Author Archives: stopg82013

StopG8 Events Today (Thursday 13)

11AM: No Borders No Prisons Solidarity Demo.

Meeting Point: Outside the Trocadero, Shaftsbury Avenue, by Piccadilly.

NOTE: Please bring a topped up oystercard, travelcard or money for travel. We do have some cash to help with tickets if you can’t afford to buy one yourself. And please bring instruments / whistles / other stuff for making noise!

Stop the G8 in conjunction with No Borders and Anarchist Black Cross Present


Show your solidarity! Bring your own noise

BRING: Oyster Card or money for a Ticket and noise making gear!


WHERE: Outside the Trocadero, Shaftsbury Avenue, by Piccadilly

One of the themes of this week’s G8 is SECURITIZATION. Ugly word, ugly meaning – more prisons, more detentions, more deportations, more suffering.

For a truly safer world we must:

Tear up the borders that divide humanity into warring nations!

Abolish the controls which divide us into migrants and citizens!

Destroy the capitalist system that relentlessly pits us against each other!

7PM: Greece Solidarity Infonight and benefit party.

See here for details:

email: for more info

StopG8 Events Today (Wednesday 12)


Today 2PM: Demonstration against militarism and capitalist violence.

Whether it’s smashing its way into the Stop G8 convergence centre, attacking Taksim square with tear gas and rubber bullets, or bombing innocent civilians in Gaza or Afghanistan, capitalism depends on ugly brute force to impose its rule.

Gather in Stirling Square, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD, outside BAE systems, the world’s third largest arms producer at 2pm.We will not be cowed into submission by state repression. Stop G8! Stop capitalism!
This evening from 6PM: Food and talks at LARC; and film night at Lab.
The venue for the evening talks and meetings will be LARC (London Action Resource Centre), 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES. There will also be healthy vegan food for all!
Workshops this evening (see the calendar in sidebar for full details):
6PM Presentation of the Rotterdam No Borders Camp
7PM Anarchism past and future (talk by Martin Wright)
8PM Talk on resistance at the US/Mexico Border
8PM Palestine Solidarity workshop (with London International Solidarity Movement)
There is also a film night at lab in Bethnal Green (also in East London, not far from Whitechapel) starting at 7PM. See more details here:

Thursday demo: No Prisons No Borders


Stop the G8 in conjunction with No Borders and Anarchist Black Cross Present


Show your solidarity! Bring your own noise

BRING: Oyster Card or money for a Ticket and noise making gear!


WHERE: Outside the Trocadero, Shaftsbury Avenue, by Piccadilly

One of the themes of this week’s G8 is SECURITIZATION. Ugly word, ugly meaning – more prisons, more detentions, more deportations, more suffering.

For a truly safer world we must:

Tear up the borders that divide humanity into warring nations!

Abolish the controls which divide us into migrants and citizens!

Destroy the capitalist system that relentlessly pits us against each other!

PLEASE NOTE: new StopG8 contact numbers


(Pic: graffiti wall that appeared at Leake street, near Waterloo, yesterday 10 June.)

The welcome point is now at LARC (London Action Resource Centre), 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES. This is NOT an accommodation space, but we can offer you some food, a cup of tea, and redirect you to sleeping spaces.

Following the violent police attack this morning (11 June) the previous convergence and media numbers are not currently working. The numbers below are accurate.

Stop G8 Accommodation hotline: 07572422535 Call this if you need somewhere to stay.

Green and Black Cross Legal Support – 07946 541 511

Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors – +44 207 874 8300 (9am-6pm) / or 07659111192 (out of hours)

Wellbeing – Have you or your friends suffered from police violence? Call us for a chat or to organise coming to a safe space – 07946 069 401

StopG8 Statement on Protests and Police Violence 11 June


(Great cartoon by Martin Rowson

StopG8 held a “Carnival Against Capitalism” in the West End of London today (11 June), demonstrating against 100 murderous banks, corporations, “dens of the rich” and other hiding places of power in the run up to the G8 Summit.(**)

The carnival went ahead despite extreme pre-emptive violence from the Metropolitan and City Police, which caused a number of protesters to be injured. The police surrounded the StopG8 Social Centre on Beak Street, W1 from 10am, and then broke in through the front doors and from the roof later in the morning. At the demonstrations starting at 12 noon in Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus, police snatch squads violently arrested and assaulted more demonstrators.

People present in the Beak Street building report that the police used tasers, chemical sprays, and dogs, and hit unarmed people with shields and fists as they held their hands in the air or covered their heads. We are currently gathering witness statements and will release soon a detailed account of the attacks and injuries. We know that at least two people received serious head injuries, and many more were beaten. We are still waiting on reports from at least 30 people who were arrested.

“I could hear tasers going non stop for at least a minute,” said one witness, “I never heard anything like it in my life.”

A StopG8 spokesperson commented: “The police claim that they raided Beak Street because they suspected there were weapons on the building. In fact the only weapons were the police tasers, batons, shields, chemicals, fists and dogs.”

Despite the violence from the police, the carnival went ahead with several hundred people meeting from 12 noon, and more joining for a street party in Piccadilly Circus from 5.30pm. Demonstrations were held at the offices of world-leading polluter BP and multinational arms dealer Lockheed Martin. The party later moved on Charing Cross police station to support imprisoned comrades.

Today’s J11 Carnival was just the first event in a week of anti-capitalist actions in London. Tomorrow a demonstration against militarism and capitalist violence will begin at 2pm outside the offices of BAE Systems (Stirling Square, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD).

The world over, the cops do the same job, protecting the robbers. In Istanbul today they sent in the cops with rubber bullets and teargas to clear Gezi Square. In London today they came with batons and tasers to clear the Beak Street social centre. In Istanbul the protests are continuing, as repression only brings out more people onto the street to stand up against the brutal state. In London, police violence against our week of action will only make us stronger. No fear! Solidarity!


For full details on the protest locations and the politics behind today’s StopG8 protests see the J11 Map of the Capitalist West End here:

For more information on the StopG8 network see our website:

StopG8 is a network of individuals. Although individual group members might discuss their views and politics with journalists, there are no official spokespersons, and no-one represents the group. For this reason, StopG8 cannot give live interviews. However, we can respond by writing, if you send your questions to Please note that we might not be able to get back to you immediately.

Tomorrow 2PM anti-militarist demo starting at BAE Systems

Whether it’s smashing its way into the Stop G8 convergence centre, attacking Taksim square with tear gas and rubber bullets, or bombing innocent civilians in Gaza or Afghanistan, capitalism depends on ugly brute force to impose its rule.

Stop G8 urgently calls on people to resist the violence of capitalism, militarism and the police state in central London on Wednesday 12 June.

Gather in Stirling Square, 6 Carlton Gardens, SW1Y 5AD, outside BAE systems, the world’s third largest arms producer at 2pm.

We will not be cowed into submission by state repression. Stop G8! Stop capitalism!

Piccadilly Circus right now: Street Party against capitalism and staterepression

londonistanbulThe world over, the cops do the same job, protecting the robbers. In Istanbul today they sent in the cops with rubber bullets and teargas to clear Gezi Square. In London today they sent in the cops with batons and tasers to clear our social centre in Beak Street, and snatch squads. In Istanbul the protests are continuing, as repression only brings out more people onto the street to stand up against the brutal state. In London right now (5.30pm) our carnival is reconvening at Piccadilly Circus for our evening street party. No fear! Solidarity!

One person who was inside the convergence centre during the raid said: “I could hear the tasers going non stop for at least a minute on someone, I never heard anything like it in my life.”


#J11 Carnival Updates


So far we’ve seen “total policing” in London, starting with a massive police raid on the convergence centre, then snatch squads and attacks on people gathering at Piccadilly and Oxford Circuses. But the blocs managed to unite to build numbers, then went mobile and have been outrunning the police in the Piccadilly and regent Street areas. Follow @stopg8uk on twitter and stopg8 tv (see sidebar) for continuing updates.

Police raiding StopG8 Convergence Centre


Well over 100 riot police are now raiding the StopG8 convergence centre at 40 Beak Street, London W1. They have cordoned off the street and are not letting people near the building. Please come and support if you can.

Don’t let them intimidate us. The carnival will of course go ahead as planned, meeting at 12 Noon at Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus. With street party at Piccadilly Circus at 5.30PM. See you on the streets!

If you need legal advice or want to report something to the legal team: Green and Black Cross Legal Support – 07946 541 511. Please photograph and film police activity if you can.

If the convergence centre is evicted we will have alternative accommodation for everybody. The welcome point at Freedom Bookshop (84b Whitechapel High StreetLondon E1 7QX) is open now and will be open through the evening to redirect people to sleeping space.

There is also a Trauma Support team on hand: Have you or your friends suffered from police violence? Call us for a chat or to organise coming to a safe space – 07946 069 401



J11 Street Party 5.30pm Piccadilly Circus


The meeting point for the street party tomorrow (June 11) will be Piccadilly Circus at 5.30PM.

If you can make it at 12 noon, do come along for the whole day of action. We will start at noon  in two blocs, with meeting points at Oxford Circus (North bloc) and Piccadilly Circus (South bloc), and follow a surprise route through the West End taking in some of the points on the J11 Map. But if you can only get down after work or study, come and join us at Piccadilly Circus at 5.30PM for a street party to remember.