Author Archives: anadl

As well as the Celtic Manor here are some other parts of NATO’s militarised network of power in the Newport and Cardiff area that might interest you…

They are available to be downloaded from here:

Map of Cardiff:

Map of Newport:

Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action in Cardiff & Newport

All week: action camp at Tredegar Park near Newport, with gigs, workshops, skillshares.


Graffiti Spotted in Cardiff City Centre ahead of the Sumit

Sat 30th Aug, 1pm meet at Civic Centre Car Park, Newport – Radical bloc will join demo against NATO in Newport.

Sun 31st Aug, 3pm at the Security Gates nearest to the Nye Bevan statue (west end of Queen Street, opposite the Castle), Cardiff- Action against securitisation and policing.

Mon 1st Sep, 1pm at The Cenotaph, Newport – Sabcat day of action against austerity, benefit cuts and evictions. B.Y.O.Catmasks.

Tue 2nd Sep, 12pm At Home office and Border Force in Cardiff (31-33 Newport Road) – No Borders S. Wales and Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action Against Racism, Prisons and Borders.

Wed 3rd Sep – Day of skillshares and action training at the camp.

Thu 4th Sep – Stop NATO mass action to disrupt the summit. Further details near the time (via contacts below). Affinity group actions to help disrupt the summit also welcome!

Fri 5th Sep – Affinity group actions against capitalism, the state and

NATO; get together with your mates and organise your own action.

More details of all events will be available at the camp, and from:
@anarchistaction 07440 192330

Callout – Sabcat Day of Action Against Austerity, Benefit Cuts and Evictions.

Meet at the Cenotaph, Newport at 1pm. Dressing up as Sabcats optional, but we recommend that you mask up. Cat masks will be available on the day. Wear ears, fluffy tails and cat face paint and masks!


Between Oct 2012 and December 2013, 2,388 people were “sanctioned” by Newport’s Charles Street Jobcentre. Newport Council alone had 28 people on WP/SWP programs in 2011, and 51 in 2012, along with 33 Work Experience in 2012. How many more were forced into working for their benefits?

More people working for their benefits means less people with jobs. The government chooses this policy because they back the interests of bosses over workers. The bosses prefer to get their workers for nothing than pay them. They also profit from scaring those in employment with this humiliating alternative.

How many people have lost their homes, or are in huge debt, because of the Bedroom Tax? How many are forced to use food banks? How many rip-off loan sharks have opened up in the past few years? And how many of us are forced to use them?

It’s happening even to people in full-time paid work.
It’s obscene.
We can fight it!

Join us at the Cenotaph on Monday. We will be taking action against those who profit from this poverty and suffering. But remember, this isn’t a one day wonder! Join your local unemployed group and check out

No Borders S. Wales and Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action Against Racism, Prisons and Borders.



No Borders South Wales

You can tell what country NATO is currently terrorising by who’s desperately trying- and dying -to get to the “safety” of the UK. From Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and other parts of North Africa, and more recently Syria. Countries that the West – frequently with their Saudi friends – have turned into “failed states”. People fleeing death, rape, their homes destroyed. Drowning in the Mediterranean. Being battered by cops in Calais, asphyxiated on container lorries, locked up in the prisons laughingly refered to as UK detention centres, put in solitary confinement or regular prisons if they standup for themselves. And then deported, often to their deaths.

Immigration control – aka racist state terrorism – is not just about UK racism. It’s about global capital’s strategy of free movement of capital. And selective control of labour, where wanted skills are allowed entry and the rest are expected to die quietly.

No Borders South Wales calls for a day of action on the theme of borders and anti-racism. We call for a “noise demo” at 12 noon on September 2nd outside the regional headquarters of the Home Office, 31-33 General Buildings, Newport Road, where life and death decisions are made and dawn raids ordered and carried out. We also call for actions by affinity groups throughout the day, see Stop NATO Cymru map (coming soon) for ideas.

For more infomation on days of action and opposition to the 2014 NATO summit see:

CALLOUT – Sunday 31st August – Stop NATO action against securitisation and policing

In preparation for the NATO summit, the authorities have put a giant fucking wall around parts of Cardiff and Newport. Local people do not want this wall – it prevents access to public grounds and services, disrupts essential travel and is an ugly visible reminder of the increasingly militarised zone that Cardiff and Newport have become in advance of this Summit.


Whilst they are in no way equivalent, we are mindful of the daily plight of the Palestinian people, hemmed in by giant walls that prevent them from accessing sufficient provisions, medical care or shelter from the prolific murderous Israeli attacks that have recently claimed thousands of lives. We stand against all those states and corporations which would seek to profit from human misery, division and securitisation.

Meet us at 3pm on Sunday 31st August at the security gates nearest to the Nye Bevan statue in Cardiff (west end of Queen Street, opposite the Castle) to make our feelings known.

Bring Palestinian flags and banners.

Stop NATO Cymru launch #NatoCopWatch campaign against police harassment

In the wake of anti-NATO campaigners facing unwarranted police presence at their events, the increase in surveillance expected in South Wales in the run-up to September’s NATO Summit and police pestering activists in their own homes, Stop NATO Cymru have launched a campaign encouraging people to film and photograph police connected to the Summit and share the evidence on social media.


Communities in and surrounding Newport have already been threatened with up to 9,000 police being drafted in to the area for the Summit and it is expected that surveillance of locals will increase rapidly over this month.

Supporters of Stop NATO Cymru have already reported police harassment of street stalls and meetings across South Wales, individual email accounts being compromised and, on July 31st, Police Community Support Officers visiting rented flats in Cardiff, asking to take photos of the inside in connection with the Summit.

When activists can be treated this way just for our attempts at social change – harassed in the streets and at our homes – our reasons for challenging things as they are become clear. At no point is the state’s power over people’s lives more obvious than when it glaring at us through the lens of an “evidence gatherer’s” camera. The last year has seen huge revelations as to the extent of state surveillance, with a combination of corporate and state powers having access to virtually any aspect of our lives at their own discretion. This September those powers will be gathering in Newport, planning the maintenance and expansion of their influence through military strategy. We will be gathering to oppose them.

Until then we urge people – particularly those living in South Wales, who will bear the brunt of state surveillance in the oncoming weeks -to be aware of police intrusion into their lives and to film, photograph and upload images of the police to social media using the hashtag #NatoCopWatch, turning the cameras on those who seek to photograph us, keeping track of those who track our movements and exposing those who seek to suppress us.


Stop Killing People You Twats – Benefit Comp for Stop Nato Cymru

From Recordiau Afiach, Cardiff


WE PRESENT TO YOU – AFIACH #5 ‘Stop Killing People You Twats’ available from our bandcamp page for £2.99 or more. 38 amazing songs, with a political message, with all funds going to the group Stop Nato Cymru who will be opposing the Nato Summit in Newport next month.

Featuring Will Tun & the WastersRuffstylz MusicAttila the Stockbroker‘s Barnstormer, Côr Gobaith, AgathoclesSkunkadelicDavid RovicsTig LinnRadio RhyddThe SmashroomsClass ActionsAutonomadsBlack Star Dub CollectiveAfro ClusterThe Brave ToasterCop On Fire,Tracey CurtisAbergazBandit The PantherPiombo, Lila, Camilla, Jamie Bevan a’r Gweddillion,Little Eris & Mab JonesGab De La VegaGlobal ParasiteThe RoJ LiGhtMwstardQuercus Burlesque, Taffy Twp, Death PopMark Ayling AcousticTiTs UpBrian Curran Acoustic, Raz Chaoten, Dangle Manatee, Ammonika and Son Capson

It’s all a mix of styles, with something for everyone – hip hop, electro, punk, folk, a choir….


Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action

Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action

Sat 30th Aug – Fri 5th Sep
Newport, South Wales

All week: action camp near Newport, with gigs, workshops, skillshares.
Plus additional infopoint in Newport. Locations announced near the time
(via contacts below).

Sat 30th Aug – Infopoint opens & Radical bloc will join demo against NATO in Newport.

Sun 31st Aug – Day of action against drones, securitisation and policing.

Mon 1st Sep – Day of action against austerity, benefit cuts and evictions.

Tue 2nd Sep – No Borders South Wales day of action.

Wed 3rd Sep – Day of skillshares and action training.

Thu 4th Sep – Stop NATO mass action to disrupt the summit. Further details
near the time (via contacts below). Affinity group actions to help disrupt
the summit also welcome!

Fri 5th Sep – Affinity group actions against capitalism, the state and
NATO; get together with your mates and organise your own action.

More details of all events will be available at the camp, and from:
@anarchistaction 07440 192330

Stop NATO Cymru and Anarchist Action Network National Convergence

Saturday 16th August 12-6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power

Sunday 17th August 12- 6pm Blackpool, at Reclaim the Power 

Stop NATO Cymru is a group initiated by local activists to mobilise against the NATO summit. Stop NATO Cymru joined with the Anarchist Action Network as a group with the same fundamental principles and as a group with the experience and skills gained from the anti-G8 mobilisation in 2013. These principles are based on the PGA Hallmarks, we are overtly anarchist and support a diversity of tactics.

The Anarchist Action Network is working with Stop NATO Cymru to mobilise against the forthcoming NATO summit. This is the last National Convergence before the summit – come and join the mobilisation!

Please email us in advance to discuss any queries at: stopnatocymru at riseup dot net. This is our number, for further information you can also ring/text: 07440 192330

All welcome except cops & journos.

Stop NATO Cymru Day of Action against Militarism

On the morning of Friday, July 25th, supporters of Stop NATO Cymru took action in London and Cardiff, locking themselves to the front doors of missile developer MBDA, occupying the HQ of arms company Airbus Group and closing the Armed Forces Careers Centre in Cardiff by occupying the roof. This was part of an ongoing anti-militarist campaign in the run up to September’s NATO Summit in Newport, targeting all institutions which perpetuate violence on a global scale.

Cardiff Armed Forces “Careers Centre” closed

Cardiff Armed Forces “Careers Centre” closed

MBDA is jointly owned by arms companies Airbus Group (37.5%), BAE Systems (37.5%) and Finmecanica (25%), companies guilty of providing arms used by Israel to bombard communities, demolish hospitals and murder innocent children in schools. Palestinian solidarity activists stood with us against these monsters, with Israel having used British bombs on playing children, family homes, schools, independent journalists, rescue vehicles and hospitals in the last week alone.

Protester locks on

Protester locks on

In solidarity with Stop NATO Cymru, anti-miltarist activists from Stop the Arms Fair entered the lobby and picketed the entrance to the London HQ of Airbus Group (aka EADS). Airbus Group is a major profiteer of war. They manufacture jets, drones (including some with nuclear warheads) and surveillance technology. They are the second largest arms producer in Europe, with investments in authoritarian regimes such as Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kazakhstan. Airbus has recently announced new contracts worth £50mil, and have urged the arms industry to take ‘full economic advantage’ of the NATO Summit. The summit is an opportunity for them to showcase their killing machines and  blood-stained business through NATO procurement. Stop NATO Cymru opposes the NATO war machine, arms production and the murder of anyone for corporate profit.

(Welsh) When the rich declare war, it's the poor that die.

(Welsh) When the rich declare war, it’s the poor that die.

Earlier this month the British Army launched a recruitment drive entitled ‘More Than Meets the Eye’, aiming to dispel myths surrounding life in the forces, boost their falling recruitment figures and secure the flow of “a new stream of young blood” as head of recruiting, Major General  Chris Tickell, so aptly put it.

They are right about one thing, there is more to life in the army than meets our eyes – more to what the media, charities and the state show of the idealised soldier. Waves of forced redundancies are leaving thousands unemployed, many of them young people, promised adventure and reward at the recruiting office before being spat into the jobcentre, often injured, with thousands wounded over the last decade.

Even those who keep their job are constantly exploited y the state. The fact is that every individual within the armed forces – from the musician to the infantryman – is part of an effort to further the state’s  expansionist agenda. In Afghanistan, war for oil saw the deaths of almost 4,000 coalition troops and an estimated 20,000 Afghan civilians killed to bring NATO’s version of democracy to the Afghan people. Now we see conflict flaring in Ukraine, with British companies having armed the Russian dictatorship, America throwing its weight behind a neo-Nazi backed government and the  people of Ukraine and the world suffering the consequences.

We took action to show that we will not stand by and watch ordinary people suffer in the wars of the wealthy. We are anti-militarist, opposed to states, their armies and the world that creates them. When NATO brings its circus to Newport in September, we will make our feelings known.


NATO is the militarist juggernaut that encourages military spending in times of austerity, stokes the flames of conflict in places like Ukraine and represents the armed wing of capitalist exploitation. In spite of the power behind NATO – and all militarist institutions in a world of government by violence – we will keep up our fight on the streets, doing all that we can to bring change, until every gun is cold, every bomb is dead and every cage is empty.