Programme for the Newport Rising

Newport Rising festival – Gŵyl Safiad Casnewydd

May 26 – June 1

A whole week of events in a venue in Newport

Venue announced: 95-96 Commercial St, NP20 1LU. Map is here. If you get lost ring/txt 07440 192330.

Mon 26th
11am-5pm: Kids’ Chartist mural re-creation
12pm: Community Singing Workshop
1-4pm: Self Defence for Women taster session – Women only
4pm: Know your Rights with the Police Training
7.30pm: Community, Democracy and Chartism

Tue 27th
11am: Workshop on Animal Rights
12:30pm: No to new nuclear build (nuclear power = nuclear weapons)
2pm: Fracking in Wales
2-5pm: Stencil/graffiti workshop
4-6 pm: Basic first aid workshop
7:30pm: The Levels Motorway Campaign and Fracking in Newport
Plus: Anti-nuclear stall

Wed 28th
2-5pm: Banner-making workshop
Time TBC: The Tea Tent Claimants Solidarity Workshop
2pm: Worker’s Power in Under an Hour (Training by the IWW)
7pm: Stopping forced workfare labour and beating the bedroom tax (Boycott Workfare / Caerphilly against the Bedroom Tax).
8.30pm: South Wales Anarchists meeting

Thu 29th
1pm: What can we do to combat fascism?
2pm: No Borders Morocco Presentation
2-5pm: Badge-making workshop
3-4:30pm: Why Men against Patriarchy? (all genders welcome)
7:30pm: Discussion: Why “No Borders”? (TBC)
7:30pm: Screening of “This is England” followed by discussion. (TBC)
Plus: Anti-fascist stall

Fri 30th
12.30pm: Prison abolition talk
2pm: Indymedia Cymru – what might it look like and how can we make it happen?
4pm: Training for actions and countering police surveillance teams.
6pm: Anarchism for beginners
7:30pm: ‘How can we destroy capitalism and make new worlds of anarchy and freedom?’ – workshop by Kaput (
Evening: Acoustic gig with Cosmo, Emu Lou, Raz, plus “Dancing Queer” bellydancing performance.
We have agreed that the space will be an alcohol-free (and other drug-free) zone. Please respect this.

Sat 31st
2pm: Day of protest and street theatre. Meet at the venue to head on to other places for some outreach and action.
7.30pm: Talk by people on the Dignity March from Bristol to Cardiff.

Sun 1st
12.30pm: Session on resisting the drone wars – with emphasis about resistance to Parc Aberporth in Wales and Barclays Bank, investor in drone technology.
2pm: Countering military Recruitment in South Wales.
3pm-4pm: Whistleblowing, Transparency, Repression, Solidarity – interactive teach-in about Welsh-American WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
4pm: Resisting the NATO Summit in Newport – presentation by Stop NATO Cymru.
6.30pm: Organising meeting to build resistance against the NATO summit. All welcome!

Every day:

Free tea and cakes all week.
Free hot meal each evening.
Anarchism Exhibition
Zines and Books

All welcome!

To help out or donate food, materials or money, pop round for a chat or email

(Y Gymraeg i’w ddiweddaru’n fuan)

Wythnos gyfan o ddigwyddiadau mewn lleoliad yng Nghasnewydd

Llu 26ed
1100-5yh: Ail-greu Murlun y Siartwyr
1-4yh: Sesiwn Blas ar Hunanamddiffyniad i Fenywod (merched yn unig)
4yh: Hyfforddiant Gwybod dy Hawliau gyda’r Heddlu
7:30yh: Y Gymuned, Democratiaeth ac Siartiaeth (TBC)

Maw 27fed
1100: Hawliau Anifeiliaid
12:30yh: Na i adeiladu gorsafoedd niwclear newydd. Ynni Niwclear = Arfau Niwclear
2yh: Ffracio yn Nghymru
2-5yh: Gweithdy Stencil / graffiti
4-6yh: Gweithdy Cymorth Cyntaf sylfaenol
7:30yh: Ymgyrch Traffordd y Levels a Ffracio yng Nghasnewydd

Mer 28fed
2-5yh: Gweithdy gwneud banneri
Amser i’w gadarnhau: Unoliaeth y Babell De – Strategaethau ar gyfer ymdopi â diweithdra 21ain Ganrif
2yh: Hyfforddiant Pwer Gweithiwr gan yr IWW
7yh: Stopio llafur gorfodol ‘Workfare’ i Treth y Llofftydd

Iau 29fed
1yh: Sut i fynd i’r afael facism?
2yh: Cyflwyniad Dim Ffiniau Moroco
2-5yh: Gweithdy gwneud bathodynau
3-4.30yh: Pam Dynion yn erbyn Patriarchaeth? (croeso i bob rhywedd)
7:30yh: Pam ‘dim ffiniau’? (TBC)
7:30yh: FFilm: ‘This is England’ a thrafodaeth (TBC)

Gwe 30fed
12.30yh: Diddymu Carchardai
2yh: Indymedia Cymru
4yh: Hyfforddiant yn erbyn gwyliadwriaeth gan yr heddlu.
6yh: Anarchiaeth i ddechreuwyr
7:30yh: Sut gallwn ni ddinistrio cyfalafiaeth ac yn gwneud bydoedd newydd o anarchiaeth a rhyddid?
Hwyrach bydd gig acwstig gyda Cosmo, Emu Lou a Raz yn ogystal â “Dancing Queer” perfformiad bolddawnsio.

Sad 31fed
Diwrnod: Brotest a theatr stryd
7:30yh: Sgwrs gan bobl ar taith gerdded Urddas o Fryste i Gaerdydd.

Sul 1af
12:30yh: Sesiwn ar gwrthsefyll y rhyfeloedd drônau – gyda phwyslais ar ymwrthedd i Barc Aberporth yng Nghymru a Banc Barclays, buddsoddwr mewn technoleg drônau.
2yh: Atal Recriwtio milwrol yn Ne Cymru.
3yh-4yh: Gweithdy am Chelsea Manning.
4yh: Gwrthsefyll Uwchgynhadledd NATO yng Nghasnewydd – cyflwyniad gan Stop NATO Cymru.
6:30yh: Cyfarfod trefnu i adeiladu ar y gwrthwynebiad yn erbyn UwchgynhadleddNATO. Croeso i bawb!

Croeso i bawb! Te a chacennau rhad ac am ddim drwy’r wythnos. Pryd poeth rhad ac am ddim bob nos. Hefyd: arddangosfa anarchiaeth, rhagor o ddigwyddiadau + ffilmiau! Sesiynnau ‘drop-in’ bob dydd o tua 11yb. Gwybodaeth ynghylch y lleoliad yn agostach at y dydd. I helpu allan neu os ydych eisiau rhoi unrhyw fwyd, adnoddau neu arain, dewch draw am sgwrs neu ebostiwch stopnatocymru at riseup fullstop net

2 responses to “Programme for the Newport Rising

  1. Pingback: Workshop at Newport Rising | Empty Cages Design

  2. Pingback: Workshop at Newport Rising | Wild Heart Permaculture