Category Archives: General

DSEI: A Supermarket for state surveillance and border wars

As borders are increasingly militarised and their operation privatised, migration, more than ever before, is also an anti-militarist struggle.

The following is an extract from an article by The Shoal Collective. The link to the original article can be found below.

Borders are becoming increasingly militarised and unsafe places particularly for people like Stephen*, who are trying to cross them undocumented. The security measures he describes are only the visible ones. As well as the X-ray machine, there’s a monitor that can detect heartbeats, and another to detect raised levels of carbon dioxide from people breathing inside the lorries.

“If you have a good luck you can pass; if you don’t, the security check will take you out,” he explains.

“First they use dogs, and if the dogs indicate there’s something, they will check it for themselves… If they can’t find anything easily they have to take the truck to the computer scanner… It’s quite scary.”

Stephen (*name changed to protect his identity.)

Private companies producing and developing the technology used at borders are making money from the perceived threat of an ‘invasion’ of refugees in Europe and the very real suffering of people. Many of the companies developing and promoting equipment, surveillance technologies and the IT infrastructure to track people on the move are often among the world’s biggest arms companies.

These defence giants not only profit from the wars and state oppression that cause people to flee their homes, but also from the high-tech surveillance equipment that tracks them, the violence that greets them, and the biometric systems that register them on arrival.

The biannual Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) trade fair is a chance for these companies to showcase their work and products. From 12-15 September 2017, DSEI will host over 1,600 companies, from across the defence and security sector industries, at the ExCeL centre in London Docklands. It’s set to attract over 34,000 visitors, including Defence Ministers, international military representatives and private sector companies. Many of the companies who profit from borders will be represented – part of a border security market estimated at €15 billion in 2015 and predicted to rise to €29 billion by 2022.

The British government has thrown millions at the Calais border, which seems on its way to full privatisation. The death toll is rising along with the amount of money thrown at the border, with a growing number of deaths each year. An October 2016 report from the Calais Research Network documented 40 companies benefiting from this situation, many of whom will be exhibiting at DSEI:

  • Thales Described as, “one of the top-earning companies in the border industry”, the French multinational was commissioned to supply a surveillance and access control system at Calais in 2010. In 2014 they were awarded a two year £3.8 million contract from the UK Home Office to provide a system to encrypt biometric and biographic data for Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) cards for non-EU foreigners.
  • The Chemring Group supplied PMMWI (Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging) and vehicle scanning. Roke Manor Research, part of Chemring Group, developed the Pandora lorry scanning system, trialled in Calais.
  • FLIR Systems has supplied thermal imaging cameras for use in Calais during the night or in fog, rain or snow when CCTV cameras can’t provide a clear image.
  • L3 Technologies supplied x-ray scanning equipment at Calais.

Opposing DSEI is one way to act in solidarity with migrants. During the ‘Free Movement for People, Not Weapons’ day of action against DSEI 2015, a member of Black Dissidents said as part of a rousing speech.

Original article in full at:

Article by Amy Hall and Sara Woods of Shoal Collective, a newly-formed cooperative of independent writers and researchers, writing for social justice and a world beyond capitalism.

Join the week of action to Stop the Arms Fair at London’s Docklands from 4-11 September, 2017. The Stop the Arms Fair coalition is made up of diverse groups and individuals who oppose the fair. The coalition supports groups using a diversity of different tatics to oppose the fair. It is open for new people and new movements to get involved.

Thursday 7 September’s day of action has the theme ‘Solidarity Without Borders making the links between the arms and security industry. There are also events going on across the UK, in the lead up to DSEI and during the event.


Eighteen years of protest against DSEI – Don’t let it turn 20!

Once again, Docklands’ ExCeL Centre will host the DSEI (Defence and Security Equipment International) arms fair next month. 1,600 exhibitors will showcase equipment including drones, tanks, guns, bombs, warships, crowd control weaponry and covert surveillance equipment.

They will be hoping to secure contracts and wine and dine with international governments and military personnel, aiming to profit from states’ unending wars of aggression around the world. The arms fair is subsidised by the UK taxpayer, and DSEI’s organisers work closely with the government, welcoming human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, the US, Israel and Turkey.

Quakers, Catholic Workers, anarchists, socialists, trade unionists and Buddhists are just some of those who have come together to protest DSEI, which takes place every two years. In recent years, British anti-militarists have been joined by activists from Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Kurdistan and other communities directly affected by war and state violence.

Activists have been resisting the arms fair since its inception in 1999.

Eliza Egret talks to activists involved in almost two decades of protest against London’s DSEI arms show.

Read more at:

By Eliza Egret of Shoal Collective, a newly-formed cooperative of
independent writers and researchers, writing for social justice and a
world beyond capitalism. Follow @ShoalCollective

Disarm DSEI Critical Mass – Saturday 9th September 2017

And more is planned from 4th to 11th September and beyond…

The war in Kurdistan starts in London

Every two years, the Excel Centre at London Docklands hosts the world’s
biggest arms fair, showcasing military and surveillance equipment and
technology for air, land, sea and cyberspace. Many of the world’s most
oppressive regimes, including Turkey, go there to make deals which
ultimately cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

Turkey was the sole “international partner” of DSEI 2015, which took place
in September of that year, while Kurdish civilians were being massacred in
cities like Cizre. During the event, weapons maker Roketsan, which is part
of the Turkish Armed Forces, signed a contract with Lockheed Martin, the
largest arms company in the world, to develop a new F-35 fighter jet
missile for the United States armed forces. Since then, Turkey has gone
into partnership with BAE Systems to develop a new generation of fighter
jets.  Turkish-owned arms company Nurol has also gone into partnership
with BAE Systems – the third largest arms company in the world – on an
aerospace programme. After its “success” at DSEI 2015, Turkey has asked
for its space at the event to be expanded by 200 square metres for 2017.


by Sara Woods of Shoal Collective, a cooperative of independent writers
and researchers, writing for social justice and a world beyond capitalism.

The Anarchist Action Network is mobilising to oppose DSEI 2017 and there are the following upcoming meetings for people interested to get involved:

UPDATE – All meetings have now occurred, see you in London for the week of action!

Resistance to NATO continues in Brussels

Ten thousand people took to the streets of Brussels on Wednesday May 24 to tell US president Donald Trump, and the imperialist warmongers of NATO, that they were not welcome in the Belgian capital. Said the No to NATO protest call-out: “NATO and its member states participate in illegal wars and military interventions, from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. They contribute massively to international instability, fuelling the arms race and militarization. NATO remains committed to humanity’s biggest threat: nuclear weapons. NATO is the world’s most aggressive war machine.

Original article at: Winter Oak’s Acorn #34

Reclaim The Cape – Anti-nuclear action week April 22th to May 1st 2016


So. There’s an anti-nuclear protest site at the west coast of Finland. And it’s holding an action week between 22th of April – 1st of May, 2016, while celebrating its first anniversary of existence. What’s all this about? To put it all in a simple nutshell:

Fennovoima is a Finnish nuclear power company established in 2007 by a consortium of Finnish power and industrial companies thinking it’s a mighty good idea to put up a nuke plant at Pyhäjoki, a small municipality at the west coast of Finland – by any means necessary. Fennovoima’s project nearly faced its much wished-for doom when German energy giant E.ON, the main investor of the project at that time, decided nuclear power is bad business and withdrew its money in 2012.

Rosatom is Russian state corporation: it’s the only vendor in the global markets that offers the nuclear industry’s entire range of products, both civil and weapons. It’s led in an authoritarian manner by a nine-person strong supervisory board, elected single-handedly by President Putin – and naturally, famous for projects riddled with mafia connections, massive delays and accidents.

Fennovoima-Rosatom was born when Rosatom marched in to save Fennovoima: after E.ON left, it was the only investor willing to participate. Fennovoima needed a financial saviour – and Rosatom aimed to polish its reputation with a project in the west. It’s all about the geopolitics, you know: it doesn’t hurt Russia to place a geopolitical footprint to a region close to Nato-favoured NEAT military test area in northern Sweden and of that much-talked about Arctic oil.

The Pyhäjoki protest camp saw daylight on April 2015, when first clear cuts started at Hanhikivi peninsula. While legally shady ”preparing works” advanced, the camp held its ground at the very construction site for five months, blocking the works, causing the local police complaining they haven’t got the resources anymore to deal with the protestors. At the same time newspapers were filled with news of sabotage and general mischief. In September 2015 the eviction of the camp took place, taking a full eight days to get the last climber out. After the eviction the camp relocated to a site offered by a local land owner, roughly 4 km outside the construction site. Direct action and general mischief – still in program.

We know its a bit of a madhouse here, as you get to face with one go the whole current Russian administration, Nato-West, a nuclear energy giant, private security firms and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland. But hey, ho told not to aim high? On April 2016 the camp holds its first anniversary – and it’s time to pump up the gear. To be mad enough to bring the concept of mass civil disobedience to Finland in this scale. The goal is simple: to flood the construction site with people – and hold it as long as possible. May the nearby regions also be filled with all sorts of anti-nuclear, anti-capitalism, pro-all-things-good actions. We tip our hats to diversity of tactics – and summon all of you ecofreaks, antimilitarists and others to join us.

Schedules and infobits:
22th of April – 1th of May: the action week. Pyhäjoki is accessible by public transportation, hitch-hiking and cars: check the map or contact us for details. We cook vegan. Accommodation mainly in big heatable army tents – but if you have a tent on you, bring it in! Remember to dress warm. Solidarity is a verb: we encourage folks to drop in a voluntarily donation for food and such. Yes, you’ll be able to wash: but it’ll be chilly. Before arriving we’d love you to drop as a post beforehand of when, how many, with or without tents etc. you’re coming. Questions will be answered at: stopfennovoima [at]

22-23th of April: Opening party! Music! People! Fun!

26th of April: Chernobyl memorial day – and the big action day. Along the week other activities possible.

1st of May: You get the drift. We bet you do.

For the whole week there will be workshops, lectures and skill sharing stuff to keep you busy.

More information in English

Reposted from Contrainfo

UK ZAD mobilisation


Join us on 27 February to show our solidarity with the ZAD occupation in France.

What is the ZAD?

The ZAD (‘Zone to Defend’), is the site in Western France of a 9+ year
occupation against the construction of the Notre-Dame-des-Landes
airport by French construction giant, Vinci. The occupation has a
become a focal point for anti-capitalism and ecological direct action
in France and has seen both repression from the French state and
militant resistance from the occupiers and local residence. The ZAD
has huge support across France, a recent day of action saw a protest
of 20,000 and solidarity actions across the country.

Why come on 27 February?

A Nantes court has recently made a decision to go ahead with the
eviction of the remaining official residents who refused to sell their
land. With this legal hurdle out of the way, it looks likely that
attempts will be made to evict the occupations in the coming weeks. In
response an international mobilisation is being organised for people
to support the ZAD on 27 February.

We are an autonomous group helping mobilise people from the UK to go
to Nantes on 27 February and also organise a rapid response if and when an eviction attempt is made.

Initial plans are to travel on Friday 26th Feb and return on Monday
29th. If you would like to go we may be able to help with transport
arrangements. Email and say where you would  like to
leave from and return to.

Also email if you would like to know more about a
UKZAD rapid response eviction resistance.

More information on the ZAD and the mobilisation:

Love and rage,


stopcardiffarmslogo2 copyCome to Cardiff on the 16th of March 2016 to take action against the DPRTE arms fair at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena.

According to its website, DPRTE (the Defense Procurement, Research, Technology and Exportability exhibition) is the “UK’s Premier Defense Procurement Event” and is now being hosted annually at Cardiff Motorpoint Arena. They hosted the arms fair in Cardiff for the first time in October 2014, with exhibitors including BAE Systems, the world’s 3rd largest arms producer. BAE has a very special relationship with the UK government & the Saudi dictatorship.
* BAE has sold equipment sells equipment to Saudi Arabia, which is being used in the current bombardment of Yemen.
* BAE supplied the tactical armoured vehicles, which were used by Saudi Arabia, in 2011, to brutally crush pro-democracy protests in Bahrain.
* BAE systems also supplies Israel with the tools to wage war on the Palestinians, and provides display units used to equip Israeli F-16 fighter jets.
* BAE is one of many companies at DPTRE which supplies weapons to Turkey. In 2015, people in towns across Turkey’s Kurdish region have barricaded their city centers and declared autonomy from the state. The Turkish army has responded by attacking residential areas with tanks, combat helicopters and mortars, killing hundreds of people.

BAE are just one of over 80 exhibitors set to participate in the arms fair. Some are giants of the international arms industry that might be expected; others have a more local dimension, including the Welsh Assembly’s National Procurement Service and the University of South Wales. Household business names like BT and Panasonic are also all over the programme. It seems that a lot of people stand to make a lot of blood money out of the various technological approaches to waging warfare that will be displayed.

There has been active opposition to DPRTE since 2013. The arms fair had previously originally been hosted at the UWE campus in Bristol, but was subsequently driven out by determined resistance; hence the move to Cardiff. The protests involved a variety of actions, including blockading the UWE north entrance, causing queues trailing back along the A4174.

Having been driven out of Bristol, DPTRE  relocated to Cardiff in 2014, South Wales Anarchists, Stop NATO Cymru and other groups and individuals resolved to show the arms dealers that there is no welcome for them in Wales either. Food Not Bombs Cardiff had a presence; people confronted the arms dealers and tried to get inside; and three arms dealers were covered in red paint as they tried to enter. Those arrested for this action had their charges dropped when it came to trial, due to insufficient evidence.

We urge all that can to come join the growing resistance in to Cardiff, to take action against this arms fair and all those taking part in it on Wednesday 16th March 2016. We know that when the rich make war, it’s the poor that die, and we won’t stand for business people profiting from racist mass murder death, displacement and torture.

Our website will be updated with news and information and we have an email address where we can be contacted by email on: stopcardiffarmsfair at<>

Stop the Cardiff Arms Fair / Na i Ffair Arfau Caerdydd supported by Anarchist Action Network, Smash EDO, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, South Wales Anarchists, Swansea Food not Bombs, Disarm DSEI, Stop the Arms Fair and Bristol Against Arms Trade

Support Anarchist Prisoner Peter Simpson

Pete Simpson was remanded on the 17th December 2015. He is awaiting trial for ‘violent disorder’ after being attacked & arrested by police at an anti-cuts mayday demonstration in Cardiff, South Wales. He is on trial with another co-defendant in January 2016. Pete has spent the last several months with an electronic tag, his freedom severely restricted, and a change of bail address led to the court remanding him to prison.

Please write to Pete at: Peter Simpson A6060CF, HMP CARDIFF, Knox Rd, Cardiff, WALES, CF24 0UG

Stamps, envelopes, writing paper & books are also welcome. As well as any donations. Banner pictures, dedicated actions & other forms of solidarity are also invited from comrades across the world.

We also recommend using if you are writing from abroad.

For any queries please email

For the latest updates visit:

Next AAN meeting

What: Anarchist Action Network discussion on upcoming NATO summit: all welcome.
When: Sunday 17th March 2019, 2pm – 5pm
Where: London (tbc)


About Anarchist Action Network

The Anarchist Action Network is an autonomous network made up of local groups and individuals from the anarchist movement based in the UK. We came together after the 2013 G8 summit to help re-build an anarchist network for the UK and take action together against capitalism and militarism. The network currently meets every three months, in a different town or city, to make decisions for the network by consensus.

We organized two ‘Anarchist Traveling Circuses’, in Newport, south Wales and East London, as well as numerous other events, demonstrations and weeks of action, and we now plan more of the same!

We’d like to welcome you (except cops and journos) to be a part of this.