Category Archives: training issues

The Integrity Report on the ASU Police Department exposes an opposition Bigot against the GLBT Community within the ASU police department.

ASU Police Opposition to the blog

Our initial response:  Link to the Original post and our response

You know we will delete what exactly? We relish every opportunity to expose you for what you are. In this case nothing more than a scared and defeated bigot lashing out. Your anger, ignorance, and desperation are words to your sad little swan song. I pity the people who see you in uniform expecting honor, equality, fairness, integrity, and receiving what we see here instead.

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like “the clique” within the Arizona State University Police Department is cracking under the pressure and we have potentially exposed a bigot within our opposition. We’re not surprised. The opposition makes one self-defeating decision after another and it is embarrassing  to have enemies so juvenile and feeble minded. 

We are against any form of discrimination because we are proud Americans who support freedom and equality no matter what race, creed, gender, religion or sexual orientation you may be. We would like to once again remind the bigoted people in our opposition about the oath they took to be sworn police officers. The fact they forgot it, ignored it, and broke the oath are why we are here today.

Simple Definition of BIGOT, Source: Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary

: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)

Is it acceptable to have a bigot working at a police department? Of course not. This opposition poster uses a police code as their name and uses and Arizona State University email address to post it. I would like to know which member of the Arizona State University Police Department created this Email address and uses derogatory language aimed at the GLBT community and yet claims to support the sworn Officer code of ethics, diversity, and promises do exactly the opposite of what they’re doing. Does this person support the university mission? If this person was handling their police call would a GLBT member of the ASU community receive the same treatment under the law as a straight person.

Per ASU’s description of Discrimination in the Academic Affairs Manual (ACD)                       ACD 401: Prohibition Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

Discrimination is defined under applicable federal and state law. In general, unlawful discrimination means failing to treat people equally based, at least in part, on status that is protected under applicable law or policy. Protected status includes race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information.


Required Reporting

Unless a person is restricted by law from doing so, any employee who is informed of or has a reasonable basis to believe that sexual harassment has occurred, shall immediately report all information regarding the occurrence(s) to the Office of Equity and Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator.

Failure to report and/or inaction may be cause for disciplinary action.

If an individual wishes to have a confidential conversation about an allegation of sexual harassment, that individual can do so by seeking an appointment with a licensed counselor or health care professional. The university provides such services at the Health Services, Employee Assistance Office, or ASU Counseling Services located on each campus. Also, consistent with state law, the ASU Police Department Victim’s Advocate is a person with whom an individual can hold a confidential conversation about an allegation of sexual violence, including sexual assault.

Additionally, any individual has the right to contact local law enforcement to file a criminal report.

A supervisor, manager, or administrator who is informed of or has a reasonable basis to believe that violations of this policy, other than sexual harassment, have occurred shall promptly report it to the Office of Equity and Inclusion. Failure to report or supervisory inaction may be cause for disciplinary action.

Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of this policy, or who believes that this policy has been violated, should report the matter immediately to the Office of Equity and Inclusion. (But keep in mind they won’t do anything about it, see below)


If an individual wishes to remain anonymous, that individual can make a report to the ASU Hotline at 877/786–3385. (But keep in mind they won’t do anything about it.)

If an individual requests anonymity after a report is filed, the Office of Equity and Inclusion/Title IX Coordinator will take into account the request, the due process rights of all parties involved, the severity of the alleged harassment, and the potential risk of a hostile environment for others in the community in order to determine whether the request can be honored. The requesting party will be advised of the determination. (But keep in mind they won’t do anything about it, see below)

Look at how they handled these issues:

ASU Barrett Honors College



Working towards 50 shades of unmitigated exposure!


Video Volume 1 blog post


Video Volume 2 blog post


Video Volume 3 blog post


Video Volume 4 blog post

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The “High Noon” email that went out to all Conference Attendees of the International Association of College Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) hosted by the ASU Police Dept.

Iaclea 2016 conference Arizona state university police

After some requests for the original “high noon” email that had ASUPD command on suicide watch here it is. This was originally posted in comments, but not published in comments. Thank you Ted for joining this growing insurgency for justice by putting together this treasure trove of information we were previously not aware of.

Despite our knowledge of the corrupt inner workings of ASU Police Dept, we were somewhat surprised about the depravity tolerated, protected, and by default sanctioned by the Arizona State University administration.

There will be posts about the inexcusable Arizona State University War on Women!

Continue reading

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ASU Police promotion “processes” disrupted and delayed by scrutiny and the usual collusion leading to more WTF appointments.

Arizona State University Police Lieutenant Terry Lewis Child Porn promotion

Despite considerable attempts to cover up the truth within the Arizona State University Police Department, the truth always has a way of getting out. We recently received information about one of the latest appointments through several channels, plus day to day information about the meetings and consternation of command trying to handle another so-called “promotion process” as officers are walking out the door in quick succession just prior to the annual shift change.

The tradition of promoting people who are tired of working as police officers to greater and greater responsibilities, but significantly less work and much higher pay continues. This is nothing new and neither is the empowering and rewarding employees for failure. The command at the ASU Police Department are the embodiment of all these qualities.

This promotion is disturbing because Sergeant Terry Lewis was in charge of detectives and failed to do his job. What job will he do in the lieutenant position?

He failed to submit charges on cases, failed to arrest when there was probable cause to arrest, made decisions only a qualified lawyer should, and opened up the department and university to gross liability.

Fairly recently, he was removed from detectives by the then newly appointed current Chief Michael Thompson, but now climbs the ladder to Lieutenant despite on the job incompetency at the Sergeant level and being known for never leaving his desk since he became a corporal many years ago.

This proves once again that job expectations, actual experience, competency, decision making, recent performance, integrity, liability, public trust, and honor all mean nothing when it comes to some promotions at ASUPD. They want lackeys who will do their bidding for them and accept the liability that comes with it.

Also, with Detective Jennifer Bryner making the Sergeant list over veteran police officers with many more years on it says something about the integrity of the process. Bryner was just off probation from field training, her prior experience was the police academy, with 1 year on, when she was selected over many highly experienced officers for detectives. How is she again propped up above officers with many times her own experience? Job experience and resumes mean abdolutely nothing.

Detective Brady made Sergeant despite having even less time on with ASUPD than Bryner and prior experience being limited to NAUPD. What can we say? These two promotions prove that it certainly helps when you have access to the testing materials through your friends who are trusted with keeping it confidential. It also helps when your social calendar includes extra-curricular engagements with command.

Do you want to succeed at the Arizona State Police Department? If so, find out who the power brokers are, kiss as much of their ass as you can stomach, find out who they don’t like and disparage them, show you are not above doing any unethical thing they ask you to do, volunteer for every extra-curricular engagement that becomes available, and do it with a smile. That’s the meaning of police work , serving and protecting right? Wrong. Like the legions of former ASUPD officers, you need to go some place else for that.

There were two notable exceptions to this process. We congratulate Lieutenant Latella and Sergeant Icenogle on their promotions. Unfortunately, their rank is too low to do much to change how the morally defunct ASUPD command operates.

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FOUR Officers Escape the Arizona State University Police Department right after shift change! Congratulations to Clinton Martinez, Dahmar Smiles, Craig Woodruff, Daniel Gaughan!

officer Clinton Martinez escaped the Arizona state University police department2016-06-07 07.40.08

congratulations to Arizona state University police officer Craig woodruff who managed to escape

ASU Police Officer clique douschebag Daniel Gaughan QUITS dept

1 , 2 , 3, 4…FOUR possibly more…OFFICERS QUIT, Two former Lateral Officers to ASUPD, Clinton Martinez and Dahmar Smiles, plus ASU Police 12 year Veteran Craig Woodruff can now take their experience where it will be appreciated, not held against them. Officer Daniel Gaughan can see if the crap games played at ASUPD by the clique work at Tempe PD.

When you are aware of how a police department is supposed to operate why would you stay at the Arizona State University Police Department? You wouldn’t. Officer Clinton Martinez and Dahmar Smiles were lateral police officers who came to ASUPD and were quickly able to see the lack of integrity, lack of leadership, favoritism, dirty politics, lack of opportunity, poor officer compensation, and knew the only solution was to leave.

Officer Craig Woodruff, Army 82nd Airborne Veteran, was with ASUPD for 12 years and, like most people who leave, was most likely fed up with the games being played with his career. Historically, some members of ASUPD command, supervisors, have had a habit of targeting veterans of the military and law enforcement. When you get to know the leadership of the ASU Police department you will ask yourself, “Why the hell did I come here?” Many retired laterals walked out in short order because they could see the numerous negative issues and had the option.

Many officers still working towards retirement left everything behind in other states, put all their eggs in this unsafe basket, and almost lost their careers to the unethical spiteful leadership of ASUPD.

They were targeted for no reason other than the fact that many here were intimidated by their experience and had the rank to injure them. Clinton and Dahmar can now take their experience where it will be appreciated, not held against them.

Despite being selected for Firearms instructor, DT instructor, and Crime prevention Clinton understood that only favorites get actual promotions and that is the only real pay raise available at the Arizona State University Police Department.

Apparently, the Crime Prevention position was vacated by someone who never applied for it, Clinton Martinez, and was recently given to Becky Garcia who was the only one who originally applied. Sounds fair? No. Sounds like ASUPD command zero ethics? Yes.

Clinton, Dahmar, and Craig, you left the mall cop job behind and can finally get back to being a police officer fighting crime instead of babysitting, dodging internal politics, policy enforcement, homeless management, and running traffic with timid college kids, suburban moms, and professors who know they are one complaint away from having you fired. You get to work at a police department where they have your back and it isn’t everyone out for themselves.  Good Luck, stay safe where the real police work actually happens on a regular basis. We are confident you will be assets to the communities you serve.


arizona state University police always Hiring and never staffed


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Contribute To The Lawsuit Against The Arizona State University Police Department & Boost Public Safety Integrity

ASU Police Officers are so fed up with corruption

Because so many current and former Arizona State University Police employees read, message us, and some comment on this blog we have been receiving more questions about how to participate or contribute to the lawsuit now underway. Here it is folks:

The Official Lawsuit Complaint can be downloaded here: 

Here is the attorney contact information copied out of this complaint:

David W. Dow (SBA #007377)
The Law Offices of David W. Dow
3104 E. Camelback #281
Phoenix, Arizona 85016
Attorney for Plaintiffs

For what it’s worth, here are some photos for your lawsuit that were sent to us.

On the far right is Defendant William Orr, senior supervisor (Commander) of this event. To the left of him is Defendant Mark Janda.

The photographer is Defendant Pamela Osborne.

This is a partial photo of “the clique” that destroyed integrity at ASUPD.

We will be looking for more information to provide as this unfolds. Good Luck getting justice.

Arizona State University Police Department Jerkoffs (1)Arizona State University Police Department Jerkoffs (3)Arizona State University Police Department Jerkoffs (2)


ASU Police Chief Michael Thompson Sued


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Acting Chief Thompson pitches desperate PR scheme / ignores internal “legitimacy” issues





ASU Police Interim Chief Thompson happy happy joy joy email

Translation? We are going to continue to ignore the REAL reasons why our department has lost legitimacy with its employees/the public and move forward with our “warm fuzzy” PR campaign.

The public wasn’t too happy with ASU’s “in your face” approach from the recent “Safe and Sober” campaign, why would this endeavor be any different?

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ASU desperately wants people to view the PD as “legitimate”

Legitimacy training

It’s no secret that the Arizona State University Police Department has been pummeled by the media as of late.

Media outlets, such as The Arizona Republic, have publicly dissected several problems which have plagued ASUPD for years–staffing, and morale, to name a few. In turn, this has raised many questions about ASUPD’s legitimacy as a fully functioning police department in the eyes of both university employees and the public .

In a typical university knee-jerk reaction, ASU created mandatory training for all PD employees to address these issues of “legitimacy”. This “‘training” was comprised of two 4 hour sessions for the whole department, and was done by university employees with no PD affiliation or experience.

The presenters discussed generalized issues such as being nice to the public, community policing, and the unique environment of university policing. The presenters, however, failed to explain why ASUPD has lost legitimacy with its own employees/staff/public, and also how to fix the problems at hand. Many employees sensed this obvious gap in logic and voiced their concerns to the staff conducting the training, only to be met with blank stares. Evidently, the university did not anticipate any type of backlash.

What the university fails to fully understand is that the legitimacy issue is NOT caused by ground-level employees; it stems from a lack of quality people in leadership positions within the department. If you fail to employ a command structure that has accountability, ethics, and common sense, you have nothing more than a state funded gang using and abusing employees on a whim. Normal people cannot stomach working in this type of dysfunctional environment for an extended period of time, so the employee turnover rate and new employee hiring rate continue to skyrocket in tandem.

Poor leadership is obviously one contributor to ASUPD’s legitimacy problem, but not the main cause. What are other recent factors/events that have eroded ASUPD’s legitimacy as a fully functioning police department?

  • Free Speech:
    • For years, there has been a lot of preferential treatment and problem employees within ASUPD that Command Staff simply refused to address or deal with. Several employees became frustrated at the lack of outlet they had to voice their concerns, so they created a blog for anonymous online discussion called The Integrity Report. This discussion involved the posting of emails, memorandums, and policy manuals (which are all accessible to the public via a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA). Airing ASU’s dirty laundry caused administrators for the department and university to panic and attempt to shut down the postings as well as The Integrity Report, citing “safety and security issues”. (It is quite ironic that in its quest to shut down and discredit The Integrity Report, ASU has actually further damaged its legitimacy as a law enforcement/academic institution, instead of preserving it.)
  • Having a convenient scapegoat:
    • When the public was enraged at the situation involving Assistant Professor Ursula Ore and Officer Stuart Ferrin, ASU needed a someone to blame so it could distance itself from the problem and maintain its legitimacy. Both Chief Pickens and Officer Ferrin took the brunt of the public lashing, with Chief Pickens resigning shortly after the Ore debacle.
  • Media exposure:
    • It is impossible for a department to maintain its validity when the media starts investigating and contradicting all of the department’s logic with hard facts and documentation (see the September 21st, 2014 edition of The Arizona Republic for an example). Even worse, the university attempted to redact information released to The Arizona Republic under the guise of “embarrassment”. The extensive media coverage of ASUPD’s repeated missteps has caused nearly irreparable damage to the department’s credibility as a law enforcement agency.
  • Repeatedly failing to acknowledge and address problems:
    • ASUPD still refuses to acknowledge any wronging on its behalf throughout the past year and a half of its public exposure. This would include admitting to staffing problems, cliques, and refusing to deal with problem employees, among other things. Admitting fault does not make the department look weak; it shows the department had enough insight to fix the issue and move forward. On the other hand, failing to acknowledge the 1000-pound elephant in the room does not make the department appear “composed”, it makes the department look like jackasses. Furthermore, when the department fails to acknowledge and address ANY problems, it makes the department appear out of touch and calls into question the legitimacy of its actions.

The “legitimacy” training did not even come close to discussing the above mention issues as possible reasons why the public does not view ASUPD as a “legitimate” law enforcement agency. The training was given by people working in civilian positions with no police department experience in any capacity, and who offered no actual plan on how to create legitimacy for the ASU Police Department. They should  have titled the training, “Please believe in the future! The university is in explosive growth, and we don’t know what we are doing!”

ASU, since you are unable or unwilling to fix ASUPD’s  problems internally, we will do it for you with continued exposure and public pressure. It won’t be pretty.

As always, stand by folks.


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ASUPD’s shoddy rape investigation costs ASU several million dollars.

This just further highlight’s ASUPD’s mistreatment of women. An old article, but worth mentioning:

A former Arizona State student claims that “ASU refused to authorize either a drug screen [or] rape kit for DNA analysis” and “obstructed and shut down the investigation” after she was drugged and sodomized at a Sigma Chi fraternity party. She claims campus police did not interview a single Sigma Chi member, blamed her for “having been forcibly sodomized,” and did it all “to make ASU appear safer than it was.”
   The woman claims that ASU police officers conducted a shoddy, halfhearted investigation to minimize the university’s liability. The woman sued the Arizona Board of Regents in Maricopa County Court, claiming the university violated Title IX by failing to fully investigate her claims.
She claims that ASU knew of “the risk of severe sexual harassment, including sexual assault, of female students at the Sigma Chi house on its campus,” but that ASU sought to use “pressure or policy to minimize sexual assault reports to make ASU appear safer than it was.”
The plaintiff, a former member of Pi Beta Phi sorority, says she went to a toga party thrown by members of Sigma Chi, where she was given alcohol. She was 19 at the time. At the party, she says, Matt Potter, a Sigma Chi member, gave her a drink “that had been spiked with a drug designed to incapacitate her and impair her memory.” She says her memory of the night was impaired by the drink, and that she woke up the next day at the Sigma Chi house with severe rectal pain, without her purse and some of her clothing.
She says two friends and the president of the ASU Panhellenic Council took her to Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital, where a sexual assault examination determined that she had been “sodomized with significant ‘anal injury’ with rectal and vaginal pain, bloody stool, and exposure to bodily fluids.”
She says that despite her injuries and a request from the emergency room physician, ASU police officers refused to authorize a rape kit, drug screen, or a SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) examination. She says the officers blamed her for “having been forcibly sodomized.”
She claims that “the reason [ASU] Officer Janda would not conduct a proper investigation of [her] sodomy and sexual assault because she had consumed alcoholic beverages before the assault, was a pretext to minimize ASU’s liability.”
After she was released from the hospital, she says, her sister drove her to Tucson, where she was examined by a physician at Northwest Medical Center Hospital and was found to be a “crime victim” of “sexual assault.” By that time, she says, it was too late to perform a drug screen or rape kit.

ASU’s Office of Student Life, Judicial Affairs interviewed her once, and interviewed only one of her sorority sisters for its investigation, she says. “No Sigma Chi members were ever questioned,” and ASU closed the investigation less than 2 months after the rape, according to the 21-page complaint.”ASU has in recent years systematically and severely underreported sexual assault reports,” the complaint states. “For 2008, ASU reported and posted only four forcible sexual assault reports in its 2009 Annual Security Reports, despite, on information and belief, having received at least several dozen reports. On information and belief, the motivations of ASU police for refusing to investigate [the plaintiff’s] rape and sodomy included ASU’s pressure or policy to minimize sexual assault reports to make ASU appear safer than it was.”
ASU is required by the Clery Act “to report to the U.S. Department of Education, and to post publicly, all reports of sexual assaults made to campus police or its Judicial Affairs or other personnel,” according to the complaint. But ASU never reported her rape and sodomy in its Annual Security Report, she says. And she says the school took no action against Gallagher or Potter or Sigma

This lawsuit alone cause ASU several million dollars due to horrible policies and horrible policing. Yet this officer is still working at ASU and is allowed to train new officers?!

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