Author Archives: stopg82013

#J11: Carnival in the West End of London.

stopg8 med

11 June 2013. #J11.
One Common Struggle.
Carnival Against Capitalism.

Their London?

London is right at the heart of global capitalism. And the West End of London, including elite areas like Piccadilly, Mayfair and Knightsbridge, is where power and greed are most concentrated. The West End is home to:

* Corporations. Many of the world’s most brutal and polluting companies,  including oil and mining giants, arms dealers, and the businesses profiting from cuts and privatisation.
* Vulture funds. Global base of the “hedge fund” and “private equity” industries, laundering the world’s blood money to invest in war, food speculation and debt slavery.
* Tyrants. Government offices, embassies, cultural and commercial fronts of  colonial powers and murderous regimes.
* Playground of the mega-rich. Middle Eastern dictators, Russian mafia oligarchs, and home-grown parasites all see London as a “safe” place to hide and spend their loot.

Check out the #J11 action map of the West End, with 100 addresses of power, tyranny, and exploitation. Click on the map to download and zoom in. There is also an online map with further info (still being added to) here. For more background on the map and capitalist London read this.


Our Carnival.

Traditionally, carnival is the time where the people take over the streets, the bosses run and hide, and the world gets turned upside down. It is a time to celebrate our resistance and our dreams, to bring music and colour to the streets. And also to show our strength and our anger.

The powerful feel safe in London so long as they go unchallenged. But the people looting our planet have names and addresses. On #J11 we will party in the streets, point out the hiding places of power, and take back the heart of our city for a day. Our streets. Our world.

Join us.

Like any good carnival, everyone’s invited: this will be an open, inclusive, and lively event. There will be a main route with sound systems and public meeting points. Bring music, costumes, banners, friends, ideas. We also encourage independent actions, and will publish soon a detailed map of the area to help you make your own plans. The Green and Black Cross group will provide experienced medical and legal support.


Click here to download the PDF of the Week of Action flyer (front)

Click here to download the PDF of the Week of Action flyer (back)



There is one common struggle against those who have appropriated the earth, the money, and the machines“. Voltairine de Cleyre.

Call-out for graphics: Art vs. Capitalism


StopG8 Week of Resistance June 2013.

Art vs. Capitalism.

Calling all artists, designers, painters, taggers, makers, rappers, singers, poets, performers, musicians, film-makers, hackers …

This June the G8 “world leaders” are coming to the UK. The Stop G8 Network is organising a week of action and events in London on June 10-18. This will include action in the streets, and also a programme of talks, meet-ups, films, games, concerts, and more, all over London and beyond.

The G8 world bosses are just one of the most obvious faces of capitalism: a system that kills, exploits, and degrades the many for the profit of a few. That burns up our world, buys and sells our lives, our dreams and our dignity. Our aim in June is to spread understanding of what capitalism is, how it works, how it touches all our lives, and who’s behind it. And to spread resistance, and start to create new worlds.

We’re gathering in London, right at the heart of global capitalism. The corporations, banks, hedge funds, and billionaires looting our world have names and addresses. They are in the glass towers of the City, and behind unmarked doors in Mayfair and Knightsbridge. London is the money-laundering den of dictators, the playground of the super-rich. But London is our city too. A city with hope, resistance, and struggle.

We want to make this big, get it out as wide as possible. So we need to start NOW to fill our streets with words, images, sounds of resistance. Leaflets, posters, flyers, stencils, murals, designs. Songs, poems, beats, performances, films, events, ideas, actions.

* Send designs, images, ideas, we’ll collect and share them on the stopg8 website. Everything welcome, there’s no “official style”.

* Print stuff out from the website and distribute in your area.

* Get in touch if you want to organise a gig or event.

* Do your own thing.



Call-out for week of action 10-18 June

one common struggle

This June the leaders of the G8 (the world’s richest countries) are meeting in Northern Ireland. As economic crisis bites, and the planet burns, the bosses and their politicians are celebrating business as usual. Capitalism: a system that kills, exploits, and degrades the many for the profit of a few.

On June 10-18 we are organising a week of action and events in London. London is at the heart of global capitalism. The corporations, banks, hedge funds, and billionaires looting our world have names and addresses. They are in the glass towers of the City, and behind unmarked doors in Mayfair and Knightsbridge. London is the money-laundering den of dictators, the playground of the super-rich. But London is our city too. A city of hope, resistance, and struggle.

Capitalism is killing us. Unemployment, cuts, and the rise of fascism in the “West”. Poverty, colonialism, brutal exploitation in the “Third World”. War and famine for profit. Private prisons, police checks, CCTV to keep us scared and controlled. Life robbed of meaning and beauty, our dreams and our dignity for sale.

Don’t ignore. Don’t wait. For our friends and loved ones, for our communities, for our planet, for everything they’re trying to take from us. The time is now. Let’s come together, and fight. One common struggle.

Join us on the streets.

June 11: Big day of action in Central London.

June 17-18: G8 Summit, Enniskillen, North of Ireland.

June 10-18: Week of actions, talks, meet-ups, films, games, concerts, and more, all over London and beyond.

What about the summit in Enniskillen?

We believe that any mobilisation at the summit in Enniskillen needs to be started locally. The StopG8 network will support a locally organised mobilisation. For now, we are keeping the end of the week free. Stay posted for more information.

Let’s get moving: London meetings this month


The Stop G8 network has come together to resist the 2013 G8 summit. We are planning a week of action in London this June 10-18. We want to make this a major event that will help revitalise resistance to capitalism in the UK and beyond. For this we need lots more people and groups to get involved. Please come along to our meetings in London this month (details below) and join us.

G8 2013

On 17-18 June 2013 the UK will host the next summit of the G8 group of nations. The venue is a luxury hotel in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, in the north of Ireland. Leaders of eight of the world’s most powerful capitalist nations will set the global agenda for economic, environmental and securitisation policy for the year ahead. We believe that there is an urgent need to oppose the G8, which acts as a facilitator of irresponsible greed, overwhelming inequality, and ruthless exploitation of people and natural resources. Beyond the G8, our aim is to help rejuvenate anti-capitalist movements in this country and globally.


We are organising a week of action in London. The dates (provisionally) are 10-18 June. This will involve major action days, infrastructure for autonomous organising, plus a cultural and “educational” programme of discussions, workshops, films, games, and more on capitalism and resistance. For more details see:

We are not currently planning to organise at the summit in Lough Erne. This is because none of us in the network so far are based in this area, and we believe that any mobilisation there should be started locally. However, we will remain flexible: if people in Fermanagh start to organise something and want our support, and we can get along in terms of our principles, we will be delighted to work together.


This month Stop G8 will be holding two London meetings:

1) The Stop G8 London meeting is at 6.30pm on 16th January 2013 at LARC in Whitechapel . This meeting is to bring together individuals and groups based in London who want to join the mobilisation.

2) The next National Stop G8 convergence will be held in London on the weekend of 26th-27th January 2013. This is where we need to make key decisions about the mobilisation. Venue TBC. Food, accommodation, and childcare facilities will be available. Please let us know if you are planning to come, so we know how many people to prepare for. Email us on:


Please note: The meetings will operate on a NON-HIERARCHICAL basis, with a RESPECT FOR DIVERSITY OF TACTICS. The network has agreed to operate by way of the following core aims and principles: .

These meetings are NOT OPEN to JOURNALISTS or COPS, who are politely requested not to attend.

Please circulate this message amongst your networks as appropriate.

What we’re doing

Here’s what’s happening:

The UK Government is hosting the G8 2013 summit in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, in the north of Ireland, on 17-18 June. 8 world bosses, and their entourages, will be meeting in a remote golf resort far from any urban centres.

We are holding a week of action before their meeting, in London. The dates (provisionally) are 10-18 June. This is what we’re looking at:

  • at least one major day of action in London organised by Stop G8 Network
  • there may be other action days organised by other groups (one proposed so far: a “No Borders No Prisons” day)
  • autonomous actions and events are encouraged
  • meeting and convergence spaces, including accommodation for people coming from afar
  • other logistical support including legal, medical, kitchens, …
  • an anti-capitalist cultural and “educational” programme of discussions, workshops, films, games, and more

We are not currently planning to organise a mobilisation at the summit in Lough Erne. This is because none of us in the network so far are based in this area, and we believe that any mobilisation there should be started locally. However, we will remain flexible: if people in Fermanagh start to organise something and want our support, and we can get along in terms of our principles, we will be delighted to work together.

So let’s get moving. If you want to get involved, please contact your local group, or come along to the next network meeting in London on 26-27 January (full details coming soon). Also, we’d love to hear from people who want to organise internationally to come to our week of action, or to work in solidarity from where you are.