Police raiding StopG8 Convergence Centre


Well over 100 riot police are now raiding the StopG8 convergence centre at 40 Beak Street, London W1. They have cordoned off the street and are not letting people near the building. Please come and support if you can.

Don’t let them intimidate us. The carnival will of course go ahead as planned, meeting at 12 Noon at Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus. With street party at Piccadilly Circus at 5.30PM. See you on the streets!

If you need legal advice or want to report something to the legal team: Green and Black Cross Legal Support – 07946 541 511. Please photograph and film police activity if you can.

If the convergence centre is evicted we will have alternative accommodation for everybody. The welcome point at Freedom Bookshop (84b Whitechapel High StreetLondon E1 7QX) is open now and will be open through the evening to redirect people to sleeping space.

There is also a Trauma Support team on hand: Have you or your friends suffered from police violence? Call us for a chat or to organise coming to a safe space – 07946 069 401



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