*Defend the Kurdish People and Human Values*

*Bring Anna Campbell back home*

The Turkish state’s invasion of Afrin and Kurdistan will be protested worldwide on Saturday May 26, for the “Global Action Day against Turkish occupation of Kurdistan”.

In London we will march on Global Action Day for Afrin in memory of Anna Campbell, who fell while defending the Kurdish people and all of humanity in Afrin.

The Global Action Day, highlights how “The Erdogan government has taken the colonial ambitions of the Turkish state to a whole new level. It now aims to destroy all the gains made by the Kurds in Rojava. If this is not achievable, then they would like to lay siege to the Kurdish territories and suffocate them”.

Erdogan is trying to create a ‘safe zone’ in Afrin for ISIS and its jihadi terrorists. His plan is to try and turn Afrin into a capital for terrorism, instead of Raqqa or Mosul. His efforts need to be opposed by all.

We all have to take action against Erdoğan’s dangerous policies in the Middle East, which not only target the Kurdish people, but all humanitarian values.

Without urgent action to stop him now, we fear that he may quickly become the next version of Hitler,and will destroy not only Kurdistan and the Middle East, but the whole world.”

Date: *Saturday 26 May*

Time: *2pm*

Place: *BBC* Portland Place

Nearest Station: *Oxford Circus*

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