Category Archives: General

NAE NUKES ANYWHERE! – International Rally at Faslane

Gather at Faslane Peace Camp at 12 noon and walk from the Peace Camp to the North Gate of the base for the rally, a distance of around a mile and a half. The rally should end between 3 and 4 p.m.

The aim of the rally is to to highlight the strength of support from many UN member states for Scotland, a country hosting nuclear weapons against its wishes. Scotland is a significant and relatively autonomous part of a nuclear-armed state which opposes its possession of weapons of mass destruction. As things stand we cannot become a party to the new UN Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons but there are lots of ways in which we can align ourselves to the Treaty. The September rally will be a fine opportunity to mark our determination to do so.

As well as the rally itself there will be other events over that weekend to take advantage of the presence of campaigners from far and wide.

For more info email

Download additional programme here naenukesprogramme-1

4th Annual – Swindon Radical Bookfair – this Saturday

A day of stalls, talks, workshops and films from all your favourite unions, activist groups, rebels and rabble rousers!

1-5pm, Saturday 15th Sept, Central Community Centre.

Free entry + afterparty/food @ the Gluepot from 6pm

Earth First! Summer Gathering – August 15th-20th

Five days of skill-sharing for grassroots ecological direct action – make links, share ideas, and get involved in the struggles against fracking, new roads and more – and one day-of-action against fracking in Sussex.

The EF! Summer Gathering is a chance for people and groups from across the country and beyond to get together to network, share practical skills, ideas and inspiration to help our actions and campaigns be as strategic and effective as possible. This is an annual gathering for grassroots ecological direct action, this year focusing on welcoming people from impacted communities.

This year the Summer Gathering will be held at a rural site (accessible by public transport). Last couple of years gatherings have been the largest and most dynamic for many years, with over 100 workshops and more than 400 people attending over the five days of skill-sharing, networking and planning. Contact for any specific accessibility needs etc: .

3 day strike by UVW cleaners at Ministry of Justice / Kensington and Chelsea Town Halls

In an almost unprecedented move cleaners at the Ministry of Justice, Kensington and Chelsea Town halls and 6 privately owned hospital departments and outpatient clinics run by Health Care America, will strike simultaneously for 3 days from 7-9 August demanding the London Living Wage of £10.20 per hour.

That’s 3 days of stirke action at 3 companies and 11 sites!

Please donate to their strike funds here if you can. Any amount will help.

Upcoming Dates

**Tuesday 7th**
7.30am – 10am – picket Ministry of Justice HQ, 102 Petty France
12pm – 2pm – picket Kensington town hall
6pm – protest RBKC council meeting – Kensington town hall

**Wednesday 8th**
8am – 11am – picket Kensington town hall
12pm – 2pm – picket Ministry of Justice HQ, 102 Petty France

**Thursday 9th**
8am – 11am – picket Kensington town hall
12pm – 2pm – picket Ministry of Justice HQ, 102 Petty France
5pm – 6pm – Protest and closing rally at Ministry of Justice HQ, 102 Petty France

Dorset Radical Bookfair 2018.

e-mail address is

Dorset’s second Radical Bookfair will take place on Saturday 4th August 2018 at Beaufort Community Centre, Beaufort Rd, Bournemouth BH6 5LB (Nearest railway station is Pokesdown). All rooms have access for disabled people.

…a full programme of talks, discussions and workshops, starting at 11:30 plus alternative ‘Working Class Question time’ at 15:30.

…AfterParty: Live music and Reggae D.J. at the Riviera Bar in Boscombe until 2 a.m. £5 suggested donation to Bookfair and to cover artists’ expenses. 560 Christchurch Rd Boscombe BH1 4BH – at the top end of the pedestrian bit, it’s about 15 minutes walk from the Beaufort Centre.

Breakfast at Chequers TRUMP Demo

When Donald Trump calls in on Teresa May we will be there to make our presence felt.

The pair are scheduled to meet on Friday 13th July at Chequers, the PM’s grace and favour country residence in Aylesbury.

Breakfast at Chequers is the ONLY anti Trump protest in the UK where you get to shout at Trump and May simultaneously. So it’s worth the effort to get here.

Converge at the crossroads at Butlers Cross, from 10.00am onwards. Butlers Cross is where the road to Chequers crosses the road to Little Kimble. Postcode HP17 0TS

Bring breakfast food to share, weather relevant clothing, sturdy shoes, WATER, a suitably pithy placard and something to make a noise.

This demo is child friendly and inclusive. If there’s anything we can do to help you access this event get in touch.


Nearest railway stations Little Kimble and Wendover, served by regular trains out of London.

Butlers Cross is served by buses from Aylesbury, Oxford and High Wycombe

Parking is limited but available. If coming by car please fill it with fellow protesters. And cake please.

It is perfectly possible to attend this demo and get back to London to join the main march and rally in Trafalgar Square.

Farcebook event:

Call out from Alba: Stop the Glasgow Arms Fair!

R T S…

Some upcoming events around the UK…

York – Saturday 16th June




Cambridge – Sunday 17th June



London – Saturday 23rd June




London – Friday 13th July



*Defend the Kurdish People and Human Values*

*Bring Anna Campbell back home*

The Turkish state’s invasion of Afrin and Kurdistan will be protested worldwide on Saturday May 26, for the “Global Action Day against Turkish occupation of Kurdistan”.

In London we will march on Global Action Day for Afrin in memory of Anna Campbell, who fell while defending the Kurdish people and all of humanity in Afrin.

The Global Action Day, highlights how “The Erdogan government has taken the colonial ambitions of the Turkish state to a whole new level. It now aims to destroy all the gains made by the Kurds in Rojava. If this is not achievable, then they would like to lay siege to the Kurdish territories and suffocate them”.

Erdogan is trying to create a ‘safe zone’ in Afrin for ISIS and its jihadi terrorists. His plan is to try and turn Afrin into a capital for terrorism, instead of Raqqa or Mosul. His efforts need to be opposed by all.

We all have to take action against Erdoğan’s dangerous policies in the Middle East, which not only target the Kurdish people, but all humanitarian values.

Without urgent action to stop him now, we fear that he may quickly become the next version of Hitler,and will destroy not only Kurdistan and the Middle East, but the whole world.”

Date: *Saturday 26 May*

Time: *2pm*

Place: *BBC* Portland Place

Nearest Station: *Oxford Circus*