Tag Archives: Comms Blockade

Comms Blockade: Stop Police Repression by the Guardia Civil!

The Anarchist Action Network is calling for a communications blockade of the Spanish embassy on Monday the 9th of February in solidarity with those suffering at the hands of the Guardia Civil (the Spanish Police Force).

Recently, Spanish Anarchists have suffered a wave of repression.  Raids, arrests, imprisonment, seizures of books and computers and a sinister “Anarchist Terrorism” charge. The reasons given by the judge for their continued detention include the possession of certain books, “the production of publications and forms of communication”, and the fact that the defendants “used emails with extreme security measures, such as the RISE UP server”.

If the Spanish state think they should be able to read anarchists’s emails, why don’t we send them some mail directly telling them exactly what we think of their repressive policies.

In addition to this the Guardia Civil are responsible for the cold blooded murder of innocent people simply seeking to move. This brings us to another reason for calling this comms blockade.  This February will be the one year anniversary of the killing of dozens of migrants by Guardia Civil on the Moroccan-Spanish land border at Ceuta. No one has ever been held to account for these actions. When tweeting, calling, emailing the Spanish Embassy, let them know that these murders have not been forgotten. There are also demonstrations to mark the anniversary happening across Europe, including in London.

Before you send emails to the embassy, consider your own security too – see Tech Tools for Activism for tips.

Details of the Spanish Embassy in the UK:

Phone: 020 7235 5555
Twitter account of the Office for Cultural and Scientific Affairs at the Spanish Embassy: @SpainCultureUK
Email: emb.londres@maec.es