Local Groups

Anarchist Action Network is a network of autonomous local groups, based in towns and cities across the UK and further afield. The best way to get involved is to contact your nearest local group which can be found through the links below.

No journalists or police are welcome at any meetings

Local Groups

Faslane Peace Camp – faslanepeacecamp[at]protonmail[dot]com

London – email: resist-london[at]riseup[dot]net

Northampton – Northants Direct Action

Sussex Anarchists – Meet at the Cowley Club email: sussexanarchists[at]riseup[dot]net



There are also links to Fightback UK

About us

Anarchist Action Network is made up of autonomous groups and individuals. There are no leaders or “central committee”. On this page you can find out more about how we work, and what we believe.

Network structure:

Local groups. There are a number of local Anarchist Action Network groups in towns and cities across the UK. If you want to get involved, or get in touch, the best place to start is usually your local group. If there isn’t a local group near you, we can help you start one.

Working groups. We have set up a number of working groups to organise different aspects of the mobilisation like fundraising, publicity, logistics, etc. See the list of working groups and contacts here.

Quarterly network meetings. The whole network comes together every three months, each time in a different town or city. This is where we make decisions about general principles and strategy that affect the whole network. See the time and place of the next meeting here. Meetings have been in hiatus. We hope to be able to share info about a meeting to discuss the upcoming G7 summit in Cornwall in the near future.

International. We welcome people from outside the UK to get involved in the network, or to organise actions and events in solidarity.

Anarchist Action Network email. You can email us at anarchistactionnetwork (@) riseup.net

Join us! Everyone is welcome at all Anarchist Action Network local and network meetings — except journalists and police.

Network principles and aims:

The AAN has agreed some basic principles which shape all of our work and decisions. You can read more about them on this page. In brief, they are:

We have adopted the PGA Hallmarks.

We support diversity of tactics.

We are openly anti-capitalist and anarchist.

We aim to make decisions by consensus.

We aim to help re-build an anti-capitalist movement in the UK and beyond.