It was hoped that we could rebuild the network after the G7 in 2021, and some progress was made with this, but so far it hasn’t led to a meeting being called (other than some post-G7 discussions online).

Now that twitter is looking like imploding as a platform, or in the very least, getting worse and even more corporate, it feels like a good a time as any to reflect on what the future might hold for this, actually, fairly dormant, network.

The following 3 scenarios have been proposed:

1. We keep the email list active but stop using the twitter and effectively call it a day.

2. We hold a meeting early next year to discuss what the future of the network could look like and how it could grow again. This could be in London, or in Sheffield (on the weekend of the Radical Bookfair).

3. We look into changing the name of the network, and relaunching it.

Many of us still think the need for a network such as this one still exists, helping to build anarchist ideas whenever possible, supporting bookfairs and other initiatives, helping build a movement, especially in an area where a major international summit lands.

We are considering setting something up on either Mastodon, or instagram, or both. Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this. Please email us if you have any ideas or suggestions.

Many thanks,

love & rage,


Persons Unknown Festival 2022

PUF 2022

Person Unknown Festival is a natural and inevitable progression of the grassroots movements that have hit Manchester over the last 2 decades, Fresh Milk, Okasional Cafe, Temporary Autonomous Arts events, and Loose Space as a few examples.

This crew of Manchester-based squatters are organising a 3 day festival full of workshops, performances and live bands + DJs. Doors open on the 13th May with workshops, community cafe and a late night queer cabaret.

Come to celebrate and participate in DIY culture, challenging us all to learn and grow in a temporary autonomous space, through critical thought and playful creativity.

Date & Time: 

Friday, 13 May to Monday, 16 May, 2022 (late night finish)

Liverpool Anarchist Bookfair 2022

SAT 14TH MAY 2022



L1 5EW



The much-delayed 4th Liverpool Anarchist Book Fair is this Saturday May 14th 2022. Open from 11am till 5pm

A day of stalls & workshops. Free entry (donations towards events costs welcome).

Books, zines & more to educate, agitate and organise!

Contact us for details about booking a stall or running a talk/workshop: liverpool.anarchistbookfair[@] – we still have a couple of slots!

Vegan food provided by donation by Liverpool Food Not Bombs.

Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Bookfair

21st May 2022


On Dec 8, 2020 a group of seven people were arrested by the French state for alleged terrorist association. All but one of them have been released with no specific charges beyond ‘criminal conspiracy,’ a charge that can be used to enhance sentences and strip away rights. Libre Flot was transferred to solitary confinement days after his arrest and is the only one of those arrested still behind bars.

Throughout his incarceration, the French state has attempted to say that Flot’s actions of joining the liberatory struggle against the Islamic State is the same as those who traveled to Syria to join ISIS.

As of Feb 27, Flot began a hunger strike in protest of the 14-plus months of pretrial detention, the allegation that seven people who did not even know one another committed a conspiracy, and the attempts of the French state to assert that those who fought the Islamic State are no different than the ISIS members they opposed.

On the 24th of March, after having lost a lot of weight and presenting health problems, Libre Flot was hospitalized. 

The 4th of April will be his 36th day of hunger strike. 

The 4th of April is also his birthday. 

On this day, we call for an international day of solidarity. We call upon all comrades and every decent human being with a sense of justice to protest outside French embassies, consulates or institutes, or to find any other way to voice their objection to this blatant injustice.


Original call to action at:

Bristol Against Hate – Saturday 9th April

Russian Elite’s – You Occupy Ukraine, We Occupy You

Statement by London squatters:

We Are Anarchists. We Occupy this property in protest against Putin and his world. This mansion is owned by a Russian Oligarch, Complicit in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Do we need to remind you why Putin Sucks?
The invasion of Ukraine is only the latest episode in a long series, from the support of Assad in Syria to the neo-nazi Wanger militia assistanting dictatorship, concentration camps for LGBT+ people, ecosides, brutal wealth inequality, far right troll farms and so on.

By Occupying this mansion, We want to show solidarity for the people on Ukraine but also for the people of Russia who never agreed to this madness.
We want to show our sympathy to the brave protesters who have been in the belly of the beast, and suffer unjust imprisonment for staying up to Putin.

Finally a few words for the elites here in the UK, who have been Putins Minions for years. You received bribes, you managed Oligarch’s property, you even adopted Putin’s authoritarian attitude to protest and decent. FUCK YOU TOO.

This mansion will serve as a refugee support,  for people of Ukraine and people of all nations and ethnicity.


This first appeared on NFA Anti-Fascists.

Sunday the 13th – EZLN communique

Sunday the 13th

To the sixth in Mexico and abroad:
To those who signed the Declaration for Life:
To honest people all over the world:

The Zapatista communities, in agreement with various individuals, groups, collectives, organizations, and movements from across SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP, hereby call for protests and mobilizations against ALL CAPITALIST WARS currently being waged in multiple corners of the planet. These wars are happening not just in Ukraine, but also in Palestine, Kurdistan, Syria, on the Mapuche people, on all the originary peoples all over the world, and upon so many different emancipatory processes that are attacked, persecuted, murdered, silenced, and distorted.

As our own response to this call, we will participate in mobilizations to be held Sunday March 13, 2022, and continue to protest wars perpetrated by the system across the world.

We therefore propose the launch of a global campaign against all capital’s wars, in whatever geography they are waged, consisting of concerts, gatherings, festivals, meetings, and so on, in a campaign of the arts against the wars.

We call on all honest people, groups, collectives, organizations, and movements in Mexico and abroad to participate in activities demanding a halt to all wars, starting on Sunday the 13th, and in accordance with their own times and ways and their own independence and autonomy.

For our part, thousands of Zapatistas from our communities will carry out demonstrations in the caracoles, in the county seats of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Yajalón, Palenque, Ocosingo, Las Margaritas, and Altamirano, and in the communities along the highway.

All of our arts, our resistances, and our rebellions against all of the wars!
From the mountains of Southeast Mexico,
Zapatista Sixth CommissionMexico,
March of 2022

The SouthEast Zapatistas will be supporting this demonstration in London in response to the communique:

Fightback February – from Resisting Anti-Trespass

Where are we now?

The Lords voted down some parts of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, including unwarranted stop and search, criminalising locking on, and noise restriction on protests. However most of the original Bill is still set to pass, including the criminalisation of trespass in an attack on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities. Also moving up the parliamentary stages is the Nationality and Borders Bill, which gives the government the power to strip people of their citizenship without informing them. It has gone through the House of Commons and will go to the committee stage on 27th January.

What next?

Well so far focus has been on trying to prevent these Bills from passing, appealing to MPs and Lords to vote in our favour. But now it’s time to prepare ourselves for when they do pass. Whatever amendments are made, we can be sure that the Bills will still attack groups already most marginalised. It’s time to skill up so that we can defend our communities – practically and materially.

In London we have workshops planned throughout February on topics such as dearresting, self-defence, sectioning and your rights, and barricading. Stay tuned for dates and locations!

But let’s make February the month that communities prepare to defend themselves ACROSS THE UK, by sharing the practical knowledge we already have. And if we can, let’s not make these niche activist events but wider community skillshares. Remember, groups already most attacked by current legislation will know which strategies work best.

Will you help organise skillshares in your town or city so that people feel confident in resisting immigration raids, setting up a local Copwatch, and resisting Traveller site evictions? We’re looking forward to seeing them pop up all over the place – Fightback February means widespread community self-defence training!

We need to make these Bills unenforceable. This is how we start.


[Image description: Edited blue and red photograph of an immigration enforcement van surrounded by a large crowd. Text in white reads ‘CALLING FOR… FIGHTBACK FEBRUARY’]