Author Archives: stopg82013

2nd Anarchist Action Network Meeting – Newport – March 29th/30th

We welcome you to be at the second meeting of the newly formed Anarchist Action Network (formerly Stop G8)…

Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March 2014

12noon – 5pm Saturday (main meeting)
12noon – 4pm Sunday (working groups)

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Anarchist Action Network Meeting – 22nd-23rd February – London

Please circulate!

Announcing the NATIONAL WEEKEND CONVERGENCE in LONDON of the ANARCHIST ACTION NETWORK (previously known as STOPG8) and STOP NATO CYMRU. To be held on the weekend on 22-23rd February 2014 at The London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES.

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Campaigner followed from home by Counter Terror Command

An activist involved in the campaign against the forthcoming NATO summit was accosted this morning by anti-terrorism police after being followed from her house. The woman suspects that police were approaching her to ask her to inform on other activists. A video of the incident can be viewed here or here

Here is a short testimony from the woman, who wishes to remain anonymous. Continue reading

Stop NATO Cymru Statment |Datganiad Stop NATO Cymru

The Stop G8 Network (now renamed the Anarchist Action Network) are supporting Stop Nato Cymru in calling for a mobilisation at the Nato Summit in Newport this September.


Today several banners were dropped at various locations around Newport, south Wales as an act of solidarity with the NATO 3 and to launch the statement below which was handed out in the city centre. For more information about the NATO 3 follow this link:

Datganiad Stop NATO Cymru (Statment in Welsh)

This year NATO will have their next summit at Celtic Manor Resort, in Newport, south Wales. In early September 2014, “world leaders” – all directly responsible for untold death, illegal torture flights, and wars fought purely to protect Western business interests and resource supply routes – will gather on the edge of this historic Welsh city. Many people from Newport, Cardiff, Bristol and beyond, will oppose the summit and use a diversity of tactics against it. We, an anti-capitalist, anti-militarist network in South Wales, plan to facilitate mobilisations and provide space for workshops, skill-shares and social events. We are organising without leaders as we do not agree with bosses or bombs.

NATO has often used the term ‘humanitarian interventions’ to disguise the fact that it actually fights for the strategic, economic and political benefit of the elite classes within NATO member countries. Militarism and capitalism are part of the same global power structure. A critique and confrontation of capitalism is therefore an indispensable aspect of our anti-militarist stance.

As it stands, NATO is a nuclear armed alliance with over 5000 nuclear weapons. It was supposedly established for mutual defence during the Cold War, and should have been disbanded when the Soviet Union ended. Instead, it has expanded and become an aggressive alliance force, engaged in wars with a crusader mentality.

For nearly ten years it has been conducting the war in Afghanistan, historically a pivotal region between the West and the East, where around 100,000 innocent civilians have died and three million innocent people have become refugees.

But a critique of militarism and capitalism doesn’t end with NATO: The annual global military expenditure stands at over £1,072,600,000,000. Spending is estimated to equal £150 per person, per year, across the world. The UK military budget is the fourth highest in the world. At a time of austerity we must demand to know why military spending is so high and expose the brutality of those in global positions of power.

Most people face much more pressing issues than new fighter aircraft or submarines. People want money spent on local facilities and proper access to social and health infrastructure. Even when the military has made some cuts, these have almost entirely impacted on people in the first instance – rather than material things like arms purchases – through reductions in personnel, lower wages and pensions. The UK still plans to spend almost £160,000,000,000 on new weapons by 2022, including £35.8 billion on nuclear-armed submarines that are designed not to be used.

While people around the world struggle to provide basic necessities for their families, governments still squander vast resources on military interventions that are wasteful of both resources and lives, and reflect outdated paradigms.

The USA, under the banner of NATO, is still working to place a “missile defence” system in Europe, which is provoking an unsettling arms race with Russia. However, we do not have to agree to their plans for us. People in communities around us are building resistance to military bases in their area. Including in Aberporth, Ceredigion, Menwith Hill in Yorkshire, RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, Faslane near Glasgow, EDO in Brighton, local people are mobilising and opposing militarism.

Newport has a history of radicalism. The Chartist rising, which celebrates it’s 175th anniversary this year, was the last large-scale armed insurrection in Wales, England and Scotland. A popular piece of public art celebrating the revolt was recently demolished ahead of schedule, as part of a planned redevelopment of the centre, financed by a £90million loan which the Council have gifted to developers whilst slashing funds for frontline services. This naive gamble on reviving the fortunes of the town via the pumping of public funds into private companies, joins a long list that includes LG, The Ryder Cup, and now this NATO summit.

Together with people from across South Wales and beyond, we are going to mobilise between this winter and September against militarism, Cold-War relics, and inflated defence budgets.

We hope you can join the events, mobilisations and activities to oppose NATO and world leaders being in Newport. Much is planned between now and September. We aim to be an open and inclusive network, working together, with as many people as possible to find non-hierarchical local and global structures as alternatives to the system of exploitation, while being mindful of potential state and corporate infiltration of our movement. Our website will be updated with news and information and we have an email
address that we can be contacted at:

Stop NATO Cymru, part of the Anarchist Action Network

supported by

South Wales Anarchists, Cymru Wales IWW, Cardiff Food not Bombs, Swansea
Food not Bombs, No Borders South Wales, Bristol Against Arms Trade

Stop NATO Cymru
– e-mail:

Datganiad Stop NATO Cymru

Ddoe de cafodd sawl banner ei ollwng mewn mannau gawhanol yn Casnewydd, de Cymru mewn gweithred o unoliaeth gyda’r NATO 3 ag i lawnsio y datganiad isod a cofodd ei ddosbarthu i pobl yn canol y dref.

Am ragor o wyboadaeth am y NATO 3 dilynnwch y ddolen yma:

Eleni, bydd NATO yn cynnal eu cynhadledd flynyddol yn y Celtic Manor yng Nghasnewydd, de Cymru. Yn gynnar ym mis Medi 2014 bydd Obama, Hollande, Cameron, Merkel ac eraill yn dod at ei gilydd ar gyrion y ddinas hanesyddol Gymreig hon. Mae’r ‘arweinwyr rhyngwladol’ hyn a’u cynghreiriaid i gyd yn uniongyrchol gyfrifol am farwolaeth ar raddfa eang, teithiau artaith anghyfreithlon, a rhyfeloedd a gaiff eu hymladd er mwyn diogelu buddiannau busnes Gorllewinol a llwybrau cyflenwi adnoddau. Bydd llawer o bobl o Gasnewydd, Caerdydd, Bryste a thu hwnt, yn gwrthwynebu’r gynhadledd ac yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o dactegau i wrthdystio yn ei erbyn. Rydym ni yn rhwydwaith wrth-gyfalafol, wrth-militaraidd yn ne Cymru yn cynllwynio i hwyluso mobileiddiadau a darparu lle i weithdai, digwyddiadau rhannu sgiliau, a digwyddiadau cymdeithasol cael eu cynnal. Rydym yn trefnu heb arweinwyr ac nid ydym yn cytuno gyda bomiau na meistri.Mae NATO yn aml wedi defnyddio’r term ‘ymyrru’n ddyngarol’ i gelu’r ffaith eu bod mewn gwirionedd yn ymladd dros fuddiannau strategol, economaidd a gwleidyddol y dosbarth elit o fewn aelod-wledydd NATO. Mae militariaeth a chyfalafiaeth yn rhan o’r un strwythur pŵer byd-eang. Mae beirniadaeth a chyfwynebiaeth o gyfalafiaeth yn agwedd anhepgor o ein safiad gwrth-militaraidd.

Ar hyn o bryd, mae NATO yn gynghrair arfog gyda dros 5000 arf niwclear. Fe’i sefydlwyd (i fod) i amddiffyn y ddwy ochr yn ystod y Rhyfel Oer, a dylai wedi cael eu diddymu pan ddaeth yr Undeb Sofietaidd i ben. Yn lle hynny, mae wedi ehangu a dod yn rym cynghreiriol ymosodol, yn cymryd rhan mewn rhyfeloedd gyda meddylfryd croesgadwr.

Am bron i ddeng mlynedd mae wedi bod yn cynnal y rhyfel yn Afghanistan, rhanbarth hanesyddol arwyddocaol rhwng y Gorllewin a’r Dwyrain, lle mae tua 100,000 o sifiliaid diniwed wedi marw a thair miliwn o bobl ddiniwed wedi dod yn ffoaduriaid.

Nid yw beirniadaeth o filitariaeth a chyfalafiaeth yn dod i ben gyda NATO: Y mae’r gwariant milwrol blynyddol fyd-eang ar hyn o bryd dros £ 1.072.600.000.000. Amcangyfrifir fod y gwariant hwn yn hafal i £150 y pen yn fyd eang. Cyllideb filwrol y DU yw’r pedwerydd mwyaf yn y byd. Yn y cyfnod hwn o gynni mae’n rhaid i ni fynnu i wybod pam bod gwariant milwrol mor uchel a datgelu creulondeb y rheini mewn safleoedd o bŵer yn rhyngwladol.

Mae’r rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gwynebu materion llawer pwysicach na llongau tanfor ac awyrennau ymladd. Mae pobl eisiau arian cael ei wario ar gyfleusterau lleol a hygyrchedd i isadeiledd iechyd a cymdeithasol. Hyd yn oed pan wnaiff y fyddin rhai torriadau, mae’r rhain bron wedi bod yn gyfan gwbl effeithio ar bobl – yn hytrach na phethau fel prynu arfau- drwy leihau personél, cyflogau is a phensiynau. Mae’r DU dal yn bwriadu i wario bron £160,000,000,000 ar arfau newydd erbyn 2022, gan gynnwys £35.8 biliwn ar longau tanfor niwclear sydd wedi eu dylunio i beidio cael eu defnyddio.

Er bod pobl o gwmpas y byd yn ei chael yn anodd darparu’r pethau fwyaf sylfaenol ar gyfer eu teuluoedd, mae llywodraethau yn dal i afradu adnoddau helaeth ar ymyriadau milwrol sydd yn wastraffus o adnoddau ac o fywydau, ac yn adlewyrchu paradeimau sydd wedi dyddio.

Mae’r UDA, o dan banner NATO, dal i weithio i osod system ‘amddiffyniad taflegryn’ yn Ewrop, ac yn profocio ras arfau gyda Rwsia. Nid ydym yn cytuno gyda’u cynlluniau ar ein cyfer. Mae pobl mewn cymunedau ledled Ynysoedd Prydain yn gwrthdystio yn erbyn canolfannau milwrol yn eu hardal. O Aberporth, Ceredigion i Menwith Hill yn Swydd Efrog a RAF Waddington yn Swydd Lincoln, ac o Faslane ger Glasgow i EDO yn Brighton, mae pobl leol yn gwrthwynebu militariaeth.

Mae gan Gasnewydd hanes radicalaidd. Yr oedd gwrthryfel y Siartwyr, sydd yn dathlu ei 175ain mlwyddiant eleni, y gwrthryfel arfog ar raddfa eang olaf yng Nghymru, Lloegr a’r Alban. Cafodd darn poblogaidd o gelf gyhoeddus a oedd yn dathlu’r gwrthryfel, ei chwalu yn gynnar (cyn iddo gael ei hamserlennu) fel rhan o ail ddatblygiad canol y dref, sydd yn cael ei harianu gan fenthyciad o £90miliwn a roddwyd i ddatblygwyr gan y cyngor wrth iddyn nhw dorri cyllideb gwasanaethau sylfaenol. Mae’r cais naïf i ailfywiogi’r dref drwy bwmpio arian cyhoeddus i gwmnïau preifat yn ymuno rhestr hir sydd yn cynnwys LG, Y Cwpan Ryder, a nawr cynhadledd NATO.

Gyda miloedd o bobl o bob rhan o dde Cymru a thu hwnt, rydym am wrthwynebu cynhadledd NATO a pharhau i weithredu yn erbyn militariaeth, creiriau Rhyfel-Oer, a chyllidebau amddiffyn chwyddedig.

Gobeithiwn y byddwch chi’n medru ymuno gyda’r digwyddiadau, mobileiddiadau a gweithgareddau i wrthwynebu NATO a’r arweinwyr rhyngwladol sydd yn dod i Gasnewydd. Mae llawer wedi ei gynllunio rhwng nawr a mis Medi. Rydym yn bwriadu bod yn rwydwaith agored a chynhwysol, yn gweithio gyda’n gilydd, gyda chymaint o fobl a phosib i ganfod strwythurau lleol a rhyngwladol nad ydynt yn hierarchaidd fel strwythurau amgen i’r systemau o ecsbloetio, tra bod yn ymwybodol o ymdreiddiad posib y wladwriaeth a corfforaethol i’n mudiad. Caiff ein gwefan ei ddiweddaru gyda newyddion a gwybodaeth, dyma ein e-bost;

Stop NATO Cymru, rhan o’r Rhwydwaith Gweithredu Anarchaidd

wedi ei gefnogi gan

Anarchwyr De Cymru, Cymru Wales IWW, Bwyd nid Bomiau Caerdydd, Bwyd nid Bomiau Abertawe, Dim Ffiniau De Cymru, Bryste yn Erbyn y Fasnach Arfau

Dilynwch y ddolen hon i weld lluniau’r banneri:

Stop NATO Cymru
- e-mail:


Stop G8 network meeting – Cardiff 11/12th January 2014

The Red and Black Umbrella (57 Clifton Street, Cardiff CF24 1LS) is
preparing to host a two-day meeting of the Stop G8 network. The first day will be a meeting of all involved to discuss and reach decisions on where next for the Stop G8 network.

What is Stop G8?

Stop G8 has existed as a network in the UK since July 2012.

Stop G8 had two aims. The first aim was to organise a week of action
against the G8 summit. The second is to help re-build an anti-capitalist movement in the UK and beyond. There has been a proposal to change the name of the network, as the G8 in the UK has happened (and the next G8 in Western Europe is over a year away).

Some of StopG8 are interested to link up with Stop NATO Cymru, a South
Wales network opposed to the NATO summit in Newport in September 2014.
There will also be discussion and decisions about other future StopG8

This is a two day event and all are welcome (except cops and journos) from the Friday night until Sunday/Monday morning. The Red and Black Umbrella has comfortable sleeping space for up to 20 people.

Creche space is available for kids of all ages, run jointly by a volunteer from Cardiff with experience and a visitor from the network. The meeting will run from 12-5pm on Saturday and Sunday. Email stopg8 [at] for further details.

Meeting on new ideas for anti-capitalist/anarchist actions

On 20th October 2013 the Stop G8 Network are meeting to discuss taking forward new ideas for anti-capitalist and anarchist projects. Some of the ideas on the agenda are an anarchist news website, a temporary anti-capitalist squatted space and an anarchist festival.

We organise on the basis of non-hierarchy, make decisions by consensus and, when planning action, respect a diversity of tactics and organise on the basis of the People’s Global Action (PGA) Hallmarks (

Email by 15th October if you have any ideas that you want to be discussed. We will be meeting at the Grow Heathrow ( squatted space and will be providing food. There will be a travel pool for those who need help with their fares and crash space for those who need it (let us know at if you need accommodation).

The meeting starts at 12 noon and finishes at 5pm and is at Grow Heathrow, Vineries Close, Sipson, London, UB7 OJH

URGENT Legal Solidarity: please get in touch!


Were you or a mate arrested at StopG8 Week of Action? Or did you witness the Convergence Centre raids?

StopG8 Legal Working Group is urgently trying to make contact with all J11 arrestees. Even if your case has not been further pursued by the cops its important we make contact with as many arrestees as possible, to ensure that everyone is accounted for and nobody is going without support that needs it. ALSO if you witnessed the aggressive police raiding of the Convergence Centre please get in touch – your evidence could be useful for criminal defence cases and civil actions against the cops. Email .

In solidarity,

StopG8 Legal Working Group

Were you arrested during the Stop G8 Week of Action?

If so get in touch with Green and Black Cross legal support at gbclegal [at]

Solidarity and rage

Stop G8londonistanbul

Against repression – Fundraiser in Brighton tonight (June 17th) in support of Genoa Anti G8 Defendants

MC C.u.b.a. Cabbal (Militant rap from Italy); Drowning Dog & DJ Malatesta (Class Conscious Anarchist hip hop from San Francisco / Europe) ONE COMMON STRUGGLE AGAINST REPRESSION.

Night of Militant Music. Top hiphop MCs from London, the US and Italy at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton

In support of Marina & Alberto – jailed last year for the anti-G8
protests in Genoa 2001
Against state & police repression. Freedom for all prisoners.

funds raised will go to:

10×100 Years of Jail Campaign in Italy

No Fear! info-evening and benefit gig against repression TONIGHT (Friday 14)


6PM: Info-evening @ sparkspace.

9PM: Benefit Party @ Call 07466823772 from 3PM for venue

Discussion and Film @sparkspace

The discussion will take place at the *sparkspace* at 6PM, then at 7PM there is a screening of the film ‘Riots Reframed’ about the 2011 uprisings in England. PLACE: *sparkspace*, Blackfriars Hub, 58 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DS

*No Fear: info-evening against repression*

In the final discussion evening of StopG8 Week, we want to bring people together again to think deeper about one crucial topic: repression, and how to fight against it. Whenever we try to take control of our own lives, the powerful will respond with repressive measures that are intended to prevent us from doing so. Repression works through racism, sexism and classism and comes in many forms: police violence, prisons, surveillance, border controls and so on. Repression is also the way we are taught to be afraid and submissive, and to distrust and attack each other.

In the face of repression, our main weapons are self-determination and solidarity. Solidarity is a bridge between individuals and groups facing repression, breaking our isolation and segregation. Solidarity means learning about and from each other and supporting each other in the face of state attacks. Solidarity means creating one common struggle.

United Friends and Families Campaign (UFFC) (friends and families of people killed in police custody)

“The legacy of Genova is still alive” – Activists from Italy will talk about the repression during the G8 in Genova 2001. http://www.10×

Resistance in immigration detention.

Defend the right to protest

Newham Monitoring Project (fighting racism, discrimination and injustice. In the East London borough of Newham since 1980)

and others..

9PM: Benefit Party against Repression

Logic [People’s Army]; MC C.u.b.a. Cabbal (Militant rap from Italy); Caxton Press MCs; DJ Leleprox; DJ Steaz; and more …


Call for location after 3pm on the day 07466823772

The StopG8 week of actions and events ends with a big night of Militant Music. Top hiphop MCs from London and Italy; African sounds; Jungle, Drum n Bass, Dubstep and Reggae through the night.

In support of Marina & Alberto – jailed last year for the anti-G8
protests in Genoa 2001; and of families & friends fighting for justice for those killed in police custody in the UK.

Finishing up the StopG8 week in London. See you at the #J11 carnival against capitalism on Tuesday 11 June.

Against state & police repression. Freedom for all prisoners.

All funds raised will go to:

10×100 Years of Jail Campaign in Italy

United Families & Friends Campaign (UFFC) in the UK

StopG8 Network

Militant music – Hip Hop / Jungle Drum n Bass / Reggae / Dub

FB event: (invite your friends!):

£5 waged / £4 or donation unwaged.

From 9pm: Militant Hip Hop.

MC Logic [People’s Army]

MC C.u.b.a. Cabbal (Militant rap from Italy)

Caxton Press MCs

More MCs and DJs to be confirmed

D&B till late

DJ Leleprox (D&B old school from Italy)!

DJ Steaz (dubstep and D&B)!