Kurdish Solidarity Network meeting 10-11 February in Brighton.

KSN Networking Proposal pdf

A suggested outline for a weekend event of the Kurdish Solidarity Network is to have meetings (including breaks) from 12-6pm on Saturday 10th, followed by social time in the evening…e.g. a film, talk, or other activity, then optional time on the Sunday for workshops around themes… for example, “what is solidarity?”, or “History of the Kurdish Women’s Movement”… whatever people are interested in / would like to offer.

If you are able to come to this meeting, please send an email to brightonkurdsolidarity@riseup.net with the name of your group (individuals are also welcome), number of people, whether you need crash space and for how many people and which night(s), any dietary requirements, and if you have something to offer or a suggestion about what you would like to see happen.


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