Author Archives: aanetwork

Oppose the ‘Generation Identity’ Conference – London – April 14th & 15th

Call out to all decent human beings! Oppose the Generation Identity conference!

Make no mistake, this conference is a meeting of like minded people from across the continent, seeking to work together to organise and execute the ethnic cleansing of Europe. We cannot – we will not – let this happen. We’ll see you on Saturday the 14th.

Follow @OpposeGI on twitter for updates and locations on the day.

Also see:


There are two mobilisations to oppose them.

Saturday – Be ready to travel anywhere in London and follow @opposeGI on twitter for info on locations on the day.

more info:

Sunday – GI spin-off group 120dB are planning to speak at Speakers Corner. We will hold our own free speech event to oppose them. 10.30am Speakers Corner, Hyde Park.

Facebook event and more info

All via &…

Defend Afrin – Bring Anna Home

Join the National Demonstration against Turkey’s invasion and occupation of Afrin! Demand a ceasefire now so that the body of British citizen Anna Campbell can be retrieved and brought home to her family.

When: 2pm, Saturday 31st March 2018

Where: Meet at Marble Arch station marching to Parliament Square



Homeless Voice

Also on this Saturday, for anyone unable to be in London:

Homelessness has exploded over the past decade. Yet, while most people instinctively detest this injustice, it is difficult to know what we can do to address the top-down political choices that lead to this unnecessary suffering.

Saturday 31st March
4.30pm, Victoria Square, Birmingham

Join us for Homeless Voice and stand in solidarity with our homeless brothers, sisters and siblings:

– Show solidarity and support for those our society has abandoned to homelessness

– Hear, first hand, the lived experiences of people who find themselves homeless in the city

– Hear speakers from across the left propose radical long term solutions to the causes of homelessness
Email –

Solidarity with the Stansted Defendants! – 19th March – Chelmsford

Last year, 15 people grounded a deportation charter flight for ten hours to prevent it taking off. On MONDAY 19TH March 2018, they are standing trial, charged with a terrorism-related offence that could result in life imprisonment!

JOIN US outside Chelmsford Crown Court to support the defendants, to demand the charges are dropped, and to demand an end to deportation charter flights.

There will be a line-up of speakers from 9-9:30am followed by performances.
<<Food not Bombs>> and <<Oxford Action Resource Centre>> will also kindly be providing hot food and refreshments on the day.

8:30am, MONDAY 19TH MARCH. Please arrive promptly.

Chelmsford Crown Court,
New Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1EL

There will be a coach leaving at 7am, from Liverpool Street Station. Please arrive by 6.45am as the coach can’t wait for late comers.
Book your seat in advance here:

**Please let us know in advance if you need wheelchair access, as some seats may need to be removed**

**Please wear a pink item of clothing at the rally to show your support**

There are also trains from Liverpool St station to Chelmsford.


Your solidarity is also welcome all day on Twitter @EDeportations and on FB.

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Secret deportation flights take thousands of people from our communities every year. Parents, friends and neighbours are targeted on the basis of their perceived nationality and snatched to fill a flight that the Home Office has chartered. Many critics have argued that like Trump’s ‘muslim ban,’ these deportations are unjust and racist. Violence and abuse from security contractors have been documented on these flights. Most people would be horrified if they were aware of the nature of this process.

The Stansted action was the first time a deportation flight has been grounded in the UK by people taking action against the immigration system. People who would have been forced onto the flight were able to stay in the UK because of the action, as it gave them time to have their applications heard. People across the UK are standing together to stop the Home Office breaking up families and tearing communities apart.

For more information on the campaign see:

Upcoming Anarchist Bookfairs in the UK


Norwich Anarchist Bookfair – 6th May 2018


Bristol Anarchist Bookfair – 12th May 2018


A full list of upcoming UK bookfairs in 2018 can be found at:

Anarchist Bookfairs in 2018

Anti-Fascist Resistance conference, March 10th, London

Anti-Fascist Resistance 2018

speakers // discussion // self-defence training // workshops // and more!

Sat March 10th // London

We’ve all seen an international rise of the far-right, and we need to do something about it.

In the face of environmental problems, economic crisis and war, fascists and the far-right have benefited. Whether it’s Trump in America, Le Pen in France or Modi in India, it’s the same thing; pushing national identity, racism, misogyny and authoritarianism.

In the UK, grassroots anti-fascists have defeated the EDL and its offshoots, humiliated National Action, and chased fascists off the streets from London to Liverpool. But this isn’t an easy fight, and one which is becoming harder and more complicated.

Join us for talks and workshops from anti-fascists and anti-racist organisations, highlighting the work that we do, the problems that we face, and what we can do together to fight fascism. Expect everything from German anti-fascists giving a history of their movement, to talks on the growing red gym scene.

Save the date! – venue  and more details to be announced nearer the time.

Come along, meet like-minded people, and let’s smash fascism together in 2018.

Facebook event

Download flyer to print

Questions, enquiries, offers of help etc to:

Stop Cardiff Arms Fair / Na i Ffair Arfau Caerdydd

Where: Motorpoint Arena, Mary Ann Street, Cardiff

When: 27th March 2018

The Cardiff Arms Fair (DPRTE – Defence Procurement, Research, Technology and Exportability Exhibition) described on their website as the “UK’s Premier Defence Procurement Event” is being hosted annually at the Cardiff Motorpoint Arena. One of their main exhibitors is BAE Systems, the world’s 3rd largest arms producer, whose weapons are currently being used by the Saudi led coalition to attack Yemen. An already impoverished country, Yemen is now in the throes of a humanitarian crisis as a result of these attacks using British made armaments, as shown in this video.

Local people will be protesting vociferously and creatively on the 27th of March. We need to protest against such an event being held in Wales and show our opposition to the arms trade. Come and join us.

Updates can be found at:

Kurdish Solidarity Network meeting 10-11 February in Brighton.

KSN Networking Proposal pdf

A suggested outline for a weekend event of the Kurdish Solidarity Network is to have meetings (including breaks) from 12-6pm on Saturday 10th, followed by social time in the evening…e.g. a film, talk, or other activity, then optional time on the Sunday for workshops around themes… for example, “what is solidarity?”, or “History of the Kurdish Women’s Movement”… whatever people are interested in / would like to offer.

If you are able to come to this meeting, please send an email to with the name of your group (individuals are also welcome), number of people, whether you need crash space and for how many people and which night(s), any dietary requirements, and if you have something to offer or a suggestion about what you would like to see happen.

Stop UK Arms Sales to Turkey. Stop Genocide against the Kurds!

A day of action has been called to coincide with the DSEI arms fair at London Docklands. Turkey are big customers at this event, and arms bought and deals made in London next week will be used to kill civilians in Kurdistan, and continue Turkish expansionism into Syria.

Farcebook event

From 1pm at the East Entrance to the ExCel Centre, London Docklands.

OR meet at the Halkevi 12 noon to travel together to the arms fair.

Organised by Kurdish Solidarity Campaign and Kurdish Assembly London.

Stop UK Arms Sales to Turkey!


Week of Action against DSEI starts today!

A number of groups and networks are calling for actions to oppose the DSEI arms fair, setting up in the Excel Centre, Newham, London this week.

The Anarchist Action Network has once again been helping with the build up to action and will be at the Excel Centre after mobilising from leafleting around the UK and helping to organise discussions, meetings and other talks about the arms fair.

Actions are also being planned around the UK.

We’ve also been happy to share on our website, some great articles by the Shoal Collective, exposing the deadly links and disastrous consequences of arms dealing.

Here are two of the latest articles:

West Papua’s silent genocide